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TCU (Texas Christian University) anon 08/29/2022 (Mon) 22:58:35 No. 14248
Gotta be some wins
Anyone got her?
I’ve got some of her. She turned into a bodybuilder now tho
>>14322 Yea I thought she did
>>14322 Will you post her please?
>>14324 Do you have anything of her to share as well?
>>14326 What’s your name on the app?
>>14328 That didn’t work
Lowercase f frothyfroth#7405
>>14331 Sent
How bout y’all both post?
I've got some if anyone has some. Looking for Kaylee B, Victoria M, Grace P, Belle S, Tabi F, Alexa B, Michelle W, Jane F, Haylee S, or Katarina K. I'll post up Madisyn D, Gillian L, Veronika B, Abby P, Kiley T, Blaire B, and Haven H.
Here's some old stuff Belle L posted/sent. Ain't nudes but it's something until people pull through.
Post Madisyn D
Post literally anyone. Doesn't even need to be anyone I asked for and I'll post her. People asking something for nothing
>>14544 Belle had this bj vid leaked also filetr ker.com/Bcap0x88
>>14562 Actually kinda looks like your mom. Foh with your spam links bitch.
Kailey B I'm not uploading anything else until someone posts wins.
>>14571 Nice. Think I might know her haha las n@me rhymes wit?
>>14590 Last name rhymes with, post some shit
>>14623 Rhymes with… Is her last name Chokesondik?
bri3_sp3nc3 anybody?
Julia M?
k b@skett
Kennedy B?
>>14866 send a sample and maybe you’ll get some takers
Major bump
Bump for Madisyn
No samples. I'll post Madisyn when someone finally comes through. Someone has Jordyn, send em. I'm not posting anymore until then.
>>15039 D as in d@niels?
>>15039 You’re up
>>15106 Who’s that
Bro, you're dumb as shit if you don't think I know what Google image search is. You're probably some junior or senior that never got any pussy, or worse. A grad? Maybe a delt?
Looks like no one has shit
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>>15067 Anyone have Mary M or any Deltas
Anybody have JJ P? She's a GPhi
Bump pls
Still waiting for anyone to post anything, aside from the idiot who googled boobs
Anyone have anything on Gr@ce Br0wn? Kappa alpha theta freshman hottie
Bump. Need some wins off the football field
You know she made some tapes with her ex, and posted them right?. His 0f@n$ was mount@inm@nxx. They split up, but still has them.
>>20815 We are going to need to see those videos.
>>20813 >>20815 I saw her photos on a porn site a while back and always thought she was one of the hottest girls I've ever seen! Name? It said Emily but maybe that was wrong? And sex tapes?! God shed be hot to watch fuck
>>20815 This is a scam if y’all couldn’t tell
any current cheerleaders?
Any class 2020-2023?
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Anybody got r@chel cl0wer? She was a DG
>>21328 She's getting married
anyone have her?
>>21402 Yes I know but was hoping there are wins because her and her sister are major in the closet sluts from their home town
Yes i know but her and her sister are major in the closet sluts. Hoping someone got something
>>21436 >>21437 Like what have you heard?
>>21437 Sluts for doing what?
Anyone got Paige R?
any sarah p
Id give my left nut for Claire Munster. She was a swimmer a few years back. Married now I think.
k@ti3 n0rris??
>>21328 Bump
>>21485 Major bump
>>21328 She's been a good girl
>>22425 How do you know lol
>>22523 How you know she hasnt?
>>22526 Just go to the Texas board and then the Longview thread
>>22530 No way! Her? How?
>>22532 Why in the fuck do you think I said she was a in the closet slut
>>22533 Her parents would have a fit. I knew her here. Never have thought it.
>>22535 You could probably get wins of her and her sister lol
>>22530 Post them here
>>22622 Post the Rachel stuff here
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>>22536 This Rachel? No way. I can't believe it
Kati3 N?
>>23216 Won't let me post in the Texas Thread. Trying to post Rachel
>>23478 See if you can post her here?
What happened to the Texas thread?>>23478
>>23488 Well I for 1, loved his gfys. I'm a pediatric researcher btw r3dd1t /comments/vvn8y9
>>23489 What? What's this about?
>>23478 Post her here
>>23478 Yeah the Texas thread has been mysteriously locked up. Any ideas why?
>>23508 If you knew her personally, you'd know what she's been doing. Or who. I wouldn't be surprised she ends up pregnant
>>23534 Let's hear and see all
Texas thread is open again
Any Tessa Kent?
>>23478 Where is the Rachel stuff?>>23478
Delta Gamma
>>24201 That’s just not her
>>24204 Not who?
>>24205 See the name at the top in green
Any wins on @lana wynn? Huge tits! Went to tcu and then georgetown after graduation
I got Lauren Schondau (former showgirl) for whoever ponies someone else up
Tons more for whoever posts someone else
>>25875 >>25964 Dude's just trying to - a SW set to get free stuff. Don't fall for it. Post OC and you'll get OC in return. L@uren's set: G0Fil3 d/FUDAkV An0nfil3s t6y7b2j5z3 B@yfil3s u4yfbcjbz5
>>14248 Anyone got pics/vids of this DG
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Who remembers these?
>>27594 Damn Maddy
>>27331 damn name or socials pls
>>21408 Yeah, I'll post it as soon as I can.
>>28606 nice any moar
>>21408 >>28625 I only see nine files. I'm not sure how many there are supposed to be. I'll poke around some. But here's what I got.
>>28606 Where did you get these?
>>14248 l1v1a l@vender?
>>28606 Anymore or story about her?
>>20943 Need Br00k3 Sp3nc3 or her sister Br13, or any of the Delta Gamma lasses.
I’d delete these.. not of age and guy was put away for these
Bryn now up on the texas thread
Anyone have Summ3r Ip3aro
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>>34306 Bump her
>>34319 Someone must have something, she also has a good looking twin at Syracuse
Any Ingrid B.?
Any H@nn@h G@g0w?
>>14571 >>14590 She’s the best. Her videos are top notch
Added for the cheerleader. Hook it up legend ✊🏻
>>28635 anymore emma?
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More of kaily. Let's see some of the new girls.
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>>14544 I found this. Once again not nude. But still good
K@iley last name?
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>>35999 She’s one of the best. Need her friend Peyton
someone send K@tie N0rris
Any of Khloe? She is/was a cheerleader
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s@r@h y0ungbl00d
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who got ella connors
bump this school is too hot not to have wins
Bump G@g0w
>>36118 last name?
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Anyone got ava?
Anyone got avery?
any 1ucy t33m$ from accounting?
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T@cy n
>>14571 Holy shit I work with her lol
Anyone have dory b0sl3y. She's a model who wnt to TCU.
Any have some K8 E@ster? edhead
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All I found for dbos is this shitty fake. Someone has to have wins.
Anyone got S@r@h H3ndricks0n?
>>51633 what you got? post some names
>>15318 Damn she is fine any nudes?
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Tcu cheer 🤤🤤 Add SC @disprettyboy for more and drop a msg saying “tcu”
bump for seet00
Anyone got Kenley Rockvam
>>28634 bump
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Any wins of Is@bele Bow3n?? Sexy as fuck
Bump for Bryn C@rden
Bump for Bryn c@rden
Who has Lizzie c or Lexi B
quit asking for what you want other people to have and just post what you do have
Who got kyla vogel? Will pay
>>60275 I have
Anyone have Izzy G.
bump for Izzy or her friends
>>58886 Dont have wins but did fuck her lol
Anyone know Kiki
>>63553 clearly no one has shit or theyd post. no one knows sluts there i guess
>>58886 >>63554 How was it!?
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Anybody have Isabel Bowen?
>>48097 No way lol that’s awesome. Does she give off these vibes
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>>21328 Rachel might be married but she hasn’t lost her appetite for black dick.
>>67909 Feels like a lot of tcu chicks love bbc
>>68003 Not really, mostly just white incel cucks on her pretending their crushes are fucking black guys
>>68870 Bump
