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985 985 02/22/2022 (Tue) 18:53:23 No. 1014
985 spams?
Does meet ups. Username Apexxxpeach on OF
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Jesse S
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We need more north shore!!!
985 area. Down for meet ups
Any wins of P@ige?
Bump for paige
Any more Paige?
Wins on k@tî3 my3rś?
Bump for Paige
Anyone got Morgan brown from 985
Any wins of Dusti?
985 slut Taylor angelette
Any wins of this milf and her fat cat???
Any one has Gracie Dar’s or Paige’s OF?
Gracie OF page as requested. Used to be hot. Just a fat slob these days
Any update on Paige S?
Does she still do OF?
Last name?
Anyone with info on Breann Knight?
Alexis doesn’t anymore but I have some from her
Anyone have Alexis wells?
Any Layla l0uv1 ere
erica g?
Anyone have wins of her? I heard she has an OF don’t know the name she uses. Lived in Houma and Central Lafourche area. Think she’s in BR now.
>>1490 What’s this girl’s last name?
Any wins from lower lafourche? Dtb, larose to go? Use to have hundreds on here
Taylor Angelette
Kensi duplantis?
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She's a big hoe with a banging body
Em1ly m1ll3t? She's a sexy little whore with a tight body
Bump Em1ly m1ll3t
Any wins of L@uren H@ydel?
>>2051 is there a new code? this one is dead
P7Wg3cZr 985 only
anyone have @l@inn@ spamer0(n)??? she cheats on every guy she's with and sends nudes so they're bound to be out there
anyone have @l@inn@ (o)rgero(n)??? she cheats on every guy she's with and sends nudes so they're bound to be out there
I tried myself, failed to crack, maybe someone else can give it a shot or try
985 code?
^^^ what are those codes for?
they 4 c0rd
Can we get another code? those are expired
anyone from s1idell?
Any wins on $hawn33 $chexnayd3r?
New code for the c0rd? I think the other ones expired.
Anobody got Gina P. Onlyfans?
>>2270 i 2nd this
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What is her only fans?
You have saved? >>1672
>>1018 >>1018 What’s her eNO PRIVATE - HERE and does she do meet ups in picayune?
I got to the c0rd link to late to figure :(
Any wins for H. Brouillette from Gand Isle? Heard she used to get wild.
HLB 03 04 05 or just houma wins?
Anyone have S@ge Kempf?
Bump Houma area
New link plz?
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Any wins of ab*y b3rg3ron morg city
Dc0rd is just for these guys to get your wins and share nothing
>>2947 doesn’t she have an only fans?
What’s her OFname?!?
>>3634 Idk you tell me… I might have to sign up
I’d sign up too if I knew her link
Em1ly m1llet L4yla l0uviere Kens1 duplant1s Mel1ssa f4gan L1z b0udreaux
Any wins i know they out there she went to CLHS
maddy g?
Where’s the Covington Chimes girls at?
>>1014 Any slidell hoes?
>>1014 Anyone have shelbs1214 OnlyFans? She's from slidell.
Does anyone have K@te J@m3s? She used to be a big hoe around slidell.
So many fine women in Houma, just share any and everyone!
anyone have jena’s of?
Any glory holes in the area?
Anyone have 985 2 trde I have plenty
>>3869 I wasn't aware that she had one
>>3920 What’s ur us3rname I’ll msg u
Any good escorts in the area?
>>4052 Yeah, your mom.
>>4057 985 area
985 new.
Bump, also interested in escorts houma area
Any alexis p?
Any B3th Cour.vill3 from Pierre Part?
K3lly b4ss?
Anyone have the 985 disc0rd?
Bump, no d1sc0d. Just share here
Bump. Houma is too big for this to die
Anyone has Madeline L? Short white girl with a phat ass from Thib.
H0uma bump
Helen F?
Local latinas from Houma?
Anyone has Madeline L?
Any decent looking escorts dtb larose to gm? Possibly houma
On the old site her pics went around, looking to find those bad boys again
Had a perving insta and bought her nudes, but can remember her name. Any one recognize?
Chels1 B0udreaux Soph1a patt3rson
Any cec1lia lirett3?
>>5222 I’d creme for a win of her
>>3919 I’ve got some
Please share
Any Slidell?
@sh1ey T any wins? Worked @ Buffalo
Jayce3 F4nguy?
Escort bump. Are there no escorts in Terrebonne?
Any wins of Cole3n P@lmer
Angel all3n anyone?
Any wins of C@mryn B3rgeron?
Kayli3 troscla1r Or Harl3y Bla1r
anyone got @lys3 b@io?? went to south terrebonne
Any wins of Lexie Fontenot ,
Bump sara pla1sance. She has a real womans body
Shauna nic.ole smi.th used to work with her. Seems dirty, but has a nice body
Any wins? From south Lafourche
>>5045 Damn...I'd love to see those too. Got any socials?
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just bought a house in raceland
just got a boob job any wins?
How is Houma this dead?
bump 4 985. find me on chapsnat if u tryna exchange
Gotta be some sluts in houma
2 the top
>>5716 What’s the Not allowed
>>5716 Not allowed*
>>3919 who you got
Any got any sluts from grey and Ghram in Madisonville
Any wins of Br1tney L@ndry?
Any wins of R-įłłÿ Whįt-?
I’ve got some who you got
Who you replying to?>>6075
Who you replying to?
3919 or anyone that has some
Anyone has H@ilee @d@ms?
Any wins of K@il3y L3bou3f?
Anyone try the lotus spa in thib?
every single one of these hoes looks like a trash bag
>>6088 chapsnat me ^^
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anyone have?
>>6444 what is not allowed
any K@lli3 G ??
Got some J@m13 M to - 985
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A11i H&rr1s6
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F@ch3ux J3n23n and c@it1yn
Whats the 985 Dc
Anyone have any Mara-jade S. Graduated from slidell high a few years ago.
Posting any Slidell high would be nice
Any Brooke Stuart?
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I have class of 2011 nudes phs
>>6867 Buummpp
>>6881 You got any from 985?
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Bump more Jessica
Anyone got any lind$ey $apia?
>>6922 Bump more Jamie!
More of the girl she's hott
More of the last girl she's hott
Any 1 hav thib/Houma
find me on chapsnat 4 help w new dubs
New new
I’d pay for the wins
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@nn3l!s3 t.
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Any wins for Wh!tn3y Mcc@be?
Any @nna Ga11iano?
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Nil@h Hunter or Abig@il rOussel
Back in the day she had some pics and flicks with a guy that she was working with. He still has it on his ()f@n. His name on there is m0unt@!nm@nxx with letters instead of symbols. He sent me stuff with all of his x gfs. Nice collection.
Anyone got bria L houma?
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M. C@ll@!s wins?
>>7408 r u advertising ur own O-F? Seriously?
Any of k@t3lyn B310t3 or her sister Shy1@???
>>7431 Who gives a damn if they are or not? That's how you make money numbnuts you expect everything to be free get off your lazy pipe stroking ass and do something
>>5299 Bump
>>5077 Bump heard shes been around
>>5299 i'd pay for those
Anyone have Krista Riley? She used to them out all over back in the day
Any Krista Riley? She used to send them all over back in the day
Erika b34l3r Slidell?
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Anyone have k3lly c@lh0un's amazing body exposed??
>>7703 Yeahh she killed it
Great tits ! Definitely wins out there
@bby H3rdl1$k@?
Krist@ Ri1ey?
Can anyone get any of C@ll1e G00dr1ch?
Definitely Krist@ Ri1ey wins out there! She sends them out quick! Smashed way back
Anyone have any wins of Jessica Davis
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Anyone have Britt Nicole? There's got to be some of that ass floating around
Anyone got K@t!e R!cks and her big titties?
I got BUKU Katie!
Please be a gentleman and a scholar and deliver wins
Bump for K@t!e let’s see them
Bump for K@t!e let’s see em
I figured she had some pics out there I’d pay for Katie wins
Bump Brittany Nicole!
Does anyone have wins of K@t!e R!ck$ someone said they have buku but never delivered
stuck up big pussy bitch lol
Bump for K@tie R!ck$
Any STA girls like D@r@h H?
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Anyone got is@belle olivi3r? Her titties gotta be out there
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>>3919 I got 985 to trade>>3919
>>8484 bobross337 on chapsnat
>>8484 I hve a lot of 985. Ad me
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Looking for more of jamie
No one has savannah $ullivan she sends
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Any Kei$ha Billi0t from dtb?
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Anyone have savannah?
Anyone have c@llie g00drich? I need that ass
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Blyth3 B0udr3aux from Thib, has an OF
Kenzie h0tard?? Super slut now married. Used to bust her guts up when her man was working
Any aM@nd@ f0r3t from thibod@ux
>>8745 what's her name on OF?
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Any wins of T0rï
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Can anyone get her photos?
I went to high school with her
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Any good ones of Shelly?
Need more! >>8850
She have OF?>>8837
What was Shelly's OF name?
Candice delatte??
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Candice delatte
Any wins of Trudy Mire?
Update on Shelly? If someone could share.
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Shelly, someone post what they have
>>8918 need more
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Any wins of Lilli@n b0udre@ux from cutoff. She sales nudes on snap
Chel$ea Pritćhard?
More Shelly would be appreciated!
>>8977 please!!!
Any Linďş@y F@lgòút or Er!k@ B@d0u!n
H@l3y Gr0s OF haley223?
Any P@ige H3bert? Someone has to have those tits.
She has a OF now Destiny
Drop her OF link!
Her OF link dontneedtoknowmyname
Gr@c3 w@l5h?
Please post more Shelly!!
anybody got laur3n j? she sold some goods via instagram recently
>>3674 Bump
Any madi$$on or Nicole $immons works fast food DTB
Any n!Cole or M@dd!$on $immon$ from cut off works fast food
Alyssa boodro wins?
>>5310 The tightest I’ve ever had
H@n@ c0ll1ns?
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>>10019 Any more of her?
>>10019 I’m gonna kindly ask for you to delete this. If you want more just message me directly :)
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Br3ann K
New code?
J3rric& Lagar63
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>>10019 Why won’t you reply to me baby boy? :( it’s real simple remove my government name. Or we can go about this a more difficult way.
Any more Brit from houma?
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Any l@n@ p?
>>10070 Not op but post more yourself without your gov name if you cool like that then or drop a link to find more
Any Kr1st@ R1l3y? Shes in downtown Hammond & NOLA all the time
Bump for @lana P3r3ra Also looking for wins: N!n@ B@tt!s3/Ch@mp@ng3 T0r! @co$ta (gemstone?)
>>10428 wouldn’t mind seeing those either >>10428
>>10428 All three did OFAns at some point. n!n@ was /uchinaxwaifu T0r! Was /glassheart555 @lan@ was /blckvelvt
dying to see Kr1st@ R1l3y tits
Her wins definitely out there ! Love 2 see her friend ashley’s tiny tits to
>>10299 @lan@ P posted a story the other day in some really a really slutty outfit, saying something like DM me for more on insta. Wouldn't be surprised if she does OnlyFans still. I'd love to see more of her big ass too.
>>10428 @lan@ p Not full nudes, but she's such a slit I'm sure they are out there. Wouldn't mind seeing her tit's.
>>10625 Don’t have a pic but I’ve seen them. They are perfect.
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someone has to have this Slidell s1ut
>>10643 I love a good EMT slut.
>>10668 such a good little emt slut
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>>10643 name?
>>10738 Send another link
>>10738 Send another cord link
Larkus here for a link
Is new zvEmsJ3c
Anyone have any of Brittany p3lchǎ
Any H@l3y Griffin?
New cord link?
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>>10887 >>10887 God fucking bless your soul. God T0ri is such a thick slut. Feel free to drop more if you have them.
Bruhhhh I need the corddddd
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T@r@ Will$ Any wins?
Any Clotteal boudre@x???
>>11117 She’s very pretty.
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shs co 19-22?
>>10887 Can you still get wins from her onlyfans or is it gone?
>>10966 I'm trying to get all I can find of her any idea where I can find more?
We need her friends OF. c@ssi3 pi3rr3. OF@ is facesouthassnorth
>>11259 You find me more of t@ri and I'll fucking buy that shit for you
T@r@ is hot bump 4 more
Deleted already. RIP.
>>10887 NEED MORE
Bump for more of t@ri
Anyone have T@ylor L@s@lle?
>>10643 anyone have?
>>1014 Anyone have L@uren Bur@s?
Anyone got her?
Fumbled and can't run it back - anyone got Breanna?
💗Sign up for free t.co/hqsLX9Umdc
You have anymore of J@c£y? She is cute.
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>>5271 Anyone?
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>>11785 Been looking for her and haven’t found anything. I don’t think she has OF
Anyone got dameanbean content? She used to have OF
Anyone have anything
