/cb/ - College Bitches

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Anonymous 03/27/2024 (Wed) 00:42:14 No. 51320
go bucks
G@bby Clevl@nd? Lacross
>>51329 Bump, she is sexy
s0phia m@ckinnon dancer
Anyone have Cl@re M@ther? Has some huge tits
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>>51652 That’s a big cock for a tiny girl!
idk those ham sized fists seem to do well enough
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Fr@Nchesc@ D@Y?
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bump for f41th
bump s0phia m@ckinnon
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Ask and ye shall receive.
>>51717 Name?
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>>51722 I believe Hannah but idk
Any Amanda B ? Would’ve been around 2009?
any wins of zoey z13gl3r?
>>51660 Bumping again from Fran At least want to know if anyone recognizes her from her college days
bump s0phia m@ckinnon
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>>51329 Has to be some
>>52127 more?
bump s0phia m@ckinnon
>>52127 Is this Azuki?
kelsey mayes?
4bby jun9?
(475.93 KB 1896x1122 2020-04-14 03.39.58_1.jpg)
Jacy Sheldon?
c4l4udia kuch4n? massive tits
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Anyone have her or know her .. Hot..
Bump sorority bitches
K@m Gr13s
@bby c0h3n?
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Any Jacklyne?
>>51329 Wins
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Gi@nna brickm@n wins?
Ain$ley Nutter??
>>54740 G@bby Clevl@nd? Lacross
>>55881 Bump Ains1ey
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Gotta be some of £Rika "Cum Dumpster" Mr@zik. Was on the dance team
guys we can't let michigan have more wins (in their thread) than us.
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>>51329 G@by wins
Bump for A1nsley Nutt3r. Have multiple others to post or tr@de.
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m@di pummi1 ???
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She’s bad asf TG cactuspep For J@cklyne too
Sari L?
>>57692 These have to exist big slut
>>60246 Stories
Looking for her wins >>53729
Any @v@ Frizz€ll?
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Anymore Maya wins
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>>57692 Wins, x-ray?
Any Ann@be11e St@n3c? Rifle team?
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P@ige C
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Anyone have wins (or stories) of M4riah Mcd0ugl3? Former OSU super slut who used to let frat houses run trains on her
>>63685 Can confirm, took part in a number of these trains and she fucking loved them.
>>63688 Oh nice, any pics or videos? Stories?
>>63691 no pics or vids, tons of stories
>>63692 >>63692 K 1 k me ddd563
M4riah Mcd0ugl3 SEAXG6BW
>>63717 how do you use this?
>>63719 D I s k o r d
Anyone have wins of M3ily N? Honorary buckeye for how much she slutted around campus
Bump for M4riah Mcd0ugl3 yszJmWpx
Anyone got kyr(@) d@rn3ll? Nursing?
M4riah Mcd0ugl3 cZReYqky
j3nna thum4?
anyone know sleepysoupgirl
(182.31 KB 1289x1727 Gc7fZXKWMAAEmiw.jpg)
>>65912 first I've hear of her but she's hot af
>>65912 >>65940 name?? you got more of her?
>>65912 Gr4ce
Taylor Machia
>>65954 >>65940 wins? stories? socials? face pics?
Any ishita patel
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>>65957 holy smokes she's hot
bump grace
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0livia Perry Who’s got em?
Any T alia w ?
>>66153 I'm retarded. Is this image fake?
(910.57 KB 736x935 notfake.png)
>>66153 It is in fact fake
Any wins of E11@ Kr@yn@k from OSU?
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Any of sam. Insane rack. She might sell
Any G@bby S?
Any C@iley (o) c0nn3ll wins? '23
You talking about M3ily Nguy3n? Btw if anyone knows some Asians TG CactusPep
>>67465 Yes do you have any of her?
>>51652 Need more
Anyone know sy4ney Liv? TG cactuspep
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@dk1ns tw1ns?
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anyone got her or recognize? Add gabicheek on the blue app te le
>>68077 post j4cquel1ne's wins
Liv chauv1n?
>>68077 Bump Jacqueline
Bump @dk1ns twins
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someone has to have her
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>>68215 Bump
M@eve hutt0n
Anyone know @bby L? TG cactuspep
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Any $0phi€ ?
Mari4h Mcd0ugle AXAAVf9B
Lil@ h@mpt0n?
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Anyone have t@lor L3vin3?
