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Anonymous 11/07/2024 (Thu) 05:18:30 No. 45652
Looking from some Riley Fox from brookville wins Ik somebody got em
Any update?
I do . Send beth wagers.
Still don’t have her wins, don’t have that persons either still looking for Fox’s wins
>>46675 I've got BW, but I could give a shit about this Fox girl. Got anybody else?
Post bw i got erika creech
>>46917 I don't know who that is, post a pic. She'd have to be a smoke show, or if you have anybody that I know.
Now guys, how about we all post, ill even tap in. That's 4 girls, pure democracy
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>>46923 Name?
Any update on wins of Riley fox yet??
>>46948 Im waiting as well
You aint got bw
>>46960 I do, but think what you want.
Just post the wins for people if you got them
For real, I don't think you really got wins then
>>46986 Like I said, think what you want.
I can vouch. Whats she got pierced then lmao?
I need someone to drop Riley fox wins to
>>46987 I mean my evidence is evident, yours has yet to be seen. The majority would agree in my favor
Update on fox wins?
Post bw ill post fox
Ain’t got bw, just post fox wins for everyone if u really got it and make a post on bw
I mean that's kinda how the site works bub
Fr lol, any update on fox wins?
Yeah i got 4 of fox but she will know who posted it . Let see some other bitches i aint getting my balls chopped off for no reason. Fuck that. U post ill post
>>47088 Because I'm sure she frequents this forum smh
She ain’t gonna see this place you can’t even find it by searching her name seems you don’t got none which is fine if you want people make posts on them
>>47101 For real lol
I am not negotiating , sorry
Yeah i posted those "bro"
Ok lol who you want I’ll make a post this is a site where people ask for wins and people who have them give them lol this post is for fox
Why would i post her when yall aint got shit, virgins
>>47248 Fuck it bub, I'll drop Zoie Ɓ and Alici@ E for Fox
I'll drop BW for Karlie (H)ahn
I only have two of karlie
>>47303 Drop em and I'll drop BW
Sorry dont believe you
>>47362 But I'm just supposed to believe you? Sorry, your loss, lol.
Dont care dont know who bw is
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Brookville people snap jeffj8561 if your want more
