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Kent State University 04/26/2023 (Wed) 04:42:11 No. 28208
I know there be wins
Gr4ce Clinton? L4uren paterson?? Ashl3y paterson?
Eric@ M@rkovich? I think she went to Akron though
Ali DeVries?
Weslee C 2017?
Bumping for kent state hotties
Olivia Lamp?
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>>28209 Fuck yeah we need the paterson girls they fine asf
>>29295 Please tell me you have more???
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>>29747 Tons
>>29881 Ugh please share more, any nudes of her? Love to see those massive titties
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>>29898 More to come
>>29948 Please! Love to see everything you have. Was she a good lay?
(75.60 KB 682x1024 CZ6cqPZUcAEulDT.jpeg)
>>29950 100% You know her?
>>29958 Yeah she dated a guy I knew for a while. Always thought she hot but annoying. Would love to see some more tits or that pussy!
(55.98 KB 990x750 CMjUPFjUEAAZhGQ.jpeg)
>>29974 You got any of her friends?
>>29975 Ugh I wish keep going please!!
Absolutely repulsive Future single mother
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any @ly$$A Ko$ov@n? hot slut, even has her venmo in her tiktok bio
>>29975 >>29980 Also you have to have some videos of here right? Would kill to see some!
>>29948 >>29975 Great pics. More full body nudes and fucking?
>>30121 Holy fuck that’s so fucking hot! Please share more. Loved her rubbing those big fat titties!
Any mi@ C?
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>>30436 let’s see more please!
Any Sabrina edwards?
>>30441 Still looking for more! She’s so hot
>>30436 Any full frontal? I wasn’t expecting to see her
Any Jul1 stef@ni. 2012
>>30436 Need to see some more Meg with how hot she is. Loved the video!
Any lydi@ Troy or le@h cruci@ni?
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Anyone have her?
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>>32158 Fuck yes, any of her being a cumslut or pussy spread?
>>32195 Would love to see her pussy!
Bump for Eric@ M@rkovich, it's her birthday today, would love to see her birthday suit!
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Need those 3Mily wins
Looking for class of 2021
>>30473 man sabrina is a hot slut
Any Olivia L? Was a massive slut
Abbey Jones? Tke slut and baseball team
Katie R?
would love some more Megan!
Any C@lista D0d$on or N0elle Elli0t?
Katie R? went to Kent state now lives in Cleveland.
>>32158 I want to see Megan covered in cum
>>33914 I know she used to sell on Twitter @lesfessions Maybe she got an OF now
Any Danielle K? Heard she slept around
>>28208 Any L@uren D@kters?
K!@n@ bl@sc0
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Erica 3rb
Any S@mantha M1x?
I will absolutely p@y for ki@n@ bl@sc0
Gotta be some Olivia l
Anything from the fresh crop of sluts?
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>>34022 >@lesfessions Goldmine
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>>36151 Bump
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We need some of l4uren p4terson
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Anyone have k1t@nn@ b@11? Heard she got passed around
Strawberry blonde Amanda from like 2014?
any @llie We11s class of 2019 i think? she's a huge slut
I have some Ka1tlyN 0bRi3N if anyone is interested?
(288.66 KB 1080x2298 ME14CCQU_o_ynD7cr.jpg)
>>37261 Holy shit!!! Awesome lmao
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(170.44 KB 1080x1273 ME14IJH5_o_ynD7cr.jpg)
k app m@rzzzz16 for c@llie cunn1ngh@m wins. keeps deleting her everytime i post here
>>37518 will trade c@llie cunn1ngh@m for wins of m@ry k@te l@pe if anyone has her. dm me
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>>28208 T@y Z
anyone have emmielovescows on IG?
Some gas to have m4izee elli0tt
Anyone know Hannah?
M0lly Scicchit@n0?
Kent state bump
Anyone have 0liv1a Pr1nc3?
>>39872 one can only wish
M0gan m0ses or whit hane?
Anyone got any @mber c@meon? Went to Kent for a semester or two got railed out the whole time
Bump more kent fellas
Ashley Prest0n? Massive whore, got around
>>37261 Anybody have more of this?? Fucking awesome!!
Anybody have H4lli3 G0rn4ll or m0rg4n m0s3s?
Katie redinger? Green 3 letter app Lovinekevin444
anyone have m@ty k@te l@pe?
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Anyone have @ngelin@ Tr@jk0v$ki?
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Bump 3rica 3rb
Any Sabrina Edwards?
whit haney, ava b, taylor zigler?
Anyone got A Phi slut 3mily Krugm@n?
Lauren p4terson?
Anyone got any Erig@n Shu1sky? Freshman or sophomore fashion hoe
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>>51182 need some whit
Bump for more athletes!
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(1.19 MB 1536x2048 IMG_9179.jpeg)
Any T@ti@na Th0m@s (w)bb Wins?
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M!k@l@ M0rr!s (w)bb wins? Perfect bod
>>51183 Damn, shes incredible
J0rdy R had a set.
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(278.29 KB 1920x1080 8.jpg)
any mck3nzi3?
>>36151 Anyone find more of Megan?
Any athletes?
>>28242 she's so hot
Any Syd Daws0n?
Bump for lillian M and lauren P
Anyone want more jordy? just wanna revive this thread
>>61233 yeah, that's jordy
let's revive this thread
any more c@llie?
(235.61 KB 1098x2073 calliec.jpeg)
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got of the full size at leasy
>>61140 >>61246 Where is Jordy?
Any Maria W01ff?
any @ally matalik syd sh0af or ros@ Lee
(95.06 KB 750x937 Morgan 2.jpg)
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(749.12 KB 748x856 Morgan 3.png)
Any M0rg4n M0ses?
J0si3 Bru$h? K@r@ Truck0r?
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(1.71 MB 828x1039 Whit.png)
someone has to have pa1g3 kud3r
>>68289 she's so hot
Weslee C 2017?
