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Anonymous 02/28/2025 (Fri) 22:58:05 No. 25118
Anyone have any of these two?
Is that sh3lby b?
Yes and K@yc33
I do have them
Post them
Nah. Who do you have you can post for me to post theirs?
What is it that you want?
Does sh3lby still have a nasty lookin puss?
Would love to see.
I’ve seen nastier but isn’t the best
Is anyone going to post them?
Nope. Not unless other people have some to post that I’d be interested in seeing
Not even worth seeing bro
>>25161 This isn’t a “this for that” board. Post or GTFO.
Exactly. If you put who you want on the board somebody might have them.
Awe is someone salty they have nothing to offer? Cry more you mooch lol. You wouldn’t share either if no one else was contributing
>>25173 Move along, then.
He doesn’t even have them I bet
Lol offer something worth me posting them and I will. Hard part is you nerds don’t have anything to offer
