/cb/ - College Bitches

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Anonymous 08/29/2024 (Thu) 12:52:39 No. 58953
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Go Bulls, let’s leak some cheerleaders y’all
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SS iykyk
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Any of these girls
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Here’s Fallon, hope someone has more
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Any jade?
s0f1a C LAX, leaks exist?
any k3ls3y s?
Any Sydn3y V@rsen?
Anyone got Khushi?
Has to be more Ansley
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Kenzie D, anyone have leaks of her? She’s a cheerleader and a model
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Need these two bad
Bump for jade
Any M0rgan Em0nd
Danny t. co/2KTT8wAg6A?anonib3
Bump Haylee
Taty t. co/qTBaZYwbeF
>>65147 Got any kir@n?
>>64942 bump
Any k@y1ee t@llon?
>>66748 Khushi Patel
>>66863 Any stories about her?
>>66748 Bump 🔥
>>67085 have fucked her a handful of times
>>67094 Bro stfu. You literally post on so many that you fucked whatever girl.
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>>58953 Need jade
Anyone got S@m T@yl0r?
>>66748 Bump khushi
Any $arah Isre@l wins? gotta be something
we can't let this college get drowned out by nobodies
>>66748 holy shit bump
>>68478 >>66894 Khushi, shes a tri delt and an absolute freak.
>>68480 Wins?
>>68519 No wins, just fucked her a few times
>>68480 Why she a freak?
>>68590 Like super submissive and wild in bed, loves being tied up and slapped
>>66748 Moar pics/vids?
>>68592 🔥
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Little attention whore is going to end up here eventually
>>58953 Any Lauren lahti?
