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828 05/06/2023 (Sat) 19:21:08 No. 13704
any morgant0n wins? burk3 and surrounding counties are welcome
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Here's one motown girl
Let's go bump
Post who you want and I'll use my pimeyes account to check
Kyla little
Bethany parsons
Rebekah shuford
Heather turpin
Brianna Martin
I should've clarified. Post a clear unfiltered face Pic of who you want. I will not be doing all the work for you. Also I'm limited to my per day searches so I'm only doing Morganton/Marion area.
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>>14927 Nothing
>>14830 casey. i know theres wins out there
Any Forest City girls
>>15396 Yes n!Ck! W00d would be super
Any 3rica Crowd3r wins?
Any H@mby wins?
>>14732 Whos this? Got a name? Looks familiar but I can't place her.
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Anyone know here lived in VA now in Asheville area? Willing to share what I got of her?
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>>16144 Yea, she went to Radford. She never came to her classes. Post her bro
>>16515 Who is this? That cunt is absolutely fucking wrecked. A goddamn canyon.
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>>16847 Sarah who?
>>16144 To show that I do have stuff from her but want people to share first
Anyone have Becca that hung with fender?
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Any h@mby?
>>14730 wow shes fine
Anyone Have any Valerie C.?
>>14730 Who's this? Face looks familiar.
>>14829 Was she a chubby emo chick?
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I know this crazy bitch had an of for a while but she doesn't update it.. K@yla c0lee
>>20843 She loves for you to fuck her in the ass also.
>>13704 Bump!
Any J@mie S? Valdese
Shiiiit. I'd pay to fuck that ass
I'd pay to fuck k@yla c0l33 in that ass
How about girls from freedom hs? Any wins there?
>>22111 Idk she's dumb as a fucking box of rocks. Her fb and Instagram is her reposting Kevin gates quotes 20 times a day for nobody to give a shit about. I love it when she starts dating a new guy, she immediately tags him as in a relationship and then starts talking about being in love by the next week. Waits a week then the guy leaves and she starts posting life lessons again about not trusting people.
Anyone got Eric@ C1ontz or A1ex 1owman stuff?
Bump Morganton wins please
Who got @ly$$a br00k3 t0n3y?
Bump any mEg@n r0g ers
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Who's got more j33ny I know there has to be some out there
Who got K@ss r@z0? Them b00b$ are huge.
Anymore of K1rst13 Dula?
Anyone got h@nn@h h3nd0
Any of Caroline V1ns0n?
K@s1@ m@r13
>>24018 Big bump
>>24105 There was one posted previously
>>24118 Where at?
>>24135 The last 828 thread that got deleted
Anymore K1rst1e mk@y
What’s up with Abby or her sister bail3y? Both are hot and I heard they were both slvts
>> bump for Bailey!
>>24270 I second that. Always wanted to see Bailey. Heard Abby was the easier one between the two. Not sure if that’s true or not tho lmao
>>24288 Holy f bumppp
Bump Abby
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>>24469 who is that
>>25020 Abbey H
>>25023 BUMP!! She’s hot as fff
>>25023 You got any stories about her?
>>23826 Bump heard she loves it in the ass
>>25037 Which whore are you talking about
>>25040 J3nny J
>>25041 Oh ok. Still wanting to find out more about Abbey H
Abby T3tt..ton? Got posted on here years ago anyone still have it?
>>25042 Agreed. Bump for AH
>>25042 We need her friends posted too
>>25107 Who are they
Anyone have a$hton p0gue? Would pay for these
>>25119 Any of them - definitely want Caroline V
>>25140 I second that
>>25140 I want to see her so bad
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>>25181 I heard she gives a mean blowjob
Don’t let this one die plz
J@smine H?
Let’s hear some Abb3y stories
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She’s hot but we need her friends
Anyone have more kirstie dul@
>>25405 She was way sluttier than her friends
>>25462 True but they have to be out there
>>25462 Is she actually a slvt though??
>>25467 I’ve looked everywhere. Abb3ys the only whore with wins
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At one point there was a photo posted of her friend Caroline but that was an old thread
Any H3@th3r sl00p or Krist@ Zifk0 wins??
any Al3xis Lunsf0rd?
Morgan hensley?
>>25506 So hot who is she?
cute t. co/qTBaZYwbeF
What about Mcdowell county?
>>25596 what does this mean? What site?
Don’t let this die, abbey is such a slut
>>25766 Bump!! She’s sexy as hell
Anyone have Sara p from wilkes, she was a slut back in the day
Post more abbey. I knew some guys who fucked her in college. She’s a huge slut
>>25766 She’s a whore
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>>25772 Shes got nice tits, whose got the rest
>>25958 I bet that loose pussy has some stories to tell
