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Anonymous 03/08/2023 (Wed) 17:11:49 No. 10723
Anyone got anything from V dub?
There was a thread of her before. There’s wins out there
Let there be wins
There were posts before. Anyone got anything?
Man I want those tits
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What the front of her look like ? She seems like she’s a thick thick girl
Huge tits
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Anyone have her OF content?
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More of her!
Anyone got info on her?
Any of her tits?
Bump for her OF content
Isn’t she married ?
Not married. She is at osan now
There has to be at least 1 win
>>15465 what’s her OF
She’s so full of herself. Plus there are no wins out here
I’m sure there are wins. She’s a big whore
She’s at Korea now. Definitely there are wins out there
Bump to top
Man where she go?
Please someone has something
I’ve tried posting pics but the site keeps deleting my posts
That sucks! Are they wins?
>>19339 Damn for real? U got the goods…
>>19339 Keep trying to post
She used to send on Snap. Idk what happened.
Been wanting to see them titties, keep trying to post if u got something
She likes black cock
If she used to send, someone gotta have something.
Those tits
>>19502 we are all waiting to see them
I think she is on E R O M E
I have her but can’t post
>>19544 Post on E R O M E
Need this girl bad !!!
Add willpayallot on yellow
Add what?
>>19544 Dude you gotta come thru for us
I checked E R O M E and there is some content not on here. But if you have something, send it there.
What the name of the post
Ya nothing really that good on E R O M E
If you have stuff. Send it there or post it.
Tried to make account didn’t work add the snap
Send on E R O M E
Still can’t post
Link won’t work?
I think we’re being trolled at this point. Dude isn’t going to post any wins
From what I heard, she used to post and send on Snap. So whomever was on there, definitely has them
Someone will eventually come through
S I M P C I T Y got a thread now.
>>19775 What’s this supposed to mean?
Look it up and her name
Those tits
She used to post and sell on snap. She has a BF in Korea now. Once they break up, I’m sure she will start up again.
>>20124 Put yellow bird in comment when you send
>>20125 T w e n t y B u c k s
Why are you trying to sell? Get outta here with that shit and just share it. Weird af
Post this fat ass slots nudes.
I heard she did some cam work. But I don’t know her SN for it
Bump bump
Need to find more of her
She watches the thread and loves the attention. Hey Vic, can we have something sexy plz?
>>20885 How do you know?
>>20898 Your husband told me Vic
Bump for those tits. She was always chubby but she’s real fat now
Saw her cam work a while ago but couldn’t record
Damn for real? What’d she go by on her came name…
I think it was PhattyV or something like that
I used to work with her at Eglin. Confirmed she likes BBC
How do we not have any wins yet
>>21351 That’s what I’m sayin, wtf lol
Someone has wins
Her tits aren’t as great as advertised. They are saggy.
I’m sure they are saggy
Post them!
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Holy shit, finally someone comes through! So sexy tell me there’s more where that came from..
>>21849 Keep em comin
I would tie her up and whip those big tits she’s such a good girl
Vic I want to praise the ground you walk on to see more of your big titties
More please!
Any videos?
Tits aren’t that great guys
>>21605 are you a literal child? saggy tits are the norm. big tits have weight my guy
Until we see them unsupported, I’m not a believer
I agree, let’s see them unsupported
Would love to see more. Whoever posted, post some more.
Bless us again my guy
There is more
>>21948 Can we see them?
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>>21957 Goat shit bro. Thank you!!
Any of her ass and fulll nudes?
Agreed let’s see full nudes. Keep em coming. You have any pussy shots?
>>21957 You are a legend! Thank you!
Making everyone’s day. Bless us with more
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Keep em coming!!
So hot. Finally someone coming through for us, bless us with more we appreciate these
Don’t stop
Bump. There has to be more
Any videos?
That might be the end fellas, hoping it’s not tho
I think she’s lowkey dropping them for us, she loves the attention. Keep em coming Vic
She’s so freaking sexy and such a great tease fkk
Idk what you guys see in her. Every fat girl has big tits. If it is her, she isn’t showing anything that we haven’t already seen on any other girl.
She doesn’t show her ass cause it’s not nice guys
We know her best asset is her tits, that’s why she’s sharing those for us
Idk guys. She doesn’t merit the attention
Well they came in over night both times so if she’s out of the country that could be a sign it’s Vic
Let’s see her pussy
Doubt she ever took pics like that
A man can always have hope lol I’m sure she has. Her husband has them
She’s got a heart tattoo right next to her pussy
I doubt she has a tat there. I’ll be impressed when I see her tits standing up and ass.
>>22023 I actually have two 😉 one on each side
Meet and Fuck t.co/9BPqJej0iI
Saggy tits guys. That’s why there aren’t pics of her standing with unsupported tits. And no ass shots either shame
She’s so bad. I jerk off to her everyday. Wish I could see those tits more
I guess she can’t meet the requests of us.
Need more
Bless us with more
Please keep showing us those perfect big titties Vic
Can’t let this die
She is gorgeous
Post more
I want to see more.
What’s her ass like?
