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Anonymous 01/03/2024 (Wed) 19:21:09 No. 32181
Lets get a VAAS VIPERS thread
We want k@ss!
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Here’s some Kass
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Anyone know Brianńà, slight pus$y $lip
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Remember this girl jasmine class of 2017
anyone have deanna s ?
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Any more of her?
>>33022 How do we get some more of K@ss’s videos?
need more deanna
>>33170 Bump for more k@ss videos since the 818 thread got nuked
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Here’s k@yla from Vaas
need the georgia videos
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Anyone remember s@manth@?
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Anyone remember Sarah, heard she would sell
Bump there’s got to be more, any new kass or anyone know Andrea?
>>33842 Definitely need some more k@ss!!
Bump there's gotta be more Vaas babes out there
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Anyone have grètêls? She had an only fans with her nudes but deleted the account.
>>34350 This girl was such a tease when I knew her
>>33933 someone should post more K@ss!!
>>34400 Anything else?
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Bump , there has to be more! Anyone know this girl
Bump for k@ass! Or any other 818!
>>35052 Her name is J@net if I remember
is this the 818 thread who has elizabeth that left granada
>>34400 What do we need to do to get more k@ss!! I know she had some videos
>>36256 I do @wtfpics17
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Here’s more k@ss
>>36526 Do you have any of the videos?
>>36526 Bump for more k@ss!
>>33024 She’s so bad bump
>>36526 Any more videos?!?
Bump for more 818!
Bump for VAAS
Bump for class of 2018
>>37213 Any tpaz!?
Any wins on @lyss@ from class of 2018 ?
>>37506 Fuck she has a fat ass I hope there’s something
>>36767 She’s gained some weight have you seen her new twerking vid ?
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>>36526 more K@ss for TPAZ
Bump!! Drop what you have!
>>37722 Bump for tp@z or K@ss!
>>37722 Any tp@z or k@ss?? There were some videos of k@ss that i know of.
Post them Tp@z wins and I'll post K@ss
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>>38429 If you have the k@ss videos i will post the rest of what i have.
Heres my k@ss Post what you got of tp@z
>>38577 That has already been posted on this thread before. Looking for vids that havent been for some tp@z
>>38581 The videos i have seen are the spreading, bj, and fingering herself. If you have more videos then those I will post some tp@z nudes.
Stop being stingy and just post what you all have.
He ain't got no Tpaz. he's just reposting all the non-nudes she's posted before.
>>38586 People are reposting the k@ss stuff to so why would i post new tp@z with nothing new?
Post some Tpaz
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J3Zriel from 818. Anyone got anything?
Got more k@ss t9 post for some real tp@z wins
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>>38647 Here is some more tp@z for some more k@ss!!
>>38651 Lets see some more tp@z!
Here's some more kass for more tpaz
>>38673 This is already part of the BJ video that has been posted before…
>>38673 Let me dig up more tp@z pics for some k@ss
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>>38673 Here is a close-up I have
Post some Tp@z titties and maybe you'll get some more k@ss
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>>38717 Here you go
Post some real ones with Face, half these are fakes you can look up on Google
>>38603 Bump for more k@ss!
>>38840 Any more??
Any Alex wins?
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Looking for N1c0l3
>>39411 Any wins? There has to be something! I know people passed around a lot of photos
>>39411 Lets see some n1c!
Bump for Nic wins!
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Anyone got j0lyn3
Bump for some VAAS tits!
How do we get the rest of the k@ss videos?
bump for vaas
Anymore vaas hoes?!
>>39411 I will drop some D@nielle @ or Nic0l3 if we get some more K@ss videos!
>>40590 lets see some D@nielle @ or Nic0l3!!
If someone drops a TG I have stuff I've been trying to share but can't figure out how to upload
>>40812 I just created an 818 group with this link and will drop in the k@ss stuff
>>40810 yeetmcgee12
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>>39411 Yeetmcgee12 for n1c0l3 if you have tp@z or D@n1ell3
Bump any wins of @lex or J@net?
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Not sure whose titties those are but k@as posted this a while back
bump for K@ss, TP@Z, or D@niell3
>>41698 still looking for these!
There is some L@riss@ fakes made if anyone wants to see them
>>41934 down!
anyway we can get more K@ss videos?? I know there are more out there.
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Some l@riss@, if only they were real
>>41981 I know there are more of her masturbating to the camera. Would love to see those!
>>42223 Bump for these
>>42223 what do we need to get more K@ss content?>?
>>42692 willing to tr@d3 for C@ss or @l1sun content. T...G.... Mryan231
>>43051 I am still looking....msg ^
>>43051 still looking for C@ss if you have any
Anyone got her wins??
>>43406 what’s that @?
>>33024 socials?
>>33029 what was her cam name?
>>43418 Mel__vargas on ig but its private
>>43491 You got anything more of hers?
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>>38440 Tp@z for more k@ss
>>43662 Will post more tp@z for a1isun or k@s videos
>>43406 Damn I really want to see those tits.
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>>44381 Anyone got her private
>>44381 >>44383 Bump. Someones gotta have something.
Bump there’s got to be more
>>44672 I got some real Tp@z if I see some K@ss vids that haven't been posted or D@nie11e's wins >>40913
>>43406 Bump , still want to see her.
>>44692 bro we all know you got nothin on them, post what you got or gtfo
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>>45112 I can post the uncensored once I see something....
>>45123 just be a bro and post what you got. I got nothing else.
>>45237 There is more out there…promise…if anyone has d@ni or that group it would be awesome
Any chèlsè@?
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This chèlsè@, any of her?
(4.87 MB Gretel.mp4)
>>34350 Here ya go hope there’s more out there
>>45840 Clutched up. Anyone got anymore?
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>>45973 What’s her @? She looks familiar what year she graduate?
>>45777 still offerin tp@z for K@ss or D@ni....really anyone from that group
Here’s my offering for sum tp@z. Post what you got and I’ll post some more K@ss.
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Couple of my k@ss pics not sure if these been posted
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>>46241 lets see some more videos especially if there are more tapes of her and her bf
>>46248 More of her!
Post some more tp@z if you want more k@as I know there’s more tp@z out there
>>46294 Most of the pictures from k@ss were previously posted or shared. Any more k@ss videos and i can post some of the tp@z content i have.
Show that you still got stuff left you seen I got other vids of k@ss
>>46305 I will send you a list of what I got. Unless there was other sex tapes from k@ss I think I have most of her videos.
Post what you got
>>46329 Post k@ss vids for tp@z vids
Prove you actually got some tp@z, I got at least two vids of k@ss that haven’t been posted. I’ll post if you do first this time
I have unseen kass that I'll post for more kass 👻
>>46447 Any hints at what you got? I have posted a bunch of k@ss
I've got customs from when she sold, too big to post here tho
>>46467 You got a T….G?
User ^
