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318 Anonymous 01/02/2022 (Sun) 20:10:21 No. 609
Since somebody ruins everything. Let’s try another 318 thread.
Did the Kaitl1n wins ever get posted by the guy claiming to have them?
I’ll start it off, I guess.
No. They didn’t. I’m trying to get them, though!
>>614 Kaitl1n 318? Where at or name rhymes with or social media photo of the girl in question please
Last name starts with s and rhymes with with.
Kelly L from haughton watch out for this one she’s a big slut that always will fuck the guy that spends the most money on her chills at BC on weekends.
There’s a couple of vids of that Kelly L online
>>663 Link?
Can we get some Ka1tl1n S. or Pa1ge J. ?
Her vids are the first 2 at the top https://www.anon-v.com/watch/Shreveport-Louisiana/
Anyone have this person she’s a big slut around Shreveport likes to be man handled roughly and always sends nudes
>>667 Who?
Cierra nicholle
Used to have several of P@1ge, including a videos of her flashing tits at the W@t3rm@rk, but lost them in a busted phone. Someone hook an anon up?
I can hook you up with some pa1ge. You got any other cDwell girls?
>>691 I’ve got some L1v1a S.
>>691 I don’t have shit, unfortunately. Everything I had was lost in an unbacked phone.
Damn any of l1v1a’s sister would be hot
>>697 Got a couple of her friends.
bump.the chick with the sunburn whats her name, hope u have more
>>701 Name is S@r@. Unfortunately. No real wins, but i do have some nice booty shots that it keeps saying are too large to upload.
Must be a big booty then lmao
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Anyone got Bea H
Bump for P@1ge J. or K@tl1n S. Someone be a hero.
Anyone got Madison K from Shreveport?
Bump for Paige. Thank
I’ve got a couple of Paige J from the previous thread. I definitely would enjoy some more of her.
You have 24 hours to remove my photos are I will be taking legal Action and Pershing charges
Bump with some Ashley F from LaSalle. Can we get some of those Paige or Kaitlin wins posted?
Anybody got some Bethany S. wins from Caldwell?
Anyone got Tin@ B? she just made a Ofans, tinytinabo
>>891 Is this who you're talking about? If so I second that
>>887 >>894 wrong tag, I meant this one about Bethany
>>895 Not the one I was talking about, but I’ll take some of her, too.
How about Slayt0n L. Heard she was a kinky bitch.
Who’s got the goods on these two
Bump because piece of shit
Keep this bitch alive while fag boy tries to kill it.
The wins will stay
Eat shit fag
Pretty sure Bethany is my friends sister if that last name is sh@rp1n lmao
>>992 Yeah that's it haha... Any chance you got something on her?
Haughton area. Anything?
Someone was saying they have pics of Bethany S.??
I’m still hoping for the Kaitlin S. wins.
Any more OF links? I'll dl and post here if they're attractive.
any one have any of J@de T.hot body on her
Look up j@deyb@byy. Replace the @ with A. There are a couple of pics. She used to be a cam girl.
>>1060 holy fuck thank you!!! Now I just need to find the actual vids of her chats...and hopefully some pussy pics...i have some stuff of her sis
Any of Sarah sun down names Ashley k
anybody have the {H{udspeth sisters?! two of them r baddddddd af
From Monroe, LA area, @torimeg on TikTok, always has cameltoe showing. Gotta be wins out there
Check out ashleyrose1897 1034 guy.
Anyone have any Caldwell girls?
Alexandria area girls?
Bump for Caldwell wins!
anything on her? had a few of her but they got purged. dying to see more of this absolute babe
Anyone have any Shreveport or minded, looking for n1kk1 r1ley
Anybody got Meg D or other Walk Ons girls? Any baddies from Loyola College Prep??
Jesse B is the baddest walk ons girl
Peep the shirt...anyone know who this is?
>>1295 Savannah lol forgot her last name but I talked to her at the bar she's pretty fat now lol
>>1295 Lejeune is her last name that's it why do you ask
>>1301 Was always a favorite video of mine, just curious
For the video of Savannah?
Abby P from Shreveport has an onlyfans. friskyfairy666. I'm too cheap to subscribe lol.
>>1305 This her?
Definitely hard to tell if thats savannah, can't really find any old pics of her.
Has to be a different savannah, savannah L was never that skinny
>>1301 What does she do in the video and where can I find it
Nobody else can id her? What savannah is that?
Somebody has to have Nikki r1ley
Anybody got this sexy chubby slut from Buckeye??
Any Brooke w. Wins? She was such a thot.
Don’t let 318. Can we get a hero in here?
>>1305 It's not worth it. 25 bucks sub and no nudes. Also wants BANK for a Pic and even more for a video. Idk. I un subbed after the first month. Just not worth it.
Not worth it. Doesn't post nudes and asking absurd amounts for pics and videos. Hints the only 90 likes she has. I un subbed a while back
Anyone got emily dean or her sister Ashley. Ik Emily got an anal pink bubble wand video floating around the web.
got a link to the vid?
>>1426 https://www.xvideos.com/video5649552/slut_shoving_a_pink_lightsaber_up_her_asshole
I know I'm shooting for the moon here, but is there any chance during has S@r@h Gr1ff3n?
>>1461 Someone*
>>1430 what was this sluts name. 0P p0st is g0ne
Who has rayville girls
Rayville teens?
Does anybody have her name I met her on Reddit and we met in minden and hooked up twice for her onlyfans page she has since deleted everything and gone ghost guess she got caught looking for a name
>>1579 Got any more? She kinda looks like a chick I know.
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She is from Rayville. I think her name is Nicole.
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M (e) gan, not sure last name now. Me and my buddy spit roasted her on a couple occasions. Begs for a creampie.
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>>1586 Did she get married or do you just forget her last name in general?
>>1589 Heard she got married again, so not sure what it is now.
>>1590 What did it used to be?
>>1591 Really don't remember, it has been several years. She was one of those 2AM last resort kind of girls. Not like I wanted to get to know her that well or anything.
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Crazy hot nurse out of the Bossier area, anyone got more?
Looking for this milf Amanda
Bump for more Paige J.
Bump for anything from Caldwell
>>691 Heeeeeyyyyy! What’s it gonna take to get some Paige, anon?
Why would you post clothed pictures asking if anyone has more? Fucking beggars ruin this shit
I def agree! We need more Paige J.
>>1739 Like tell me what you want and I’ll try my damnedest to make it happen.
she has wins oht there, someone come thru
Any wins on this black beauty?
Need celeste b or Ashley t 318 someone has to have wins
Anybody got any real wins of Paige J or any more Caldwell girls? Brooklyn C? Jenna D? Natalie S?
any whores that went to haughton high like tēssa T. Coūrtney p. Kādy b.
Still looking for an accurate ID of this girl..please help.
Any got that savannahg video off camwhores
Bump for moar Heather P
Haughton slut. Does OF and hangs at bars.
Does anyone have Kennedy (S)ullivant.
More Caldwell for more Caldwell.
Bump more Caldwell for more Caldwell.
Bump more Caldwell for more Caldwell. Specifically Paige J.
I got one actual one of her. Do you have anything around the same year to -?
>>2406 Already shared these, but they’re all I’ve got. Would love to see note.
>>2406 Not from Caldwell. Got one of a chick a little older from LaSalle, though.
You get someone that graduated around the same as Paige and I’ll get you one
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Anyone have some more Shreveport slut Eleni?
Anybody got any Amanda D (rhymes with Vickie) from Caldwell?
I'm pretty sure no one from the 318 gets on here... anyways, Shay P. From Bossier?
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Anyone got any of Hailey G?
Any body willing to - for Caldwell girls
Bump for Caldwell girls. Anybody got Jenna D? Or maybe Brooklyn C? There's gotta be some out there of Stormy B. Come on guys, there's more than just one girl in Caldwell. Somebody's gotta have something.
Anyone got her? Jenna Bruyninckx from Caldwell. Short, big ass and huge tits
Anybody got Br1tt@ny Cl@rk/R1d3r from Kelly?
>>2653 No way dude. She’s way too good girl to have any.
>>2666 didn't realize I had tagged you in that, my bad. It's worth a try anyway, you never know what might be out there.
Don’t let it die boys!
Any Jena girls? Tons of sluts around there.
Seen vids of her squirting and all around being nasty before, but never got to save any. Can we get a hero?
>>2885 Bro I would love to see that if anyone had it
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I know it's out there, she's from Shreveport.
>>2885 Where were you seeing these at??
From Caldwell. Anybody got em?
>>2906 Seem from a few different people. They would show but wouldn’t send.
>>2920 Yeah I’ve always heard she was kinky but I’ve never seen proof
Bump for Paige or Jessica
Have anymore of her she’s 🔥
Who got them?
>>3140 Who is that supposed to be??
How about Shyann W1nst3ad?? She used to be a real freak. I saw some nudes of her a while back
Bump for anyone. Come on guys I know somebodys got something.
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C @ r - y Bby0il Seeking more content. Any wins?
>>3282 Dude I've been looking for stuff on her for a while now, thank you! Where'd you get this? Do you know if she cams or has a OF?
K@d33 T3ddl!3 gotta be something out there
Mercede$ starts with dauz rhymes with art
Who got some T@ylor Fr33. Has to be some out there.
Hal3y P0w3ll wins?
Who got the Micaela Reed wins? Know she had a premium Not allowed at one time. She may have onlyfans
>>609 Anyone got Emily H? She used to sleep with everyone from the base. She’s got wins
>>609 Does any1 have Caitie C. Wins?
How about some $arah Thiel$?
Bump for @shl3y p@rk3r from pineville
>>3472 What is the last name?
Anyone got bl4ine R.? She gotta have some out there
>>3472 Would also like to have hint on last name
Bump. Anybody got N@t@li3 Sw@in from Caldwell?
>>3555>>3472 >>3472 How this dude gonna ask for someone named EH then not even hint at her full name. Dudes had multiple people ask
Bump lets see more central 318 like alex,pineville,etc
need some bossier city young adults + asap, come on folks
where are D Y@tes nudes @? She from s@bine and i hear she has stuff floating around
Sara (P)olen most will know here from the Blanchard and Mooringsport sister to Hallie.
Anybody have C@r@h G00d3n from monroe?
Anyone have Hanna case?
Anyone have her
Now kryst@l @lex@nd3r Went to byrd, then la tech. Was on dance line. Fucked anything that moved. Went back to Byrd as a pe teacher and fucked a student. Then ran down south got married and is teaching somewhere else. I’ve seen a few wins but I know there’s got to be A LOT more out there. This girl is a HUGE slut
Any one have any of any l@uren from the 318
>>609 >>615 I think I have some of her
>>3555 Anyone got any of Lauren from Monroe.
Bump for kryst@l
>>3782 Which one?
Nurse from the alexandria area
Bump kryst@l she has a nice ass
Bump, lets get more central 318 wins in here
anybody have 05-08 grads
Monroe area? Know they are around
Bump kryst@l
Dont let it die, bump
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Haughton methhead
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>>4145 Name?
Anyone got wins on Hailey D? She goes to NSU.
>>4446 She looks like a dirty slut Any of her holes?
>>3539 Bump for Catie heard she is pretty slutty
Anybody got @m@nd@ d!ck3y from Columbia/Calhoun/Olla? Seems pretty slutty, somebody's gotta have her.
>>4522 Thats an ugly bitch lmao
Any one know rylee?
>>4523 didn't say she was pretty lmao, said she seems slutty. you got her?
anything from around minden
>>4528 Lol I know her well
>>4524 From BR?
>>4544 well, you got any wins of her youre willing to share?
will post more if interested
>>609 Why would anyone not be interested?
>>4669 i'm looking for something too, there was a girl posted a while back named Chaise S. can someone repost that?
Any Willis Knighton girls?
^^yes please shes fuckin smokin
Can we get Katlin S or Paige J wins, now? What’ll it take specifically to get either wins shared??
Anyone have Carly C bartender at hustler? I believe she has an onlyfans account.
>>4670 Post more Elisabeth M. I got Chaise A. S.
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>>5085 prove it i'll post way more
>>5099 Any bj stuff? Got prebrunette Chaise too. Prove you got Moro and not just possible photos hoot stuff
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>>5102 negative on the BJ stuff of moro, u got BJ stuff of CS???
>>5106 I do. I'll see if I can post to AF tonight. It's 5 minutes long though aha. Send more of Moro if there is more.
>>5107 ight gimme a minute, what you got for pics of CS though?
>>5108 Not OP but I got the old leaks of chaise too, post more of blondie and I'll dig them up
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>>5009 I got Paige J. Do you have any Caldwell girls?
>>5102 Kinda looking like you don't have shit bud
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any jk j?
>>5111 Both of quit hoarding. Just post what you have. You said you'd post if interested and obv ppl are so post.
>>5129 I only have what’s already on this board. I lost all of my Paige a while back, and still trying to reup.
Carly from the Hustler Club
What’s up with the ch@ise pics??
>>5259 probably lied to get that guy to post the moro wins
>>5129 What will it take to get Paige?
>>5283 Just more Caldwell. What ya got?
looking for m@delyn S. Sounds like steak. Or C. Whitehead
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lookin for some Kat g. last name sounds like million
Lynette W from Avoyelles. Any wins?
Whats she like 55?
Morgan mc gee Alexandria area
>>5106 Is there any more M0ro stuff?
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Any wins for Kr1styn R43 M1ll3r in Monroe?
Try again. Here’s some Kaylee. Anyone gonna actually post Paige?
I’ve got plenty that I can post. Let’s revive this dead ass board.
Need help finding wins
>>2461 You got any more?
bump for Springhill wins
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any c0sm0?
>>609 C.whitehe@ad or her sister T@ylor Whitehe@d? Please!! Lol
>>5773 Bump
Bump for more of tht bluehaired chick from Caldwell!
>>5988 Got more of her, Kaylee C, and Macie S if I can finally get more of Paige J posted. I’ve posted a lot and can’t get anything in return.
>>6027 Who is Macie S
>>6034 Last name Scroggs
Who got Adre@na Nug3ent from Georgetown?
Anyone got B0bbi3? I’ll - L@c0mbe
Any wins of Am4nd4 Th0m4533 from alex?
Any M@ddie $amuel$? Bartender in S’port
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I’m gonna need these, and I’m gonna need em now
>>4670 You still looking for CS? Do you have more EM?
>>3384 bump
>>6531 what you see here is what i know of
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>>6161 you'll have to settle for an amateur fake for now. happy fapping.
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Br00ke mccwhorkle?? Oak grove 318 she used to get around.
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Sterlingsilkk?? 318 heard she eats ass..
Idk bout her but there was a ho in west carroll desi33 fu11er was her name.. good pussy tho
Any of shannon moved to Michigan last name starts with re ends in nee
Anyone have Savannah (s)ullivan she moved from Florida
anyone know PorTi@ N. Winn$boro?
Or any Suzy LA c0urs3???
Any vids of Kaylee C? Or more pics???
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L3slie Ra3? Know she had a of can't find it
Still looking for savannah (s)ullivan if anyone has anything. Be willing to pay if it's worth it
>>692 More?
Anyone got any Sara Patterson? Originally from minden, but stays in Shreveport now
>>6797 Sure. For more Paige J. Or for someone else if they’re real wins from Caldwell. I wouldn’t mind Natilee S or Sara P either.
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Any good stuff on JK?
>>609 Anyone got Paige Wiggins of autumn Wiggins? Taylor whitehead or cierra whitehead?
Anyone got any wins from the alexandria/pineville area?
Big bump
Anybody got Tori B the narc cop in Caldwell? Heard she'll do just about anything to get guys to turn over any other users they know.
Still looking for savannah (s)ullivan I'll pay if the stuff is worth it
Any Am4nd4 Th0m4see? I know she gets around
Who's got Savannah (s)ullivan she has to have some wins
Any of this snow bunny Cait G?
Would definitely pay to see her^
K0d1e R1d3r from Caldwell, anybody got her?
>>4262 Bumppp, always wanted to see her tits.
Anybody got any pics/stories of Hannah Ry@n or Morgan M@y? I heard they got caught with several guys at once on the last cruise they went on
Anyone have any Jena girls? I have some from 2017-2020 graduating classes. There’s definitely some sluts with nudes of there
>>609 Any Paige Wiggins?
>>609 Bump for Paige W.
>>609 Any p@aige acc@rdo
>>7487 I tried to buy from p Wiggins and she wouldnt budge even after i offered a 100
>>7500 Her sister autumn had an only fans at one point… hell I would do anything for p@aige @ccardo above!
>>7501 Whats autumns old username
>>7502 Been too long. Don’t remember. I wish p@ige @cc@rdo had one..
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Who got @shley P?
Bump @$hley
>>609 Dude!!! Bump p@aige acc@ardo! That bitch is fine!
>>7518 Dude no joke! I would 500 bucks right now to see that p@ige @cc@rdo!! I wish she had an only fans.
4 help w paige get me on chapsnat
>>609 If anyone legit has p@aige acc@ardo let me know. I’ll pay 500
i have a video of paige w
>>7548 No shit? That would be cool to see
ema1l me cirawe6872@ipnuc-
>>7552 Got any other way of -?
>>609 If anyone has p@1ge acc@rdo, I will pay 500 bucks for her. Lol
Any of mic@el@ reed?
Any mic@el@ reed
K@leigh Stother
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>>7565 Anybody have anything else?
>>7567 Yeah I’ll post some, but who is that lol
>>609 For p@ige Acc@ardo I would pay anything lol. Anyone have her?
>>609 For 318 wins, add “squirter” on t31egr@m
Any more of k@leigh
Looking for @lyssa gremillion and sydni Schulz€
>>7569 K@leigh strother
Anymore of her?
Who has J@de G@uthier wins. She has OF
>>1893 >>1893 Kady B?
Anyone have winnsboro??
>>609 Any k@tie B
>>3384 bump for T@ylor Fr33
>>7791 Bump
Anyone got mil girls from the area
Looking for TikTok hoe fittrina87
No one's got savannah (s)ullivan
Who got 1@ur€n (m)cD@ni€l
Works at hustler as a bartender
Any west carroll parish girls?
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Bartender at Hustler
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Slut I fucked last week. Supposedly has a fiancé and recently had a baby.
hell yeah post more of the cheating whore kelly
Kelly has 2 vids on the net of her getting fucked and masterbating.
So post it
It’s all ready posted above
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P3yton h..
No one's got savannah (s)ullivan?
Anyone got T@ylor Sh@nas?
Anyone ever seen kk th0rt wins?
Anybody got M@ry Ea(s)t
Bump for T@ylor Sh@nas!
>>6716 Bump on Porti@ N. From winnsboro/tensas
>>8713 Portion Leonard?
>>8730 Porti@ Nućći0
Anyone have D€von Voinche€ , ch€ls€a Duv, alyss@ Gr€million , or H@iley Mcdow€ll?
Casea fuck off holy shi
Any from oak grove area?
Any wins on k@yce Cütt$ from alexandria
Any new ones of k@leigh Str0ther
>>9083 That bitch scammed me outta 100 bucks
Any L@ur@ V@nce wins? Or any Natchitoches peeps?
C@llie How€ll??
J0rdŷn gr3sh@m?
Please one of you legends drop Nicki
Any c@$3y branton, I hear she’s back to dick again…Casey
Anyone got @mber gremilli0n?
Anything new on the M0r0 chick?
>>9851 Who is that? Holy hell
anyone seen any m@dis0n m@y3ux from avoyelles
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An older pic of Ashley F. from LaSalle.
>>9945 bump for more!
>>9945 more!
>>9945 bump
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Anyone got KL?
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@llis0n g00 d m @ n
>>609 Any Sabine parish women?
Any Emi1y H@n$on?
>>10096 >>10096 Or any of her slut friends?
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Bartender at hustler club Carly
Any P@1ge V?
Marilyn bolden ?
Madilyn bolden*?
Anyone hav Madilyn bolden ?
Any of Sarah bedenbender
>>609 Molly Burnett anyone? Super short blonde
Anyone have wins of Makenzie mi11er
Mikka sm1th ?
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P@ige Verg0 or L@uryn K3ith? Mudbug$
Where’s west Carroll at
New zvEmsJ3c
>>10580 Went to ULM? Love her
>>9865 A friend that won't put out lol
>>1292 ill dump some soon
>>9873 m@dis0n m@y3ux would be awesome. tight little slut. someone has to have these
>>7572 Need better info
Jes1 laforge
Zo3 cr3nshaw
Anyone have any K3lli3 mck01n??
West Carroll ?
Any guys exposed ?
>>609 Nurses?
>>3539 Bump for her
Any 318 girls of nurses/ems
>>11515 madison n3wton, shelly c@m@rillo, carli c@in?
(1.78 MB 1290x1565 IMG_2865.jpeg)
West Carroll wya?
>>10096 Full name? I find
