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Autumn c boys Anonymous 10/05/2022 (Wed) 23:49:49 No. 16193
Had a OF for a while.
^you got more?!
What is her full name so I can try to find more stuff
LN- centofanti
(1.82 MB 3006x3723 nIBqxr7.jpeg)
Anything else? Wish I would have subbed to her OF when she had it.
I got all the old ones where’s the new ones
Post the old ones
We all got the old ones let’s get some new ones and we’ll see
i have everything shes ever posted on her O F but i dont know if she stopped or just blocked michigan
Post some I’ll go one for one with you
I posted the first 4 and the last one man. You post.
Thought you were gonna go 1 for 1 with me dude?
Go ahead I’m waiting
Like I said.. I’ve posted every picture on here but the old one of her tits. But ok. Here’s one for ya. Your turn.
>>17836 Just dump what you have, this isn’t a - site
bump out of sheer desperation. I've been crushing hard on this girl for like a decade, and only now am I learning I missed on her OF.
>>17944 stop Spamming this shit everywhere
bump obviously
Bump with some titties
OF let’s see them
More titties please
Bump for more now that this slut is knocked up
Bump always bump
anything new?
still nothing?
(73.02 KB 828x1048 XfVFlPI.jpeg)
Ok. Bump
>>20681 You are continually the champion, bro. Please bestow more upon us.
i have a shit ton of autumns nudes and will gladly post them if someone will sub. to w.i.n.n.i.e. O.F. and post them in the thread here or above. i would say i have between 30-40 actual nudes!
Post one for proof atleast man. I’ve posted every picture in this thread so far.
She has her own thread. I subbed to her page and posted some
Post autumn. Idc about Winnie.
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heres your proof! lots more where that came from. but i wanna see some new w.i.n.n.i.e. i think thats fair. you post, i post.
>>21045 Old nudes everyone’s seen doesn’t count.. plus no one has this w.I.n.y chick in this thread.. post or stfu
Yea. you’re just gonna post the same pictures that have been posted before lol. Post some different ones like I have been from her OF. Get some new shit going.
beggers cant be choosers! you guys wine like little bitches. Who cares if they are older they are still wins SMH. dont see yall posting any. and all that has been posted are not even nudes. Guess ill just keep my shit to myself since yall wanna bitch LOL
You were gonna keep them to yourself anyways dude. Here. Post something we haven’t seen.
>>21058 A true baller, who’s got more new stuff?
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>>21058 nahh im not stingy like that. just trying to get more content to add to the collection. people free ball around here wayy to damn much without ever contributing! thats why i asked for w.i.n.n.i.e content for other content. its a win/win for everyone. but clearly people are lame asf around here! but here you go heres another win....
Any Laura dunscumb from traverse city? Or any of her friends
Someone posted that one last thread too. Maybe it was you even. But here’s another older one
Let’s g-
Here’s proof the one above with the green wall is autumn.
anyone have any of her hot ass friends? Becky F. Kara N. Hunter.
>>21058 That’s funny, you just reposted this. She gave this to me
Yup. Trying to get the threat going. Post some more she sent you
Where’s the dude with “a shit ton”??im the only one posting again
anyone else?
She’s preggo now. Maybe she’ll leak those big titties
Nice! Keep posting man
Saving this thread
That’s all I have.
Wish I knew she had an OF at the time. Would've bought it all
more bumps
(72.69 KB 540x960 2020-12-22 18.17.07.jpeg)
i want to know where this ones from
no one else?
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Does she still have OF or is it deactivated
come on
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To the top
>>37709 You're a legend. Where did you find these?
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Let’s gooooo
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>>39287 Appreciate it. Where did you get that one?
From her only means when she had it. I leaked it all lol
>>39564 Man wish I would've known about the OF when she had it. Please share some more!
Anything else??
>>41809 Cmon man you're keeping this alive
We need a hero
Any videos out there?
>>21014 Looking for some videos if anyone has some willing to trade for it
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She only posted a couple videos on OF. Here’s a screen shot of one playing with her tits for now. I’ll post the video from my computer later. Let’s see what you got.
>>43102 Who are you looking for
Autumn. This is an autumn thread.
What happened to the video?
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Post the video!!!
I’m the one that posted those pics you just posted before.
Please post the video
>>43102 Don’t be a flake
sorry guys had to get onto my pc to post
another one i got
She’s gotta have a sex tape right? She’s a freak😏
Where’s the guy that said he had a bunch more to post?? I posted 2 vids
Anyone have any sex tapes of her? Will pay for em
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Wish that OF was active 0549cbd80b6c9537ff5a04c35c17c2b21614457d820981845845ce57582761c74f
>>46095 How do you decide the text string?
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Please god let there be more
More vids pls
>>47881 You're a God. Any chance you could drop one more,
>>47882 Something deleted? :(
>>47882 Send again please
If someone has a sex tape I’ll get whatever OFs nudes you want
>>47915 Was an OF vid of her ass. No idea why it was deleted.
Yea I don’t k ow why they deleted my video. but I’ll post again later
Keep it going!
>>47960was it a good video?
There’s gotta be more, she was such a hoe and loved video taping
come on guys
>>21014 W.i.n.n.i.e chick of name puppiwi?
>>48236 Thanks bro. Bump
Post one new autumn and I’ll go sub to that Winnie and post.
>>21014 Let’s see it, post and i will too
Keep it going!
To the guy that has the Autumn content - please release it man. If any of us had content of hers to post we would.
Can’t let it die
Bumpity bump bump
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someone got to have some too
>>50176 Legend. You're the only one
>>50176 Please share everything you have. There's no point in hoarding. I'll pay
Who’s got the sex videos👀
>>50343 These exist?
>>50344 They gotta be, she was a freak and loved video taping
How do you know she liked recording?
>>50349 Used to hook up with her years ago when she had a bf. She even admitted she loved recording.
>>50357 WoW. Need more stories. Post the vids
^ but you dont have any pics or videos to share? just claim to have fucked her? oook
i doubt you did but ill keep sharing anyways
(300.79 KB 1080x1320 2018-11-23 10.28.56.jpg)
lea is hot as fuck too
More of Lea, she looks like she loves getting that ass pounded
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You fucking delivered, wish there was more of her I would rather fuck Lea personally
>>50632 >>50633 >>50634 You get these from her instagram? lol
>>50408 How much more do you have?
Does she show her pussy? Looks like it would be tight as fuck
Does autumn still have an OF?
>>51155 Nope. The only new content we'll ever see is coming from one guy and he's hoarding it for no reason.
>>21014 where ya at with em
saving it
>>52021 Thanks man. How many more do you have that you didn't post yet?
So has the best titties
We need more
(266.88 KB 1166x717 combo.jpg)
More Lea too, I’d tear her up
Please let there be more!
Been a while. Bump
>>52864 Any have anymore Lea?
Bumping for those big tits
Where'd the guy with all the content go?
Anyone got videos of her friend Amber?
>>55996 This is an autumn thread we want autumn, amber has her own thread
>>56026 Can you link it?
Bump autumn please
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Need more Autumn
Anything at all?
>>58168 Unfortunate
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>>59318 Sooo clutch. Appreciate it
Any stories??
Bump forever
Heard she’s been in a couple threesomes
From who? Lmao
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>>60968 Holy bump, there any with her titties fully out??
>>60994 At jobbie
>>60968 Really appreciate it. Any idea what year the jobbie pics are from?
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I’ve looked for more in the past but that’s all I ever found. This is all I could find that I have from the original source. I’m not sure if you can even find that anymore, but if you have any luck post it on here! I’ve looked for a long time. I’m about to share some more old stuff too.
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I got some old stuff too
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Don’t let it die!
Forever bump
