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Jennings Anonymous 09/18/2022 (Sun) 01:40:39 No. 2410
L@UR3N B. Works at bubba oustalets
Bump for Jennings wins
C@ty j@y works at the same place
Any k@ylee thib0de@ux
Bump for k@ylee
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Any wins
Bump for L@ur3n, frequents Lake Arthur a ton. Huge slut
Bump for wins!!
>>3301 I know there’s some of k@ylee thib0deaux out there!! I’d love to see them!
Bump for Lauren
*update* Lauren now works at Volkswagen of Lake Charles.
Bump Lauren I know her, need to see I know she's some out there she's a huge hoe
Bump for k@ylee. Heard she’s pregnant.
Any wins of tiff@ny d0ucet from Hathaway? There use to be a bunch on the wild america Not allowed!
Bump for K@ylee thib0deaux
Bumpity bump for Lauren
Tiff@ny Douc3t from Hathaway. I know her wins are out there. She’s a huge freak!
Any wins of Al3xis M3yers?
Bump for Lauren Budro
K@ylee thib0deaux Has some nice tits love to see them again!
>>4123 Love how everyone always says this about every chick. why do you know there's some out there? do you know or do you just wish?
Any wins of gen@ ardoin?
Any L@ur3n Gu!dry wins
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Heard she a freak wondering if anyone has some nudes
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Oh I've got plenty of her nudes >>4575
>>6125 She sure is
>>10489 >>10483 No you dont.
Let’s see Tiffany! And more of Amber.
Any hairdresser in Jennings, know a couple had O F
>>10527 Which ones
$ky got
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>>10544 Tiff@ny
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>>11098 Lord! Seen her on w ild a merica back in the day!! She’s definitely wild
Mel@nie rich@rd wins floating around?
Any of her? Jennings/ Hathaway area?
>>11077 >>11077 >>11098 She married to D@rcy
Anyone have either of these two
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Bad picture sorry
Need to see more of K@ylee Thib0deaux
>>11364 bump!!
>>2410 Somebody has got to have some of Renê Křatź3r
>>11113 Posted some but they gone
Bump for kayl33 thib0deaux and tiff@ny d0ucet!
>>11364 Bump! Heard she’s single now
