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Anonymous 02/17/2025 (Mon) 06:31:23 No. 99211
any socal/626 wins?
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Anyone fuck this cum dumpster?
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>>99505 Any stories of Jackie? I know her and always see her posted. Heard she was very easy. Her friend Julie is also a rumored slut
wasnt she engaged or married? what happened there lol
>>99585 Her fiancée caught her fucking some other guy while they were engaged and then she admitted she was fucking multiple guys throughout their whole relationship lol
>>99510 whos her friend on the left can you post her too?
>>99598 are you dumb and meant the right??
>>100001 Are you dumb and need to fuck off?
Who got newer ucr girls Jackie look like she graduated in 2010
>>99592 Any other stories?
Anyone actually fuck this slut?
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>>100218 She’s pretty tight
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here u go
>>100285 More? Any with face? Knew all the rumors were true
>>100285 She has a great ass
they dont have face
>>100338 post them?
Bump for more Jackie. I’ve heard that there are pics and videos of her getting fucked in college while she’s blacked out.
Yup, your welcome. Happy Friday
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She’s S@b t0n
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>>100505 >>100504 S@B1!!!! I knew she was a slut haha you have more wins?
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bump this slut jackie
