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Kansas City, MO 10/28/2023 (Sat) 23:01:03 No. 23361
Any wins of girls from KC on Missouri side?
Who's that? Here's M3gan K
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>>23363 emma mcd0n@ld
J351y L@nd@v3rd3
Who got that vivi€en girl? Sells Shoes.
any kr1stie z1mmerman out there
>>23392 do you know some exist or are you just hoping? nothing you have to share?
>>23401 just hoping
>>23391 The one that works at dicks?
>>23407 Yessir
Any of R@ch3l BurM@n? She used to be a stripper
>>23392 Bump for kr1stie
>>23365 >>23364 To the top
Any wins of this slut?
>>23392 bump
Please tell me there is some A$hley $hapiro, KC model out there!
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Any of 4lici4 Br3ss3t3?
>>23361 Anyone have $he@ H3im
Morgan doucleff use to work at the gym I went to
anyone have kr1stie z1mmerman
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Any N@t@li3?
>>24274 I’ve wanted to see her for years
Anyone got st@cy young
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From a KC thread on /b/, any recognize?
>>24581 How did you manage to find a kc thread there?
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Who go @rin Michele?
Damn she’s sexy! Anyone have more?!
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Mmmm I’ve jerked to her insta a few times. Hot to see her posted on here
Sophia Rodriguez from KC Was having sex with teacher and got him fired at Oak Park. She did bunch of snaps to few people. Any still have
Any emerald/amira? She works at pure
>>24274 Someone has to have more
>>25067 Needs a lubed up fist...
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>>24770 More of 5t3ph
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>>24770 >>25071 A few more
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I got lots, lmk if you know her
>>25252 I know br00klyn bro these would be niiiiice
Ghost 4pp : tr4defor_loot For br0oklyn
Br00klyn, something light
El@yne C@rey? Re@g@n St3w@rt?
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Anyone here got Izzy? Went to UMKC
Chl03 b0wm@n she works at a hooters
>>25331 holy hell yes please!!!
>>25296 asian?
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>>25629 Anyone know her name?
>>25331 Bump for Chloe
(1.36 MB 1290x1227 IMG_2903.jpeg)
>>25252 found this on ero
>>25673 Rest of the link? Or what’s the search? Thanks!
>>23365 >>23364 Have anymore?
M0rg@n N3wm@n
Any bartenders from Drunken Worm?
Any bartenders from Old Chicago?
>>25296 B€n!t0?
(1.36 MB 1170x1263 IMG_2579.jpeg)
J@!Ð3ň B server at tp sells
>>25252 I know her what do you have?
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Anyone know her?
How do you let her know you want to buy?
J@id3ń snap is her name
C4ssie Lu Ch4pman wins?
Any Truman nurse wins?
anyone got l3x n3ls0n?
Br!ttany B@rbor@k wins?
Why aren’t any of my posts showing up
Idk it tried posting yesterday and it was gone shortly after
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Anyone got G10v4nn4 c4p0n3t0?
(131.54 KB 914x1706 Snapchat-1134275138.jpg)
J@CK!3 H 05b2a48fed803ca606e271afed31be7338d2805ed5ace19b6277a6c28d1633bc38
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Vict0ri@ T@dic. used to have an of and had wins out there
>>23361 Any Mackenzie Nunn wins? Fitness trainer in lees summit
Has to be some wins out there she got a new man every week
Anyone got k1rst3n b0n0 from independence?
>>27073 Her OF is double_daisyyy Heard she sells on snap to
Hailey Englund? Went to Benedictine college
More br00klyn
I got some 816 MyK I kname namenotfound.
Anyone got 3rika h0g@n apparently from mo side of kc
(48.63 KB 720x960 krc.jpeg)
Who got Vivi€n Viv€ro$?
More Erik@!
What happened to Brooklyn?
Anything more of S@ra Montoy@?
Who got s@v@n@ dun@vin
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Anyone got G1ov4nn4 c4p0n3tt0?
anyone have kr1st1e z1mmerman?
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>>28926 Damn who's that?
>>28926 BUMP
>>28924 Bump
Bump for S@ra Montoy@. I think she has a facial vid out there.
$h@ina Wr1ght anyone?
Any jenna Heinz twin peak
>>27588 SOMEOME has to have some Erika. Cmon.
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Who wants? :)
>>29989 Drop em!
>>29989 For sure drop that
Post Bro0klyn
Bump for brook
>>29989 would love to see her or her friend M@dison M@yfi13ld
any Jessie Hawks?
Bump Megan k
Hmu k^k k_dub314
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Anybody got any summit Christian academy girls??
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S@r@ Cl@rk
Bump for brooke
Jessie Hawks?
>>30501 Hell yeah anyone got M@adelynn Fr1st0 or @shley 5uhr??
>>30612 bump I’d do anything to see @shley
>>30628 Or h@ley brun5, you know those are out there somewhere
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Any1 have?
Morgan doucleff
>>24581 Could be J3ssic@ Fişcħ3r
Any m0rgan hus3r
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Madeline - works in KC, MO, lives in KC,KS
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Wins of Madeline
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N1kki Hvffner/ Burger Used to live in Independence but moved.
>>30675 Bump
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Any wins of K@th3rin3 $yk3s?
Post Br0oklyn
>>25295 Sn@p?? I tried and nothing came up
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>>30640 >>30628 Bump, need her
Anyone know anything about the big titted asian girl who works on the plaza? Or have any wins
Anyone have any wins or stories about Br3ann Ru$h?
>>31371 >>31372 God damn those are nice
I know she is posted in another thread but there's anyone have any new Kh@msay Clark/Baccam? She's my favorite Asian milf.
>>31374 You know her?
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Tori h@nlin vids? >>23361
Jessie Hawk$?
>>31450 >>31447 Damn who is this
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Anybody got the M@ndy M@ln0ry wins?
anyone have kr1st1e z1mmerman
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Anyone have or know her?
Anyone have @bby Berner?! She’s so damn sexy
Does anyone have Abby Berner??
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>>31932 This bitch? She’s fine as fuck. Please someone
>>23361 >>23364 Got anymore Megan k
Any Ti@na T. Or her sister t@ylor t?
thek(@)tsm(30)w69 Deleted onlyfans, if anyone has the pics I'll buy
>>31243 Who is that??
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Any 3m1ly D?
Bump for 3m1ly d
>>32308 I wanna see those tits so bad somebody has to have something
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Bump for 3m1ly d and mad p
Any slutty nurses from children’s mercy??? I heard they pass each other around there
