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916 thread 07/16/2024 (Tue) 08:34:28 No. 37804
916 thread old and new wins
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Some Kimmy S Folsom
>>37805 please, more of her!
Nice, glad to have the 916 page back and it's great to get folsom. Let's see some more folsom!
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Anyone have more?
>>37834 Last name?
Any highlands or antelope wins?
Any wins from natomas??
(27.29 KB 566x566 FB_IMG_1721320797086.jpg)
>>37834 She seems to get the thread deleted
>>37880 Shouldn't be, ik she's legal in these. Anyone have it on ML?
>>37873 Huge bump!! Absolutely gorgeous
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Ashley, Jasmine, and Kristina
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Angel t
>>37873 Bump AF
(667.80 KB 2416x1812 49C94E1.jpg)
Need sam
Post up that Emma c
What’s Angel T’s @? Would love to hit her up
Anyone have Ashleigh P?
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>>37915 No idea but shes a freak
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retrying here
>>37921 Love some angel t! I hope she posts something new, I miss seeing that tight little ass and perfect tits
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>>37921 A few more
Anyone know Evelyn T?
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>>37873 Anything?
(306.92 KB 1080x1658 Screenshot_20240721_224912.jpg)
>>37873 Bump
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>>37805 More Kimmy
>>38008 Bump af!!
Anyone have csarina Brumell. She use to be a bartender in downtown sac. ?
>>37873 Bump
Rio linda Krstal
>>37873 Bump on annie She has nudes out there Help out anon
someone post some more kristen wh1tn3y
Emma c roseville?
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>>38244 Star Wars
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>>38246 Funk off faggot
Rebecca M midtown bartender?
Emma c Roseville was posted before Mom less link?
>>37873 Bump
>>38248 What’s the story behind this girl?
>>38338 There’s more of her posted under college bitches Chico state
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Any wins of Kendal V?
>>38363 move on - her stuff is posted EVERYWHERE. just pim3y3 search and be done
(26.90 KB 69x128 IMG_3757.jpeg)
Emma c Roseville bump
(12.21 MB 2752x3968 4999008706.png)
Who’s that?
>>38453 Not a bad shop but still a shop
(2.16 MB 3000x4992 54yhl83.jpg)
>>38491 Initials?
any t!n@ h
(2.10 MB 1257x1762 Capture 4.PNG)
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(3.98 MB 1509x1828 Capture.PNG)
Any wins on Ar1ana W3st? She used to have a OF
I know Ariana. That’s crazy. She’s fat now tho. Don’t know how good she could look
>>37873 Bump
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D.C. milf
More 916 come on
>>37983 Few things would make me as happy as never seeing this face again
>>38543 Is she a slut? Recently met her and I wanna know all the dirty laundry
Anyone have wins of this busty milf? I think she is in the auburn area
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>>38541 Bump, really hoping to see something. Even just her slutty back story
>>37804 Any $arah De$imone wins?
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Bump Emma c Roseville
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any wins? d@n!
>>37955 Bump for hope
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>>38541 >>38541 Bump for ar1ana w3$t
>>38541 >>38543 Kik is joe sav 5 2 No spaces. Would love to know about her more
Fuuuck who’s this angel?
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Haha lily looks blank as fuck 😂 what a bimbo. She’s cute though
>>37974 Bump
bump emma c link on mless
>>38972 There was a m less link that was posted that had some 916 hoes
>>38541 Bump
(29.53 KB 480x481 448ajfl8.jpeg)
>>39031 Fuuuuckkk Name?
(26.25 KB 400x400 10HxEwiVrx.jpg)
>>37804 4r14nn4 b3nd3r??
(124.09 KB 600x775 prima2.jpg)
(146.97 KB 1080x1350 prima1.jpg)
any more of amber?
>>37955 Bump
>>38541 Bump Ari We$T
Any folsom? Not a lot in this new thread yet
>>39109 Someone had Kr1$ten Wh1tney on the old thread
>>39123 need her
>>37974 Bump annie
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0livi@ wins?
n e 1 have d@rien m? had OF call smokeyeyez
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Ranch0 $lut
>>39197 Name ?
>>37834 name?
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Alyssa folsom
Any N highlands or Antelope?
>>39208 bump please moar and some sauce
anyone have maggie s ?
>>38541 Bump
>>38541 Bump. She had a OF
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>>38541 Bump Ar1ana W3$t
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Any wins on Syd a hairstylist is sac
>>39229 yeah I do but it gets deleted when posted
emma c roseville bump
>>39450 link it or sm
Any 3miley R Citrus Heights wins?
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anyone know her?
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>>39227 >>39208 Her husband leaked her Still looking for more
>>39482 Reverse Image search on Google. There's plenty out there.
>>39450 maggie bump
>>37931 She had an Onlyfans under the name “paragon.of.pain” for a bit. Sold b/g content,customs etc. Best bet if you want something new is hope someone saved content before she deleted it.
>>37873 Bump
Fingers crossed for more old folsom girls like caroline or victoria
>>39643 name?
>>39551 >>39416 Bump Ari W
(210.78 KB 2048x1040 EQcpqQEUYAEXwzs.jpeg)
>>39526 Name?
Does anyone have any Heleisha J
>>39685 Jessica
maggie s from roseville?
any v1c st3d wins?
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emma cim bump? on my hands and knees lol
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Bro where is Jessica j@cks0n? Got her socials? She went to RLHS with my cousin.
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Rayna W Anyone know her?
(14.30 MB 557x556 GMP_Q29tcHJlc3NHSDAx_6.gif)
>>39416 Bump Ar1ana We$t
Anyone got Tina P from north highlands?
Knock that shit off
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Brooke B
>>39944 Goddamn let's see some more folsom
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>>39944 A few more
>>39944 Didn't know a 916 girl did GDP. What episode?
Holy shit Brooke b3ckh@m She still a whore? I’m trynna smash
Anyone have any oc nudes or nudes of caroline s or Victoria from folsm?
K@yl3igh in Folsom
>>39967 Episode 327 for br00ke
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anyone got N@tali3 H0lmes?
anyone got j@ness@rein@?
emma c mless link? or how to find it
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Any wins on Chr!st!na in the sacramento area?
Alex R. BV 09 Used to be a camgirl under the name Bethany_Cox
Really no one has Tina p of highlands?
>>39988 name??
m@ggie $ilver ?
>>39674 Nice boobers
>>40145 got anymore
>>39674 >>39416 Bump ar1 we$t
Who’s that sexy fat slut?
Any (J)aina (v)an (h)orn?
(592.45 KB 561x1243 IMG_4145.jpeg)
who has M S ?
This thread is dying cuz yall wanna post some ugly ass fat hoes no one cares about. Let’s reup V and only V for those of us who missed it the first time! B4nKr???
>>40508 Agreed, at least the folsom reups are attractive and occasionally oc
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Carly F
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Jennifer L
sydn3y st3v3ns?
thnx for carly and jen! no idea who they are but sexy
Someone has the Vic holy grail reup it for us
>>40571 Agreed she had some fun videos and seemingly a lot of pictures. Curious if more caroline exists, never got vids of her and there has to be more pics
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@ri@n@ B@rr3t
Anyone got anything between 2014-2017? Sac state?
>>38319 Bump for emma
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(1.24 MB 1179x1473 IMG_8904.jpeg)
Anyone have anything from H@ll3? Seen them somewhere before IG. @h@ll3|ik3b3rry
have em cimine11i lewds but who has wins
(31.04 KB 359x480 1440628627553-3.jpeg)
Wynter H BV 11
Someone bring back Vic
>>40934 Shout out Victoria and caroline! Need more of the folsom classics. Has to be more of both!
>>40934 Seriously tho someone’s gotta have all the wins pull through
damnnn any more carly?
>>40938 Damn I've also been looking for more caroline s. Op has to have more, hopefully some kids. We've seen some vic vids and more would be awesome
>>40971 *vids
Anyone have any of Jule$ or her sister Bri$a from EG?
Somebody had the V wins bring them back one more time
>>38363 Anyone or seen the mmf 3way with Ashleigh and bbc?
>>41060 Anyone have it?
Any midtown slut trixie?
Any of the Halby sisters?
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Trip down memory lane...
>>41148 You’re the man!! Can we revisit Victoria???
>>41148 Jesus that is fantastic. Post all the c@roline you got brother
>>41148 Big fingers crossed that someone has some more of those old c nudes or some newer stuff. Hope we can be so lucky
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V revisited....
Bump for Emma c I saw a 916 m less link here once before she was in that link
>>41194 Oh nice there are some new ones in there too. Always enjoy the c and v revisits because new things occasionally pop up. Hope you keep dropping both of them!
>>41194 Hell ya do you have any more unseen v1ctoria or c@roline. These are awesome and we need the full drop of what you got from these folsom ladies
(3.24 MB ASCG2059.MP4)
Drive by..
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>>41226 >>41227 Hell ya love the drive by and new pics and a vid. Hope you have some more vic and c@roline to drive by with later. Maybe see some new carolin3 pics or vida too. Seems like you always have some new stuff in your collection haha
>>41227 Goddamn! Fingers crossed we get some more oc vic like this or oc caroline later!
(285.58 KB 1170x1563 nat.jpg)
>>37804 any wins on n@t?
(1.59 MB download.mp4)
What's her name? She looks familiar
Let's see some more of that folsom v and c this weekend, to respect the troops
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Brittany G. Total whore.
Anyone know Aury P?
Still looking for that Tina p now Tina g.
Anyone have wins of the Halby sisters. Originally from blythe
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Anyone got more Ashley D?
anything for pri$cilla L or $ylvi???
bump sydn3y st3vens, slut with big tits that loves to suck cock, she frequents downtown alot
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>>37804 Any Sarahdes?
Any gr@c3 k from folsom
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The sac thread is just a bunch of lil bitches whining for nudes without content. I’ll be taking my nudes elsewhere.
>>43242 Good stuff!
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Folsom drive by Lauren Z
>>43333 Dam i didn't know there was more
>>43333 Love a good folsom drive by
(414.34 KB 1166x1843 02722.jpg)
Any Emily B? Went to Inderkum
(4.15 MB 4032x3024 IMG_8507.jpeg)
Anyone have Eli from sac/folsom?
>>39988 Anyone have more of the tatted alt chick?
I can also contribute if anyone has more.
>>43725 Folsom? Who do you have?
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Jennifer T from Roseville
Any shelby m? Lived in Roseville until a few years back
Kr15t3n Wh1tn3y
Any wins from L1s4 R0g3rs?
m@ggie s1lver from roseville?
Bumping Emma c roseville
Let's gets some folsom back in here. Anyone have any of the classics Victoria or caroline?
(795.08 KB 1170x1165 IMG_5630.jpeg)
Anyone recognize this Folsom slut?
>>44150 Damn I know her. Any wins?
jess h 0nlyfan is 916 juicebox143
>>43932 Whats grandma doing here?
>>44408 Nothing found under that name.
>>44450 the just g00gle juicebox143 her 0F
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Any R0S3 Th0nhi11?
Folsom anyone?
>>44515 more Jessica H!
(1.48 MB 1179x2093 IMG_5667.jpeg)
(1.28 MB 1179x1435 IMG_5668.jpeg)
any1 knows?
>>44515 Bump Jessica And Kr1sten Wh1tney
Anybody got any wins from c3nt3r c/o 1 7 and 18?
>>44762 Or 19 and 20 too
>>39843 Anymore to this chick?
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L3tti Mun1z
>>44515 Anymore Jessica H or her 2014 Oakmont classmates?
>>44458 Is it still active? i don't think it is. And if I'm right I think i used to work with her she had another OF under a different name. I'll see if I can find it
(40.47 KB 784x784 @thevikkivalentine-profile.jpeg)
>>44938 h0pin for 07 to 14 oak
More letti plz
(804.43 KB 1170x1165 IMG_5837.jpeg)
>>45187 more pls
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I have nudes of all 3 of these cum dumpsters
>>45222 Good for you. Share or gtfo
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>>45222 caroline
(1.70 MB 1372x1372 IMG_1537.png)
>>45222 Ashleigh
Anyone have any new nudes of caroline s1piora?
Caro1ine? Last name?
(465.49 KB 1284x2290 IMG_7258.jpeg)
Anyone have anything? Britney. Huge boobs
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Any more?
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>>45187 Anyone see her out at the bars in Folsom?
>>45239 Chesser
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Any wins on her?
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>>45357 Maybe her?
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>>37805 Looking for more wins/stories of kimmy s
>>45368 Damn she's hot, she's the Folsom slut right😅
Does anyone have Tiffany, she also goes by Diamond or Marley, she used to be a dancer has had a couple tapes on the tube sites and has an OF she does almost nothing with
>>45368 Bump her
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any s@cstate from 2017-2024?
>>45368 Bump
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M3gan Ga1 Folsom cheerleader
Any1 have d@isy g?
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Need everything
>>45374 bump
Anyone have LK from an old thread? Went to fhs
>>46448 Bump
>>46448 she is pretty
Anyone have wins from G1C?
Malicedemeanor? Cosplay slut used to live in sac
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Racheal Co Folsom
>>46596 You got any more!?
>>46596 Any of her friend Savannah W?
