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Anonymous 12/10/2023 (Sun) 00:29:09 No. 31408
Any 2020-2022 grad wins from SBHS or DPHS
There's this one chick who started an 0F
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>>31429 You know her?
>>31408 Bump
What’s her OF?
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Anyone know is she has any? Slutty publicly but never heard anyone had pics
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SBHS girl/s, hope there's more of this set
>>32904 Dude I also have those saved from when she posted those, came to them so many times
>>32806 Been looking for nudes too, slut only really likes teasing
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>>32806 Cute slut
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God this bitch is so Cute tho, I saw the pic on the right of the collage posted for another local board and I swear that’s her. Unsure tho
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Some chick from SM started an only fans, love me some thick bitches
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Bumping with some decent photos
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There has to be nudes of her somewhere
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S@r@h A. Drip more wins and I’ll post more of her
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Added bonus because I like exposing this slut. She’ll fuck anyone that asks.
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More of that OF chick
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She gets my cock so hard
>>33425 Love jerking to her got any other local girls?
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Someone said this was a1is0n Kem. Looks kinda like her hard to tell
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>>33626 Got any more ?
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>>33641 Part of the same set in theory I'm not certain it's actually her but the post said it was
>>33217 You know any other DP girls?
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She made movies with her old bf, and they posted them under his account together. His 0f@n$ was mount@inm@nxx. They broke up, but he still has them.
>>33965 Who?
If literally anyone other than me wants to drop a decent win I can drop some of C@mi T. Used to pay debts with pics.
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S@r@h h.
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That was fast
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Any chance at K1ra J? Was definitely sending.
Im glad other people appreciate this slut, need to know more people who went to dp to share stuff w/
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>>34126 c01133n
>>34125 She had an old tiktok post about "falling asleep in a date's Lexus" and another about "having an emotional support male of the week" so it's honestly surprising there isn't anything. I'm hoping the right guy stumbles on this and hooks everyone up because God damn she's by far the hottest from her year.
Any Br1s@ G. Wins?
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Looking for some S@m@nth@ R. Wins
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@udrey I, J3ss3i3 P, and Z03 G, doing some straight girls playing type poses
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She's not very attractive but tits are tits and she's from SB
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>>34199 Yeah her tits are great, finally someone I recognize, wouldn’t happen to have any of that chick next to her?
>>34200 The white girl has an OF and Fansly, I'll sub to it if other people keep the thread going and grab some stuff
>>34201 She does? Wtf it’s crazy people I know have that shit, that would be awesome tho
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>>33973 More of her
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I'll buy some of her vids if we get some more posts of others with face. Hoping to actually see someone I know who I'm not the one posting.
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>>34262 T el?
More of her??
>>34201 What’s her 0f user?
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Someone’s got to have her
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Anyone wanna drop some unseen girls as an April Fool's prank on them?
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I want her so fucking bad god
>>35199 What’s her socials?
I can drop a tape of a 2020 grad for someone other than me to keep the thread alive
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Anyone got or know Br1sa g?
>>35199 Ikr, she’s so fine
>>35936 Crazy that I know her current bf, what a slut
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Jun3 L.
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If anyone wants to be a living legend I found these two on Hinge. Put your age around 24 that's how old my burner said I was when I found them.
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God I wanna cum inside her
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>>35199 We really need one of her many bfs to expose her
>>39336 or her dad, i hear he has some wins of her when she was younger
Chloe, DP more if someone wants
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>>39338 She loves spoiling us, surprising she doesn’t have an OF at this point
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She has a private account, if anyone feels they have an account that would look legit to request. Probably has a few more bikini pics or maybe full lingerie, girls like her get way more confident on these accounts. I'm trying to get in but I don't think I'd look legit
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>>40660 Yeah it’s unfortunate really
Looking for any Ar1@nn@ M. from DP
>>40861 yeetmcgee12
>>40862 She did lots of nude photo shoots, no porn just nudes. All in sb. If she did any porn shoots it would've been with Chloe z also ex dp
>>40961 Do you have any of these you could share?
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>>33968 Bump with some more of C. T. Come on guys keep em coming
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Found on Erome labeled as K0r1n $crugg, Merry Christmas
>>43765 Crazy if real
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Ti@nn@ l33 r0driguz, I have an archive of her entire old onlyfans if anyone wants to keep this thread going I'll keep her posted
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Any m@ddi3 m@3
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More ti@nn@, plenty to come
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More ally plz
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>>46186 Huge bump! Any more of Sh3lby?
>>46259 That’s all I have
