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FSU/TALLY Anon 01/13/2023 (Fri) 03:15:14 No. 20356
Last ones gone, start it up!
Grace D?
anything from either of these babes?
Ally C@rty! Bump
jewel t or tori j
Anyone have Oceana H?
Bump for Nikki B
(717.89 KB 1080x2280 Screenshot_20230124-142009_Gmail.jpg)
Anyone got Marissa N?
Any athletes?
A1ly Carty?
Any Summer V?
>>20356 swimmers??
Ally M?
bump for sure ally carty
Anna or shaynecullen Jenna Diaz Kelseylynch or there friends ! Anyone have
Allie r(eddish)?
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Riley G?
Nicki P@den anyone? Please
Katie. Bartends at Kens
>>21365 King shit. Do you think there's any more? If she's got any vids that would be amazing
This is nn but a nice vid considering I don't think there's anything out there of her.
Juli@ schw@rtz
>>20955 Loads of TJ and friends
>>20944 Is this lyric?
(450.31 KB 2048x1970 IMG_1514.JPG)
Recognize for nudes
>>23464 Recognize. How can I get them
>>23464 recognize, is left g.mNot allowedom kkg?
I have one of Summer v from the old thread if anyone has more
>>23472 this
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Recognize for some W's
>>24726 I recognize (nw)
Ally Carty?
>>24737 should I post? I'll post If enough people are interested.
Sofinoraa anyone?
any bari d or michelle w from sofla?
>>24768 I'll post if more ppl show interest
>>24769 I’m also interested, not the anon that knew initials
>>24769 Send it
>>24769 they any good?
any Allie (b)arnard
>>24856 Not OP but I'd guess yes based on the pics above. I have MT for MY or CK.
>>24905 Which initials are you asking about?
>>24906 mt/ck?
>>24907 M@ck Tarm_ _ and Creed Ki_ _
>>24911 damn don’t have either wins for you but would eat a fork for mt or my. That class had a couple smokes.
>>24927 Well I guess you'll need new silverware cause I got MT for you and everyone on here. Question is, what do you got?
(161.83 KB 1080x1440 FB_IMG_1679676597962.jpg)
>>24942 I meant from the class of MY, MT, and CK
>>24950 don’t have any from that class sadly, hungry for silverware tho if you’re here for the culture. Fingers crossed op decides to come back for above.
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>>24967 I'll post more of her if people start posting W's. Specifically the NW guy
>>24975 Damn she fine, need the other guy to come back now🤞🏼 😃🍴
Bump for Jazzy
>>23472 >>23489 I’m OP. How can I - y’all
>>21365 Any more?
Any Ashley
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L@uren Coh@n
Any Ally M(o)tush?
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>>24726 More NW
>>26132 wins?
>>26161 A few. Most are nn but better than what's posted
>>26167 would enjoy seeing those. Maybe MT guy will come through and bless the thread too
If anyone has more Allie R, you'd be a god
Freshman chick
Any wins on catherine kr@mer? Major slut
Linds3y H3ff
any other lhs grads?
Anyone got Nicole G
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(5.10 MB 828x1792 IMG_6772.png)
Anyone have more t4t1ana schw4rtz?
Anyone got any of Michelle E.C? Grad student now, cute Ebony with amazing tits and glasses
>>26636 amazing nips
>>24975 yo can I get these from you?
Bump for dixiestarr
>>26452 bump
Any girls from sail?
Any Lolo? She was posted on the old board
>>26132 Bump NW
>>23465 >>23464 Bump. Recognize for nudes
>>24726 bump
Let’s get this thread going again. Recognize for wins
fsu alum @shli C. any wins?
>>24726 >>26132 Is there a story behind NW? A lot of ppl bump her.
>>24975 Bumpp MT and any other LHS
Revive bump
>>28364 Personally, I just like tits
Why do you keep posting this ugly bitch and her bolt on fake tits in every Florida thread? She suck your friend's dick instead of yours?
(102.86 KB 1080x1920 julie3.jpg)
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>>30144 Savage Here's julie
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Anyone have W's of J0rd@n W00ds?
Any M@riah C@rruth3rs?
Anyone have Leon wins from 19 to 21? I'll drop what I have.
(1.19 MB 844x844 Emma 1.png)
(1.46 MB 844x844 Emma 2.png)
(1.00 MB 844x844 Emma 3.png)
Any Emma?
>>30800 Who you got?
>>31110 NW and MT
L1nds3y H3f(f)ern@n bump -
Ally m0tu(sh)
Any 4sh Mcf4rlabne Ws? Was leaked a few years ago
>>33060 Mcf4rlane*
Any N1chole D0nn3ly?
Anyone have Tara h?
Dev bender?
any chaydin L? absolute baddy
Anyone have any c/o 22 FSU chemEs? There’s 3 or 4 I’d love to see
fine slut beatriz isabella big tits
Did my last post post? Know she was here on the last one
>>24726 >>24967 Leon wins? I have these, will post if there are others.
Bump for M°rgan Nabor$ FSU sorority chick
>>30206 more???
>>37225 Damn, can we get more of Breckin?
bump for breckin
Any kyli3 august1n3 or dani3ll3 y?
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Anyone have any of Molly G?
Anyone have M@ddie Y@@kob? Or other Leon 19'?
Alyss@ C0nnley wins?
Any Ashley B
>>39097 Bump
>>20356 Any Sofia Severino? She was on snapwins it was @soooofffiiiaaa
Any wins ‘24 baddie
D3v benderrddd
>>20947 >>21265 >>21335 >>24740 Anyone got @lly C@rty, seriously fat tits and ass
Any s@m t@y10r ?
Looking for G@by N0bl3
We need that
>>40283 from 850? >>40283
(435.43 KB 1271x1666 IMG_3649.jpeg)
Please help me find wins on these girls Chelsea and audrey or respond to my post at least
>>35671 bump
(85.49 KB 720x1280 IMG_3877.jpeg)
Probably a long shot but this girls fine Af, goes to FSU
>>20356 Any Eliz@beth A.?
Any of Ashley Beaty from tally
Anyone have Nell Wílhíte, M@ddie Y@akob, Av@ J@ckson, or Chloe Chw@lik?
Anyone have current fsu student S@v@nn@h Ad@m5?
(225.12 KB 828x1792 2022-04-19 04.20.38.jpeg)
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@udr3y c 05b2a48fed803ca606e271afed31be7338d2805ed5ace19b6277a6c28d1633bc38
Ally Carty anyone ?
>>42967 more or explain code?
(239.00 KB 914x1706 2021-12-23 04.17.39.jpeg)
@nn@b3ll@ L 05b2a48fed803ca606e271afed31be7338d2805ed5ace19b6277a6c28d1633bc38
>>43097 to bad im just posting. Maddy fucked you up real good
Huge Bump
>>43096 do not get duped this is a non-nude set
(544.91 KB 828x1254 IMG_0274.jpeg)
P@ola? Girl on left
>>43127 Are there real wins out there of Anabella?
willing to p@y for M0rgan Chr1st1ansen.. in ADPI
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Any Kyli3 August1n3 wins? Current asce pres
Anyone got lilly branton nudes?
>>20356 Any P@ige ¢umbest?
looking for @sh3 pl@nn3r wins. used to go by t1ffany. i know theyre out there somewhere.
Any k@li3 f3rn@nd3z ZTA?
>>36698 great tits, would love to see more
Am@nd@ wi1hite??? Used to have a private story with nudes. Fat tits
>>30549 052025e484b3af68527691496ce634f01163b3ca3d1bf6e7ebbd331e06f393d448
>>21365 Please tell me there's more. She's got an awesome ass.
>>38662 Bump
I love that this fuck sluts tits are out there for all to see
>>44702 who?
interested in Audrey and Anabella
Probably a long shot, but does anyone have her or her Leon friends? K@t ReS@v@ge
bump Leon grads
BR00k3 R
Chaydin L
>>20356 Sh3lby n0rt0n???
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Anyone have nass@y j?
Any wins of Amb3r G or Cati3 H? 2015ish
>>46503 what
>>21365 Please let there be more
Anyone got Chl0e L@ne?
Any M@ggie 3dwards?
Any noles
(1.39 MB 1284x2272 IMG_3643.jpeg)
Any Catherine Kramer wins? Sleeps around FSU
I got summer vinson t(e) <l>e(gr) am rickdoe95
Bump summerv
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Any Ch@r1y DH wins? ‘20
>>50683 hell yeah let’s hope so
any ally c@arty?
(183.79 KB 1134x2110 43262.jpg)
Meghan T. Tally
>>51205 Nice, more?
any t@ylor hurt?
Bump fsu
Anyone have Jordan dest1f1no? She gets around a lot
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Anyone have wins of Katie k? She’s on the dance team
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(257.55 KB 1242x2208 Snapchat-1465201888.jpeg)
Br00k3 J
>>21365 I heard there was spread pussy pics
>>20356 Karis please alum at FSU
looking for d@n1tz@ p@z
Anyone got s@m t@yl0r?
Summer v repost plz
>>53106 Yeah, what’s ur dc
Anyone got this pretentious slut in adpi?
f3lic3 m0rt4rul0 Fat milkers
Anyone have vẽron1c@ burdm@n? She’s a freashman or sophomore I believe and a swimmer
>>54587 more plz bump
