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Anonymous 02/08/2023 (Wed) 15:03:35 No. 22259
Lapeer bread gone??? starting up new i guess requestin r@yelle $
Bump lapeer
Anyone know her? Lapeer maybe?
>>22425 know who?
Ray’s 0F is kylieee_rrose
>>22568 You are a legend thank you
You subscribed and she’s posting again. Post the wins tho…
Any Mercedese Jack?
5ummer P4lmer, sexy little redhead
Who has Taylor Oli$**k she got OF
Taylor's last name?
>>25132 Oli seck
Anyone got bre john(sons) nudes?
>>25244 Sure do
Any wins of the girls from hungry dans?
Post them bro
>>25353 Post then dawg
>>25882 Give me a notallowed name
>>25961 i can give you instructions on how to kill yourself instead
>>26007 I can see your upset lol chill out buddy
Bump. Anyone have Shannon C?
Any of the Schocke sisters?
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caitlin b aker worked at hungry dans she was a loud one and told me to cum in her
>>25353 Cmon man post Bre's nudes bro. For the homies.
Bump for cat b She hot n wild. Heard she got spit roasted. Any wins?
She used to, now they’ve renamed it to thirsty Dans
You got pics/stories of Caitlin from thirsty dans?
Who has the Schocke sisters?
brook£ L Bri@nn@ b Amanda 0
>>28688 You got amanda o or requesting?
>>28685 Got anything to go back a forth with
None of them but I have others
>>28699 Who u got let's go w4w (win for win)
Brandy B. uck just made an 0f @branlove
Have a number for Brandy B uck?
i hit that hd
(124.52 KB 739x1600 2021-03-05 12.37.58.jpeg)
Kayla s
Anyone got Cheyenne p???
>>28906 Any more Kayla s?
Who's got Bres wins? Other pic keeps getting taken down.
>>28906 Nobody got any more Kayla? Or her sister Hannah?
I think we died
Drop em
>>29450 Damn! Who's that? Looks familiar
It's Caitlin b aker. Literally the only chik on here dumbass
damn she worked at a gas station and saw her tits for beer at Dale fest got more?
Who has any of the Schocke sisters?
>>30100 Probably the Schocke sisters. Have you tried asking them?
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>>30100 Taralynn
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Hannah s ^^^
>>30115 >>30116 >>30136 Nice bro good wins too bad there’s no Kayla floating around
Any more cait baker? Stories? She's a hot mess
Anyone have Hailey P? Last name rhymes with pringle.
>>31310 Who’s this?
27886 28373 No way this cait b?? Got more! She's hot af!
Any Kara P? Used to have an OF
God I love see through panties More?
>>32176 Who is the see thru panties?
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>>32249 Damn she never showed anything did she
Any T White? Had an only fans briefly
Bump. Need more Kara p
Bump the hungry Dan's girls Any more?
>>32247 Cait b aker
More Taylor
Any more of the Schocke sisters
Bump for more ray
Where did the pics of rayelle go
>>28904 Damn! I fucked her years ago and she was a dirty submissive shut. Let me do anything and cum in her too! I'd do it again!
Any more Kara P?
Summer P
Anyone have t@ylr $hot. Use to have an onlyfans
Bump. Need class of 06,07,08
(6.39 MB 1284x2778 IMG_0206.png)
Anyone have Taylor O stuff from her OF
Am@nda dup0nt?
Anyone have Shelby V?
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stop deleteing my posts homo
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rayelle again
>>38601 nice, sexy
(88.11 KB 1152x2048 received_783597371780023.jpeg)
>>38731 hell yeah, have another lol
Got more?
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Any one have Katelyn S(pearing) she’s got a massive ass and nice tits I would do anything to see
>>38848 m0ar jesus christ i would impregnate this bitch asap given the chance
Anyone? Shelby Van…
What about Savannah B? Had an onlyfans
Did Kara P delete her OF? Never got a chance at that
Of names? Hell contact info of lapper sluts that meet ?
>>38561 Would pay to see those big tits
More Caitlin out there? Worked at gas station before hungry dans. Banged her at Sunco and came inside cuz she told me too. I'd do it again
>>40033 Got them nudes too dude?
>>38848 any more?
>>40033 27886 28373 Post some more!
Any Nichelle N?
Anyone got kristen R$yn0lds she’s married but heard she’s down to link idk had some from a long time ago
I have t white if anyone has Shelby V
Anyone got that cute emo girl from the country market?
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Shelby Hancock
What are some Lapeer OF to follow?
>>41702 Friskyblonde1
>>41751 >>41751 Who is it?
Does Shelby have an OF?
>>42224 God I hope not
Any Katrina O? Heard she used to live here and became a tattoo artist. Back in the day she used to get around a bit.
Anyone got cAm Hennessy?
Any Shannon cr*wley?
>>43031 So you mean Katrina ôke?
>>40925 I do ;)
Does anyone have Katelyn s(pearing) tall blonde massive ass I’d pay for them
Bump for shannon
Monica O?
More Rayelle please!!
Bump Katelyn s(pearing)
Misty kaller?
Bump for Aubriee or Austine B from Lakeville. Aub’s Head game top shelf
Last name?
Beck ley
Anyone have any from Autumn W? Lapeer west class of 2010. She used to send them to anyone. Or does anyone have any from her sister Emily W?
Anyone have anything Allyson S. from north branch class of 2016?
Come on more Ray€ll€ please.
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Whos got more of T@r@lynn Sćhoćke??
>>45108 Fantastic anon!
Anyone have Kenzie K? Used to have OF
Anyone got wins for Zoy@ C from Lakeville. Heard she is stripping again in Flint.
Zoy@ is stripping at the m€n’s club saw her their last night.
Any R@y€ll€ stories to share.
Any from Lapeer west class of 2010?
>>45608 Or 2011
Anyone have Leah D?
>>45292 i have hundreds of pics of her. got any lapeer west 2011-2013?
Got nothing for Lapeer West. How much $ do I gotta slide for them hundreds of pictures and how.
Show us the good stuff
Anyone have any K@cie W0lf?
>>46271 I got some westies wbu
>>46396 What years
>>46402 Varys an idk all the yrs do got some 2011 an up tho
K@iley H0lmes?
Bump for Leah D
(641.75 KB 1039x1429 Lapeergirl.jpg)
Stumbled across this one. She's like 24 or something like that lol
Anyone got kasie h(amilton)
Any kasie h(amilton)
Anyone got joleen c(arr)
Joleen has some CANS
Yeah she does
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Caitlin b wins or storys!!
No Leah?
Kail3y Holm3s
RIP thread
Any grace row
Anyone have Kayla W huge tits
Any wins from Emily W@ters or Autumn W@ters? Autumn used to sleep around and send pics to anyone that asked and I’ve heard Emily used to send all the time.
I will pay if anyone can get Katelynn s(pearing) wins
Any wins from Rachell s@rles?
(1.17 MB 1260x1488 IMG_1652.jpeg)
Anyone have Leah?
Any Jasmine C@ister from Caro?
There has to be Ray€ll€ stories out there.
Anybody got kennedi dr3ff$?
This thread is dead
>>22259 Socials for OP chick?
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Cait and Alex wins? Saw their boobs at dalefes
Bump for Leah D
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Anyone have T@ylor H0ff@
Any girls that work at ELGA?
Any cassie dub0is
Definitely willing to pay for some Raye11e wins!
>>50449 How much?
Who has Kara p wins from her onlyfans. Not the ones posted above
Just post them M!key boy
>>50656 It's just everything from her OF
>>50751 There are wins Kℹ️k me at bigfatnagger
>>47489 She a hot mess Heard some fag knocked her up
Dayna jac0bs?
Any l0ri y
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Neeeed V3r0nica W@ts0n
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Any H@ley P?
>>51440 Bump
Any wins out there of Alesha sh33ks?
Any wins out there of Alesha she3ks??
Anyone got anything from any of the girls that work at the suncrest daycare? I know a few of them get around and party every weekend.
(265.54 KB 1242x1540 IMG_0197.jpeg)
Anyone got wins of T!ff@ny T!3rnan
Or her OF?
Anyone have Mandi S?
Willing to pay for some R@y€ll€ wims!
>>52463 Check kℹ️k
anyone have S@m ruken... onlyfans?
>>52488 What's your k. 1. K
>>52527 upload that shit
>>52536 You got anything to go win 4 win with
Need those R@ye11e wins.
Bump to the top. Pictures and Video’s please.
Any Mackenz!e Mart!n out there?
Any girls from LP&P
Bump to the top for wins and video’s!
Anyone got those Ray€ll€ wins for me to slip some $$ to
>>53613 Got frankie
Any K@il3y H0lm3s or Br00ke Del0ng
Where are the winz?
>>53958 >>52714 K❕k me masterdindu
>>54860 Don’t leave me hanging, send me the pictures please.
>>54860 Check your k app.
Bump! Wins!!
>>54860 Looking for K@ci€ W and K@yl@ F.
Any Cheyenne cherny?
>>54860 Bump for pictures!
Where’s the shocke sisters
Gonna keep bumping till the pictures are sent or you say you don’t have them!
Bump, still waiting!
Bump for KC W!
Bump! Waiting to hear if you have them or not!
(1.06 MB 568x862 1.png)
any class of like 14-16?
Offer for KW, AB, KF and AS still out there.
>>55447 >>55447 What the name to contact you at?
>>55457 >>55457 She have a name and is there more?
>>55484 Bump again!
I got some good Lexi H if anyone wants to go post for post
How much you want for the Lexi H?
Just post some good shit. ill go post for post with you. you got anyone else from around that class? >>55577
>>55583 I’ve got nothing, that’s why I made the offer!
>>55447 Bump for KC!
>>55764 oh god more!
Anyone have a link for allure takeovers!! Those 2 in the video are Hot!!
Anyone have @lexi$ g0$$ett?? used to be a big hoe back in the day.
Who's on the k app wanna get the action going drop the your name I'll add the other ppl on here never on
Someone give us some T Wh!t€ we need to see that ass and those jugs
Bump bump bump
>>56658 Damn anymore Mariah!?
Not mariah
>>56658 I thought this was Mariah D sounds like Miller
Anymore R@y€ll€ pictures or video’s available for $$$.
Bump where Nichelle N at?!
>>56762 I'll pay for more cait b
Where’s Melanie J class of 2011. I know they exist
any M1k@yl@ G@mbl3 wins?
we need s@m ruk€nbr0ds OF. SammieSweetheart420
T@ylor H!ll!k€r? heard her nudes were floating around online awhile ago
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M0n1c@ 0? Always seemed like shed have an OF...
>>56658 Bump this bitch
>>28906 Bump Kayla S show that pussy or tits
>>55708 Bump for KC, AS, AB & K@yl@
Someone has to have more Kara P only fan pics other than those 3
More Caitlin b*ker
Bump Kara p
Bump for the 42 pictures paid for and never sent for KC, AS, AB and KF. Make my Christmas and send them.
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Lexie C and Kayla G
>>58409 Is that l€x Cr0n?
ayyy more kayla G if you got it please
Gotta start posting, I've got plenty more
kayla g
(123.31 KB 750x1334 2023-05-25 14.47.36.jpg)
Kayla g
Kayla G
Anyone have Danielle H. Ugh es?
Live sex shorter. me/chan1
>>58470 I posted like 12 that got deleted snap me jrantan
>>58619 Repost that goodness!
It was 12 Kayla g
Bump for danielle
>>52551 I’m not the same guy as before but I can share some stuff for S@ m R
Make my New Year and send the 42 pictures.
Nova Z big ass tiddies?
>>58922 Drop some where I can find u
Send me the 42 pictures MG.
More Caitlin b
>>59114 K @pp L@p33rAñ0ň no accents clearly.
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>>52508 found this
>>5946 Damn she's hot. we gotta get more of her in here
Bump for some Lakeville
Dayna jacobs?
Anyone selling R@y€ll€ pictures or videos?
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Butts 2016
Nice! Where there pictures with the 2015 post? And is there a name to go with that butt?
Bump for the name of that ass!
(416.92 KB 890x1548 Snapchat-239853393~2.jpg)
Guess who
>>60456 Probably Cait b cause that all that ever gets posted
>>60502 And she’s not even hot
I would destroy that for sure. If you send it in real life youd want her lol
Got anything more to share tho? Pix or stories?
Any Liz p0w3r$ capac
Bump for Lakeville!
Bump for Lakeville
Come on there has to be some more R@y€ll€.
>>60674 They are out there for sure and plenty of stories of R@y€11€ being a freak with her ex.
>>60526 Looks hot to me
>>60502 >>27886 >>28373 >>40033 Crazy bitch hot AF too
Bump…. Begging for Lakeville
Who u looking for from lakeville
Anyone from Lakeville and willing to pay too!
What years for Lakeville you looking for?
Any Sydney P or Jocelyn J? Both from lapeer now bartending in Davison
Lv 2008-2014
Lakeville 2012-2018 or any of the hot moms from those years too.
Bump for Lakeville and their mom’s
K@telyn J@rski? She has an OF. Or Liz $tratford? She got around a lot back in the day not sure about now
>>60182 Beautiful butt
(11.44 KB 180x320 1526570825331.jpg)
cb win
Bump again for Lakeville and their hot mom’s!!!
Bump. Who has Shannon Cr*wlêy
Bump for Shannon. hottest chick in town >>61788
>>61931 I doubt wins exist but who knows
Bump again for Lakeville and their milf mom’s.
Any lapeer o.f
>>58409 More Makayla G
You gotta post some wins first
(1.03 MB 4160x3120 20190703_192315.jpg)
More Kayla s
Name? She’s fine as hell
Check the k App I up the offer for the 42 picks of KC, KF, AB and AS. Let’s make a deal if you actually got them.
Kc who and ac who
Still looking for K@cie, K@yla and Aubr€y
K@cie last name?
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Got to be more wins and stories
Any Lapeer West 2002-2006?
East 2006-2008
Lakeville 2014 I used to have some of Kate 0déĺļ
Someone got to have Shannon c
anyone have kaylie p(a)tri(a)?
