/bj/ - Oral Sex

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Anonymous 04/10/2024 (Wed) 16:57:24 No. 3176
enjoy :)
sadly not w her Met her on Tinder and just gave her red wine and those giant tits would pop out and i could do whatever I wanted to her. loved fucking her mouth
(24.59 MB RHbj.mp4)
recent redhead 4u ;)
ill keep posting as i getm
(7.25 MB 2316x3046 rhnude2.png)
Not all heros wear capes
(11.05 MB sportybrunette.mp4)
ignore my gut lolz
more of brunette on gifs/webms
25yr old Brazilian cum guzzling pig she lets me fuck her mouth deep and swallows every single drop of cum in her throat 34C tits
Holy shit, this man is goated 🙌
(40.16 MB BlondeBJ1a.mp4)
(31.18 MB BlondeBJ1b.mp4)
This man makes the best content on this place
thx! haha maybe ill get on tinder soon and start seeing how many sluts wanna put my cock in their mouth
edited a bit
(39.24 MB Blonde1b-edited.mp4)
(49.45 MB Blonde2 - Trim.mp4)
very fun :)
She looks much older than thr first girl, tell us the story
Goated set up. Do you post the sex videos as well?
(38.74 MB BlondeBJ3.mp4)
sex vids arent as fun as the bjs lol but ill see what i can do
I do agree, homemade bj hit different
Have you maybe thought about investing in a camera made after 1997?
Dude don't be an ass, you don't think he knows that? Let the man figure that out on his own time.
Haha you think it’s a normal canera?? Don’t worry I wish I had a higher quality cam too but stealth is a factor bud. Lets see you contribute before you demand better lolz
(10.23 MB Best Facial.mp4)
best facial i ever gave :)
Gawd damn, I wanna see her stroke that shit and deep throat it
sideways but you can flip the vid ;)
We need more broo
>>3319 holy shit are her initials JW by any chance
check gifs - facial gifs - i posted a bit more of her there
(144.01 KB 483x195 ChaturbateNYCPmp84.png)
>>3447 legendary stuff
my inspo
>>3447 >>3457 all gone
(26.43 MB funtimes.mp4)
>>3469 got the one in blue?
>>3447 u have the all set ?
Nice! No i don’t have the full set…pls link?!
blurmp fo da sauce
>>3469 It’s been a while since I’ve seen this. Hoping there is more!
Man hoping the legend comes back and post more 👏
more soon...i have 2-3 more ill post in the next week or two...then gonna do a full court press on the apps to see how many sluts want my cock in their stupid mouths...any suggestions on getting higher quality vid? I'll see if I can get a hw upgrade of some sort :)
>>3983 can you bring back a gook slut?
actually i have a thai mom with fake tits if that works :)
(32.67 MB filipina mom bj.mp4)
filipina mom w fake tits and long hair...only banged her the once
summer slut i found on feeld
can you share some pointers from your playbook on how to get sluts like these i want to one day post vids like you my hero
The Rizzler
haha much appreciated and im no hero...just get on the apps and find ladies who are down. Just got onto 4 apps..T, Pur3, B, F33ld but can take time give time of year...when theyre on their period etc haha.
So with all these chicks, is your rule one and done?
it usually ends up being that way though not always my intent...sometimes I can only get one vid even if I date them for a few months...and some are hookups or from gener0s1ty. im trying to get 1-3 to be consistent at this point as its a lot of work
and yeah with the cost and time and energy to find one amazing slut better to keep her going as long as you can...and dating is like sales...you have to get through a huge stack to find someone decent.
The first girl is still my favorite 😭
oh yeah the venezuelan...i tried to get back w her but she has a bf now..incredible mouth
You definitely need to setup a t.el.e.gram channel 👑
I actually prefer the system he has now. I like it, but hry that's just me.
Which girl was your personal favorite?
I'll start putting together something...my personal favorite was the brunette who let me do the (pr1cey) facial and closely followed by the blonde. There was a 24 yr old Indian girl who was a smoke show but I didnt have the setup at the time sadly. Ill put together the chnl and should be able to invest in a better cam option and maybe even fund more fun w a hottie or two
you got any photos of that 25 yo brazillian girls ass? Thing is magnificent
(112.47 KB 827x793 IMG_8023.jpg)
see if this works
(872.72 KB 1732x1575 doggy.PNG)
(59.38 KB 880x500 edited1.jpg)
(40.00 KB 594x438 Edited2.jpg)
Goat, you have to setup a group vs a channel if you want people to respond.
dammit well shit..Ill make a group then
Thr0atSlutsGr0up now up
I can’t find it with that link
It says it’s expired
hmmm it shows the same
(47.43 KB 1179x687 IMG_0791.jpeg)
(52.41 KB 1154x1056 channellink.PNG)
Can you post the link? It’s not working for me
eat shit dum dum
(2.58 MB 2474x1842 throatslutsinvitenew.PNG)
apparently im the dum dum sorry :/ new link that doesnt expire
>>4363 User not found
