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Anonymous 02/22/2025 (Sat) 19:07:02 No. 99719
any1 have her?
>>99719 Lol I work with Ash
>>99724 got any wins, or stories? heard she had a slutty past
>>99725 no wins, a lot of stories. She def was and still is pretty wild
>>99727 got some examples? some stuff I heard was from years ago, but i did hear she likes it rough
>>99728 she does. Always gets wild at work events and trips. cant handle her alcohol lol shes had sex some crazy places, office, gym, beach, baseball stadium
>>99731 nice, you hit it? she cheat on her man often? i remember hearing that in college she used to be pretty dtf for kinky stuff the moment she got tipsy
>>99733 Yeah shes wild as soon as she starts drinking, def cheats on her man. I've had a few experiences with her
>>99735 nice, details? how was the head? what are her nips and pussy like? she take it up the ass?
nah just be generic
>>99740 Head was honestly the best part lol pussy was a little beat but still nice. Little brown nips. Didnt let me fuck her ass but has let me finger it so she might be open to it. Shes really submissive, loves being slapped and choked. thrown around and stuff
>>99742 damn, hot. she shaved/waxed? and did she swallow, or take the facial?
>>99743 given her a few facials but shed rather swallow. Always clean shaved, was waxed around her honeymoon though lol
>>99744 damn lol, you find that last bit out firsthand, or her telling ppl? one college story i heard was she used to go party after games, and she begged a guy to choke and fuck her in her cheer outfit just because he was wh!te and tall
>>99745 first hand lol and given how easy it was to get her in bed and that I am 6'5 and white, I'd say that checks out hahaha
>>99746 such a slut, ahaha. anything else kinky that she do? and you think she has any nudes out there? a vid was posted here awhile back but some1 said it was fake
>>99747 if its the vid I've seen, its for sure not her sadly. stuff might be out there but shes been with this for a while too. so many stories on work trips with her lol she lets me tie her hands behind her back with my tie
>>99750 so hot lmao. she like to fake struggle/cnc stuff too? and you think you can get some wins from her, next time? even without face would be hot as fuck
>>99755 she loves that shit, especially when she is drinking. She really plays into the race thing too, like begging for white cock and whatever lol I can try to get something
>>99759 Oh I have plenty of wild texts from her hahaha and yeah I was actually fwbs with one of her friends when I met her, and I have hooked up with a few of them since
>>99760 can you share one of the filthier ones? And which friends haha, I’ve hooked up with one
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>>99767 Iris, Gaby, Jamie, and Mily. We've been in the same like rave/concert crew for a while so like gone to EDC and Coachella with her and her friends and anything is possible at a festival
>>99769 damn, any of her begging for it rough? Oh nice, which one was the most fun? I hooked up with t!ff a few times, awhile back
>>99771 Jamie for sure, she is a flat out freak. So much fun
>>99772 What kinda freak/don’t suppose you got wins of her? Haha
>>99774 I dont... and like asking to be hit, brought toys over, fucking in public and in front of people, let me use her ass
>>99775 what a kinky hoe, haha. well thanks for sharing, if you get photos of @shley would appreciate if you can share!
>>99786 Knowing her, we'll fuck again sometime next week. We usually have like at least once a week
>>99775 I ain’t know any of these girls but I wanna know more about this one. what she look like, what nasty things you do to her, etc
>>99824 done a lot with her lol
Is the BBC video online of her real? I have a link
>>99835 no, its not
>>99826 Small tits, but she fine. She also have a bf? Let’s hear top 3 stories she’d be embarrassed by/you were surprised by how far you went
does she still sleep around? How do you get her. I DMed her on IG and she responded before. Trying to see if I can have some fun
>>99841 Fire. Gotta wonder if her man is a cuck or if he truly doesn’t know. You said she into pain/being hit, elaborate?
>>99849 maybe not so much pain but loves being slapped and choked, is into marks on her, like hand prints on her ass or hickies etc
>>99850 She let you mark her after she got married? And what was that first time like with her ass?
>>99853 Yeah I was first in her ass, and I have tied her hands behind her back.
>>99855 proof?
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>>99871 oh fuckkkkkkk thats so hot
>>99871 Hot, but who that?
>>99887 Ash's friend Nat
Got any more??? That’s so hot we need more of her and her friends.
What’s n4ts @?
You guys sure that bbc vid isn’t her? Looks just like her with the blue hair
>>99895 Its not brother
>>99895 you gunna post it? lol
>>99895 I was the one years ago who posted both videos stitched together on PH and I got them from a guy who knew her at C@l - she made an account to comment that she would never “do a black guy”, dm me trying to get the name of the guy who leaked it and got my account banned lol. So idk, unless the guy got another blue hair tan asian girls video im inclined to believe it
>>99899 >years ago you been here for years? lol go outside bruh
>>99899 upload here, then. if it's the one i saw years ago, it wasn't her if you looked closer (girl didnt even look asian, looked hispanic)
What’s her @
>>99901 as someone thats had her in that position lol I also dont think its her like I said before
How y'all got these many stories but not one picture/video exists
>>99914 That chick looks nothing like Ashley lol what are you guys on
not her
>>99914 no chance, that girl looks beat
>>99914 Re up
really not her? The hair and the face is so close
>>99930 >so close bro what lol
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>>99921 Idk, have you guys seen girls without makeup? she’s way different before and after. Her blue hair days matches up pretty closely
hollas, man. face structure completely different if you watch at the part when she switches to the side. touch grass
>>99934 still doesnt look even close to the dog in the video man
dang, I thought she was the one in the vid. I showed her thru DM and she did seem pissed 😂
Anyone got wins?
>>99973 bro thats weird af
Any one??
>>99787 be patient, maybe this guy will be able to come up with something
will wait and see. hopefully some good stuff for everyone
>>100092 Think about what you are asking a thread full of random dudes that dont know her lol
well… let’s hope there’s one dude out there that has something
>>99871 Aye got any more photos/vids of her?
got head from her today at work
>>99719 bump
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>>100364 I call BS cause shes married to this guy
>>100370 bro thinks women are loyal lololol
>>100370 girls cheat dude, especially with coworkers
>>100377 you got pics of every girl youve ever been with in action...? whats he supposed to do put a camera in her face
>>100364 >>100378 How was she???
>>100364 any chance she’ll send you some pics
got anything more to share on any of the sluts in this thread?
Bro how many girls out of the friend group have you fucked? Lol
I wanna fuck her
>>100905 4 lol
>>99871 >>99826 bump Jamie y and Nat
What does Nat look like besides that video?
what is that link
>>100956 By chance have you fucked an Asian slut named s@bina
>>101103 ErOm3 taiwanhero
>>101131 no I havent
>>101546 Anything to share on Ashley or Jaimee?
Any updates??
>>101668 she cheats on her husband with one of her coworkers
>>101546 You smash Ash again recently?
>>101777 not since last week
>>101799 When’s the last time you hooked up with Jaimee
>>101891 Couple of months
>>101799 Blesses us with your big dick again my guy
>>101895 have any more to share on her? Filthy texts, photos, wins even if no face, etc
