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Guam past and present 11/06/2023 (Mon) 14:17:22 No. 15824
What ya got?
Any mik@yl@ red head newly stationed?
Anyone got PQ? AF ammo at Andersen.
Bump for MUNS
Emily Wilson?
C. 0neill? Anderson
Bump for those Andersen sluts!
Bump for Emily Wilson
Bump for Emily wilson big slut
Marien B. any wins?
Anyone got @r!n? Was there briefly
Mia abreu??
>>17670 initial k?
Bump for abreu
Anyone got that female firedawg? Blonde chick has huge tits
>>17733 Ye! Got any?
>>17760 Leave d !sc
NBG any for Amavisca?
>>17758 Alli? Or Kate?
>>17670 Bump
any CRG bitches???
Mia abreu tho
Bump for mia again
Bump for abreu
Anyone have D3vi@?
What about that Kendra Medic?
>>17656 Bump her. Huge boobs.
any of the CRG sluts.....2005-2012
any CRG sluts from 2004-2012
Anyone know krist3n j@r@millo I think was her name. Use to be a stripper that I fucked when passing through
Someone C@rolyn D3lp3ch?
(290.64 KB 719x718 carolyn.jpg)
>>17733 Bump
Cassie stewart?
>>15824 >>18489 Did you mean D@VIL@ from FC?
(476.14 KB 1179x1776 IMG_5424.jpeg)
>>18489 R1V3RA from the frank anyone?
>>19848 Saw that BBC BJ uploaded here a while ago
>>19862 Do you happen to know where a man could find that video of “R1V3RA”
>>15824 Bump Riv3ra
>>15824 Any have Cr1$t1n@ M3Ad0w$
Bump for Emi1y wi1son
(409.96 KB 1242x2208 IMG_6555.jpeg)
Does anyone remember this whore or have stories or pics??
Any S Ch@pm@n?
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Anybody know a kh@t1@
>>21242 The doodles. Who do you have?
Any creampie stuff
>>21462 I have a few of her but I never nutted in her. Do you have any stories or pics of the doodles?
Any @r!n k?
>>21478 Post them up. I'll see what i can find
>>18482 This looks a shit ton like pabalan
