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Anonymous 05/12/2023 (Fri) 21:23:51 No. 4859
Alright let’s see what y’all got! I want girls who graduated 2013-2018
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Mel graduated 2017
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Would have been 2018. Anyone have Maria c or Rachel s from ‘18?
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More Mel and Georgia
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I’ve got Erin Walsh 2017 or 2018 I think was her graduation
Bump we need more people!
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Ahhhh yes morgan Taylor! I use to have a bunch of her nudes
>post them
Anyone got wins of either of the Harris twins c/o 18
L@ur3n Fr33b3ry or her younger sister Ril3y?
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Any Alex S? Always thought she was cute.
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Anyone have Sarah?
C@ssie Kowalski
L3igh Sp3nc3r anyone? Graduation year would be 2015 I think
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>>6169 Who is this
>>6170 Mel S
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>>6172 Someone posted those on a forum somewhere from her onlyfans, she's definitely a hottie
S@m L0ckh@rt
>>6287 Gotta get more Chrissy G
>>4870 Post em!
Gotta be more wins bump!
Mel last name?
BUMP for S@m L0ckh@rt, please bring blessings 🙏
>>6378 I have plenty more Mel but I want more Dma before I post! Or add bill_j5198 on Sc if your actually serious about Delaware -s
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Morgan T
Looking for more people who have Morgan. Dying to see wins
>>4866 who? i want more
Sara R?
Will do trades if yall have them SC Flyers_guy2024
Dawg quit trying to trade privately and just trade here like the site is intended
Shannon McNames ‘15?
Kelly casey?
Bump for Shannon McN
I have plenty more Mel, Georgia, harris sisters but I want more Dma before I post!Or add bill_j5198 on Sc if your actually serious
>>7422 Dawg just post what you got, no one’s tryna trade
Any of girls from 09-11
>>7458 Name some hotties
>>7422 Post the Harris Sisters
Someone has to have Kelly Casey from ‘15 or Renada
Anyone have Alex s? '08?
>>7422 >>7422 Pls post the Harris sisters it’s almost Christmas, hook some brothers out
Any Bethany o or Maria c ‘18?
Damn none of us? Renada L Antonia B Shannon M Lexi P?
>>8005 Need Lexi and Antonia
For the love of god
Any of Sarah M 09
Sara R?
Mel looks familiar what’s the last letters after S
Lindsay Jimenez?
No class of ‘18??
Bump for sure r@chel s@vini and m0lly l¥nch
>>4866 Name/socials?
>>5625 Bump
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Riley F? DMA/UD
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Morgan Taylor keep going
Class of ‘18 at all?
