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Anonymous 04/20/2024 (Sat) 12:53:21 No. 10954
Dakota Ridge Only fans or Littleton area Who has or had OF page from D ridge or Littleton. If you don't have a pic or link, post their name.
@milehigh_mamaa j3nna O @ozark2222nsh m0ll!e L @svet88 c@rol33 F @solsticesweetfeet Elle D @catybabyy c@itlyn K @wild.nympho ch3y3nne B @itsabbyrosefree sh@nn0n N @dare3devil 3rynne A @plarae666 P@ige R @jkres j0rd@n K @milehibeauty k3lse@ W @aleighajames s@vanna E @laurenb420 l@ur3n B Hopefully people have others I don't
Great list! I only know like 2 on there but still great. Let's post more! Anyone from 2006 to 2010?
Do you know any links? Or usernames?
Can we get Carolee f and Paige r they have sex vids
Someone has to know others with an OF come on
@baileebirdlasvegas Bailey S @projectlove365 Brittany S @sabrinalane Sabrina M @svet88 Carolee F @milehigh_mamaa Jenna @sexytow_tow Andrea B
Come on. Who's got more? Let's see pictures of class 2005 to 2010
Bump...There's gotta be more out there that people know of
If we can get some more links I'll buy the OF and post some content.
@Lil_emmy1056 / @vip_lil_emmy1056 @casskreams @spookyembur
I heard Paige r had blowjob/sex vids on her of someone should get them and post!
Went to Chatfield but hung with Dakota ppl. Anyone have Sarah Ann? Think she has an OF. Has nice tits.
No luck finding her myself sorry
We need Carolee and Paige and Britney
Serious losers in this thread with not One win posted? Yall are g@y
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Carolee f. Now let’s get Paige r dick suck vids
Will share vids when we see others from 2005 to 2009. Lauren Cr3@dick, Brittany W1gg1ns, or others
I saw tiff w naked before… not a great sight honestly. Wish I had more of Carolee paige and Lauren c. Wanna see those titties bad
Fuck yes are there any more?!
Just want to see Brittany W or Lauren C or any from that group then Ill post more
Hers one now someone else post something please
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Here’s some
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Everyone has already seen those sluts. They fucked everyone. Let's see others. Lauren C or that group, Meagan M, Sydn3y P, Mir@nd@ B or anyone 2006 to 2010
Dm gooobers on Tg if you have something worth while for LCr3ad1ck i have a ton of her
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Abi Z
>>11282 Post one at least on here bro. Been dying to see those tits. I have lots of sluts but I've been posting here
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Heather M
Would love to see just one of Lauren C
Bump for Lauren C, Brittany W, Sydney P, Celina P or ANYONE from 2006 to 2010 not posted before
Come on bumpppp
Can we please just get more Paige r and Lauren c please
Bump for any D ridge sluts 2005 to 2011
Anyone want my left nut? I’ve give it to see Lauren c or Celina p naked
Who's got more Laur3n C?
Damn it take that censor off!
I just got one of sydn3y if someone posts uncensored of brittn3y W or l@uren C I'll post it
No way! Please post it!
I call bullshit on that
clearly none of you are friends with her on snap 😂 sucks to suck
Post it or at least a censored one. I'll see what I have in my old files
Why. She is ugly AF
Yeah he doesn't have any of her.
We want Sydney, Brittney or Lauren. Not Paige
No we definitely want Paige too. Wtf?
Well someone said they had Sydney but won't post it...
Bump for Syd
I'll post it uncensored when everyone else stops being stingy with what they have
Damn. I'm not stingy. I want to see Syd. I have plenty more I'll post after we see her
Let's see 1 of Sydn3y. She has giant tits
Then post something and stop being a sponge
I just posted 6 of them. Lol. No one else is posting. I want to see syd then I'll post 6 more
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Paige R
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Just post the whole video!
The whole vid of Paige r
I'll post the P@ige vid if someone posts Syd's tits.
Guess no one has one
What happened to the guy who supposedly has laur3n? He said he'd post sydn3y when he posts laur3n or brit w
Just post the one of Sydn3y already. Everyone should share. It's a posting platform
I agree. This is for sharing! If we all had something we would share it not hold it because no one else has anything to post…
More. Would love to see Sydney too.
I don’t even know who Sydney is but I’d like to see her too! What about videos?? Do you have Lauren c, Taylor r (Paige’s sister), Celina p, Carolee f, Britney w, Katie p, or any more of those girls? Videos would be tight!
Hell yeah I don’t even know who Sydney is but I’m down to see her too! How about the videos?? Any more Paige r, Lauren c, Taylor r (Paige sister), Celina p, Carolee f, Britney w, Katie p, any of those chicks? Videos would be tight!
I'm not posting anymore til Syd is
Here it’s all over the internet fags
Fuck me those are perfect. Where on the Internet?
There is syd. Now post alllllll the shit you said you would
Knew no one would post shit
This is fucking lame
What the fuckkkkk
>>11443 Bump
Fucking bump
If you don't have pics or vids, at least share a story. I had a threesome with Sydney in her room. I fucked her from behind n she sucked my boy. Wettest pussy I ever had.
Nobody gives a shit about your stories
Seriously no one give a fuck. Where is Paige r? Dude said he’d post if he got syd and now he just jerkin his little prick without posting anything…
I was out of the country. I'm back now. What do you want to see from P@ige. I got it.
Everything lol anything and everything
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Here's my contribution. I will say I would to terrible things and spend real money to get a hold of any L@ur3n C uncesnored pics
I’ve seen that one before I was hoping maybe that can show with her and that dude and she is sucking his cock? And yeah I would love to see Lauren’s titties too
But yeah those vids exist
I know I’ve seen those before. I’m talking specifically about the webcam shows she’s done. Someone posted pics of her on a cam show and I’d like to see the vid. Or vids if there are more. Basically really any vids would be fucking cool
What's her webcam name?
Looking to see carolee fucking b/g content. Anyone?
I don’t but that would be great. So let’s get all the Paige stuff, Lauren c titties and Carolee b/g!!
This is frustrating…
For real wtf happened to laur3n getting posted after Syd was? Or everyone else that was all I'll post after I see syd? Yall just fronting and really don't have shit or what?
Nah I think they have it they’re just being stingy little bitches
I've tried to post P@!g3's cam name 3 times now and the message keeps vanishing so maybe I'm not allowed to do that? If anyone has an idea for a workaround let me know. The vids I have of her from that are too big to post on here and I don't know how to make them smaller
Also the guy who was saying he has a ton of L@ur3n said to dm him on TG so I don't know if that dude is even still checking the board
Just do her name in like code like p@ig3
I found a couple videos but won't let me watch or download them. Wtf
What does she stream on?
Anyone have any of ar!@n c by chance before or after the boob job?
He’s still on The gram selling entire collection of her but it ain’t cheap about 148 photos and videos
How do we get it. I want to see Lauren
Whats his gram I'll try and get it for everyone
Of Lauren cr3@d1ck?
What was he charging? That’s a motherlode and totally worth whatever he’s asking
Wtf bump
Fuckin lame
No one is posting the info or we could get L@uren C. Anyone have St@cy P3@k. She danced at the strip club.
Anyone have j3ns3n c? That'd be epic if anyone does
Ahhhh the fuck this is so frustrating
Cool this is dead
How did this happen
Cuz people suck in the thread and say they have shit but never post it
So dumb to me
It really is there's a handful of us that actually post the rest are just losers that can't get shit and sponge off us ... we just need to make a reddit group with the people that have wins
Where they at. Her ex has em
Anyone have br00k1yn F0$ter? I know they're out there
If it gives me a place to be able to post the full P@1g3 vids so be it. They’re too big for here. Also I hightly doubt that dude is actually interested in selling the l@ur3n pics because if he was he would drop his handle here and he’s be flooded with offers
Would you just be down to post anything you can of P@!g3 on here? Short vids, pics, etc?
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Who is that?
Jord@n kr3sge
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from heritage
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Jord@n Kre$ge has the nicest tits. I have more videos of her
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Let's keep this going
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Won't let me post videos
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It keeps deleting my post
That’s great but I have no idea who this is
>>12061 Youngest Kr3sg3 sister. Dropped out of DR
Thanks for the contribution. Got any Paige r, Lauren c, Taylor r, Celina p, or any of the girls mentioned before?
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I don't know how to make the vids smaller but here's some P@!g3 pics. I'll take the time to figure out how to shrink the vids enough to post, but it would be nice if someone could post those l2ur3n pics too
Right on thanks bojangles!! Glad someone is contributing to the whole cause!
Okay bump
Does anyone know ke@l3y mcd3v¡tt patreon? I'll buy it and post whatever there is.
No pattern or OF I’ve asked her myself. Only wins gon be from her anyone she fucked so still plenty out there with them I bet. Anybody save her pics from her gram?
Any wins of l@ur3n t00n, 3mily or 3rynn3?
Any h@v3n 3?
Does anyone have any wins at all of anyone?
Come on what happened?
Someone posted a pic of Sierra J in a previous thread. I would fucking love to see more of her.
We were on a roll idk what happened
Who has Hannah G0Hl, huge slut from littlton
>>12462 Seconding HG. Would love to see some wins
Bump HG, know she has some college videos out there. Her ass bounces like crazy and her throat has no bottom. Submissive whore
I'm still willing to pay to get my hands on some L@ur3n
For real Lauren c and Paige r are seemingly accessible
>>12472 Paige is easy and everywhere. Lauren C or anyone from that group isn't. I hope someone posts Lauren C or any of her friends. Used to party and drink. St@cy P3@k used to be a stripper so maybe some of her.
Let’s see Paige’s sex and blow job videos then?? If it’s so easy lol I wanna see Lauren c and Carolee just as bad
Anything from Naima H@rt?
Hann@h G blowjob video?
Someone post some Car0lee. Her posts were getting really good before she gave up on posting.
Bump Carolee and Paige and lauren
>>12544 Are there any wins of h@nn@h at all?
There are I saw the vid of her getting spit roasted in college
Try and get this started again, c@rol33 I'll post more when everyone else starts posting what they have
Damn what color is your cape hero!? What if no one else has anything?? You gotta post more bro!
>>12551 God damn, I need to find it!
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Same guy who has L@ur3n has about 400 videos and 200 pics of C@rol33
>>10954 Still no HG?
>>12589 Well put him in touch with me so I can give him a ton of money for some pics hehehe
Okay fuck yes let’s get them then!
Anything from Emily W? 2012
Dude holy fuck… we’ve been talking about Paige, Carolee, Lauren and all these chicks saying we all have it but no one is sharing shit… why. What’s the point of this website. Come on
Any other girls from class 2012-13? I might have some of a couple
Are you guys talking about Lauren ciparro
No lauren cr3@d!ck
Come on! Post ANY from class of 2007 to 2009
Send pics or oversized vids to kombu93@mail.com and we can find a way to upload them
K@t!e S from Chatfield?
Let’s see some carol33 or paig3. The stopped responding to DMs on OF
Yeah I agree let’s see more c@rol33 and p@!g3
I have hundreds of P@ige and C@rolee but I want to see others from 2007 to 2010 first. Mostly L@ur3n C. But any will work
Lookin for l@ur3n b goes by Laurenb420 or lobaby420 on socials
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What about L@urens friend J3ssica B@nks?
Damn, keep posting Lauren b!
Bump wtf
>>10954 Still no H@nn@h g?
Still no one this thread went to shit
Post some more carolee or Paige. Pkease
Someone please post this little slut S@r@h. I'm sure her ex would post some
Bump Stevie!!
Someone post recents from HG insta
Fucking bump
Anyone wanna be a hero? We could sure use it…
May god have mercy upon us…
>>10954 Does anyone have Kylie Minish? I want to say she was Littleton
Can we please revive this
Who from D ridge or Littleton has an OF page. Post em up! I know there are tons
anyone remember particularly big titted cunt from littleton, redhead t@ylor benson?
>>13145 Yes! Fuck she had some big tits. Kind of cute face. Would love to see them titties. She is dating a guy that starts with B right?
Dude wtf happened to getting Carolee Paige and Lauren c?
N@ima H@rt???
Let's see T@ylors fat tits!
Post more Lauren b.
I got some of Madison Harvey cecilylynn lucyluu laceydeluxe and a few more I’m tryn see anima hart and jkres videos I got you I’m posting mine
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>>13148 >>13148 no idea, have not heard from her in years. anyone have anything? would love to see this girl right? is she still around? tits are crazy super cute nerd face
Where did everyone goooooo
post t@ylors massive tits
Where the fuck did the guy with Paige r0m3er0 and Lauren cr3@dick and Carolee f0wl3r go?
>>13254 Bluffing he was never gonna post shit. 99% of the people here are all talk.
Shits fucking lame. H
Anyone have wins of @shl3y b33r?
Will post T@m@r@ pr0f!tt for j3nn@ h!ndm@n
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T@m@r@. Will remove bar and post more when j3nn@ is posted
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Still don’t have the others for sure, though
>>13470 I still have plenty more than just that one.
Does t@m@r@ have a OF?
Will some please just post all the Paige r0m3r0, car0l33 f0wl3r, and Lauren cr3@dick they have so I can stop begging for it
Does anyone have kr!st3n b@!ley pleease
M0ri@h H.uff@rd wins?
ya littleton msg me jeffj8561 👻
Bump? Please?
Can someone drop those Paige r sex videos plz thanks!
Wtf happened to everyone?!?!
