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937 reporting in Anonymous 10/27/2022 (Thu) 19:41:11 No. 13822
Any from 937? Hoping to get some Troy, Sidney or Gville.
who’s this i may have some to share lots of piqua tho
Adah j by chance? I'll cry
>>13855 What’s this link?
Tight little body with a couple tats in piqua
I’ve got M1ri@m S from bellefontaine, any other b town wins?
Looking for 937
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Bump for bethany
Aubri C from piqua
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Looking for wins with Tess mcc1ure from gville
Who has Kyleigh Denson? Has to be something
Any wins from Bellefontaine while we’re in the 937?
Looking for B3thany Wall@ce
anything from Milton Tipp area?
@$hley J Anyone got more? Great Tinder slut.
Anyone have K@ylee G0ff?
Guess she was put up before and was scooped into AC’s. Can anyone re-up em?
I have literally hundreds of , Troy , Milton and piqua get active and I’ll throw some up
Any greeneview?
>>15299 Or idk, just throw them up?
>>15299 What’s your at
>>15299 Would love to see a few from Milton
Anything from Troy or west Milton?
Any Kristen wood from Troy Ohio?
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>>16508 ....
Drop at to -
Where are the Sidney sluts
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Someone please have kyli€ B. This is girl is s-o fuckin sexy
Champaign county?
Anyone want Tori Bl@zer?
>16914 Yes please!
Yes for Tori
I’d drop so much shit if the Lily S wins get dropped in here
anyone have the OF for huber heights frickers waitress?
T0r1 bl@z3r
Trayvonblack00 for Troy
Anyone have Cassandra Z?
Anyone have G@bby G?
>>17412 Send more Troy
>>17568 Please link
Anyone got k3irst3n f@ye th0m@s?
L@uren @$h from piqua?
Anyone have Kyl33 w@yn3?
>>13822 >>17326 Any more of her??
>>17772 Nice. Even more?
Any Grace D from Troy
Chloe D anyone?
Anybody has Madi W3lls from miamisburg
T0ri Bl@zer is the toughest girl you know
Anyone have anymore mismisburg? I have a few to share
I have burg looking for that and Centerville or Kettering.
Erin from Kettering
Share some burg
>>17896 Post some new shit these have been posted months ago
Any julie ostrov Julie_marie723 from POF
Any of L@rissa or C@ssandra Hickman?
Liz Fell
Any C0urntry M@zz or M@ggie C@ugh€ll?
Do anyone has @mand@ McKinney vandalia?
Haley j@y anyone?
Anyone have any pics from Brooklyn R0berts old OF?
>>18405 Only one I have, wish I had more
>>18409 I have a video. What’s your @
Anyone have any wins of K@yl@ Blant0n
>>18417 Won’t let me post it
>>18417 Jl@345
>>18465 Sc? Jla345?
Any wins of 3mmas J0nes? Heard she just recently started an OF
Any riverside class of 09-14 I have a couple girls Some never posted
>>18497 Link?
emgraceee That’s her username on O F
>>18504 Who?
Emm@ Teeter?
Any of Morgan Sampier?
any wins for Emm@s J0nes
Reanna Jones, anyone have more?
Looking for Jen Sizemor3 apprentice at 33 lions
Any hoes that worked or works at Mahle/Behr
Any sam r
What about anything from Fairborn 2012-2018
L@uren $URB3r from her OF
>>18901 Would love to see Courtney C or her cousins!! Tiffany,LeAnn or Ashley M
Anyone know of any new OF accounts? Or an extensive list of local accounts? I don’t mind subbing and sharing.
Sub to can.chaser and emgraceee
>>19024 Sub to can.chaser and emgraceee
Someone please be a hero and bless us with wins of Beth@ny W
Anybody have @bby Howard or her ugly sisters @udrey or @riel
>>19024 Itsj96 Graduated from Oakwood
Anyone have Chloe mcdaniel? Or other burg
>>19109 Do you have any of Jamie's stuff?
>>18335 any more? or any of the girl in the 2nd pNot allowedn ur first post Kelsey
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>>19215 Repost the code. Link has expired
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Whose got more Acacia?
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Any emm@ bren@m@n? Works at twin peaks by the Fairfield mall
>>14674 Tes$ McClure???????
T@yl0r 3ly piqua ??
S@mmi l@bosky?
Anyone have Elysh@ br@dy? Used to frequent the Oregon.
Marissavan on o-fans is Amber T from south chuck
Moar Morgan
@lexis Smith
Any Allison L
>>20029 Bump
Any Moore Kr!st€n W00d?
Anyone have Ashley Houck, Jordan Addison, Jordan henghold, easten Debord, neveah Mathew’s or emerald Clarke? From Centerville and miamisburg.
Who got sammie dalton, jaden mahle or Brooklyn Coffman? I got stuff I can post let me know!
>>20371 Would love Jordan A
>>20416 Right I can’t believe she had a baby with dumb ass Kyle Wanke such a fucking loser
>>19024 Tattedbaddiebri
>>20030 Anything else of her?
Anyone have Ashley Houck I’ve wanted to see those big titties for so long.
Anyone have wins of Kyli3 Fr@zier?
Anybody have Alyssa be$$ from DYT
Why do you keep posting that fat, brown nipple bitch?
Bump for Kylie F
Bump Kylie F
Bump for anything from Fairborn
Any wins of Chelse@ Perry?
Any waynesville, CM, Lebanon onlyfans?
>>21173 Bump yo
>>19808 Holy shit I know her. Went to school with her. Anyone has her or want some tecumseh stuff keeeeek me pman9422013
>>21250 I'd love to see M@c@l@h Schyul3r
>>21273 Totally agree. Do you know if she has any wins out there?
>>21290 She does and I have it, along with her sis. Keeek shared above
To the person with macalah stuff. We were in the middle of the conversation and for some reason i can't reply to you anymore? I have stuff ready for yah. Izuka if you see this, Not allowed. Pman9422013 Anyone else got tecumseh lemme know
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>>13822 Stevie L. dancer at WSU i miss her
Bump for Kylie Fr@zier
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Devin L
Any have Katie D@vis or her dirty butt hoodrat friends?
>>21551 Yes! I’ve always wanted to see her or her friend Abigail.
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>>20371 Easten flashed her boobs in a quick scene in a movie that was filmed at Miami University. Here's a crappy screenshot. I wish there were more of her but I've never found any.
What movie was she in?
Heads up pman9422013 doesn't like to - back
>>21322 What class/es you mainly lookin for? And which ones you got?
>>>21697 I have some M@c Schuyl3r would love too more of her or her sis 3m1ly
>>21644 Homie deff sends back
>>21602 What's the moviee??
Anyone have Kristen w0od--troy Macy b---Covington
Anyone have Kylie Fr@zier??
Br00ke l0vej0y wins?
I’ll take any Riverside …
anyone have sarah b?
Any Troy class of 15/16?
Looking for stivers class of 2020 wins
Man we do need some Centerville bitches in here. Anyone have these I highly doubt it but I’ll ask lol Beth smith, Alexa magner, Jerin fields, Claire lambert, Rylee Moore, Katie biga, Jacqueline click or anyone from Centerville for that matter lol
Fuck yeah we need Centerville girls I need to see Audrey penrod,Rachel Walther, Lauren sipe, Kenny brewer, Carolyn Engert, Caitlyn jacks, corrie Phillips,Bailey mcatee, or Sydney Schardt
Bump for Kylie Fr@zier
Any wins from Jade Mosl3y?
any julia fay c@y?
Any Milton Girls?
Bump for Milton!
Milton or Tipp?
>>>>23570 /gTWGUwgf any hints
>>23621 Tried AF,GF, m1r,pixel,ZS,and s3nd no luck...
>>23628 Bro it rhymes with Dick Sword
>>23570 Someone explain what this is
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Please someone has to have Sierra she was selling nudes at one point and I never got any ))): but have a lot to offer.
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anyone ever fuck K@yla? if so how was it?
Any s@rah m!nton? I have some from her OF but looking for more.
>>24095 I have a couple a-nFaggotn-5-3-5-3-5 No hyphens yellow app
>>24095 Anon35353
Names brittan¥ F○ster from Sidney. Who has her?
>>24518 Back in the day I did, her forehead is too big
She looks like lil a baddie bro
That pussy dirty. She got herpes
B Weber?
Anyone 1 have any of the king sisters? P4i9e or j355?
>>24695 I got a vid of je55
>>24727 Post it! I've got pics of both of the king sisters
>>24742 Gotta ask her for it again, can I see some of the pics
She sent it, ready to see any pics of them
>>24750 I have content also, I’d like to see that video for sure
I want sex! Тeхt me - arenatr­.­com
>>18670 i grew up with this chick anyone got more?
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Anyone have Trinity?
>>24790 this chicks a tinder slut.
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Any s4r4h M or R4cha3l E?
>>24518 I have a few from back in the day before she got fat
Post some darke county OF's. I'll subscribe and share!
any /\/\4rt31sh4 k3lh0ff3r?
I got a whole folder of 937 to dump for pics of Hail33 Klo$t3rman, from new Carlisle area now living in the Kettering area..
Who's got jalin €ooper?
Looking for Em1ly Schuyl3r
anyone from stebbins or bcreek 2009-2014
tre Lynn from greenvile of mixedgirl1111
Any new T0ri bl@zer?
Skylar from diamonds anyone
M@ria ●verbay
Anyone have Brooklyn Wylie?
K3ls3y M00r3s wins?
So many beggers I stg. Nobody shares shit anymore
I have plenty to share just wanted to see if anyone had any of some I know
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Any wins of Kr!sten J0hn$0n 937 northridge/dayton Just started a 0F
>>26241 What's her OF
Please share the OF I'll sub and share
Here's from her old OF, whats the new one
Bump for Kr!sten J0hn$0n
Any k@yl@ b0mb1n from Troy?
@u357807285 Krissy
Bump for Kr!$ten j0hn$0n!! Here is her new 0f
Bro much appreciated! Bump for more KJ
Looking for 3m1ly 5chuyl3r from New carilse or her sister M@c I'm use the green Devilish44
payb4vWd won't be banned if slow post
Bump for darke Miami and Shelby wins
Add me on the white and green âpp to swap wc & burg wins anonexchange69
Br00klyn R0berts OF saves?
anyone have centerville or fairmont 2007-2012?
Bump for Darke, Miami, and Shelby Counties.
Anyone got Mollie Ay@rs from springfield?
Bump for Darke, Miami, and Shelby Counties
>>29367 Jamestrace2023 yell0w app
>>29379 Do you?
>>29834 Add for Brooklyn R
Anyone have Adrian B from Urbana?
Anyone got K@mbri3 R. From O@kW00d?
>>26931 New cord?
anyone have anything recent from Tecumseh like 2018-2022? I know Ely$e Fr@zier gets around
bump for New Carlisle
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Anybody have @y@n@h g?
Add me on white and green for 937 trades. anonexchange6969
any 3r!n burd!$$
Any jada r from bellbrook?
>>25945 Went to school with her. Any more?
Any Ohiolizzz?
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Any chloe?
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How is there not more of l0g@n p@tt3rs0n
>>25453 I want these!!!!
>>32751 Do you have Hailee? I’ll dump some 937
bump for anything recent from Tecumseh
Anyone got the @li sisters from Troy? @zalia, m@cl@ya,c@mill@.. etc
any recent Tecumseh or New Carlisle?
2023 grads troy piqua?
Looking for M@c@l@h or Em1ly Schuyl3r
>>33696 >>32930 I got some old new carlisle if anyone else dumps
>>34645 Do you have the Schuyl3r sisters
>>34645 you have the blue and white app?
Any Rhianna Witt from new Carlisle?
>>34645 I got some new carlisle if you do
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Chloe D
>>34729 Holy shit she have of?
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>>34645 Who you got?
>>34645 Lmk I'll drop some shit
Anyone got @l3s1s sh3rm4n, t@yl0r h0us3m4n or sydn13 f1nl3y
>>34909 Bump
>>34909 Any of these girls?
Would commit arson for some of Kaylin W. (Season)
C@it Atkins
Anyone want class of 22 from troy
>>35019 who you got?
>>34909 huge bump for these three plus T@yl0r Si$c0
>>35030 Know them?
>>35037 Yup I do, unfortunately I don't have anything from any of them tho
Anyone got J0sie B0wdle
Anyone have Julie D from Vandalia?
>>35029 Who you want
>>33696 bump
Any mich Marie ???
New carlisle dump it
Any Kaltyln €hevell3? They gotta be out there
>>35090 Add s—-n-@-p andrewroark22
Last name?
Any mich Marie ????
Any Sh@una@ b or friends new carlisle
Si3rr@ b3seck3r from Troy? Heard she was always down to show off
Any Abigail H from Troy/Piqua not from OF?
Anybody have a KH?
Anyone have a KH?
Anyone have K@trin@ 0mil@kin from new Carlisle/ tecumseh? Class of 2012 I think
Let’s see some from class of 2016/17!! So many wins out there.
>>36018 Andrewroark22 s——-c
>>20850 >>24991 I fucked R@3
>>36046 i got brit nels0n and ash m0rgan and c0ra dr1scol and some others
Need triad bitches
>>17560 I would love to see a video of her
Any more C@it Atkins from troy
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L1nz13 N33l3y?
Would kill for more of these two from New Carilse
bump any New Carlisle/Tecumseh
>>37115 Post the video. I saw it once like years back.
They have vids love to find those
Green. Dev1l1sh44
>>20579 Don’t have Ashley but I’ve fucked her mom. Have plenty of her!
Well I’m down to see her mom lol
anything saved from k@ylee y0ung OF??
I got brigit stricklett (sapiro) t(3)<le>gr(@m) rickdoe95
Any aly55a dalt0n or kail33 p3ck?
Where all the Vand butler girls at?
>>39615 there’s some in the other 937 Dayton thread but not a lot
S@ra Sid€ll huge tits bar tender. Has to be tons of wins.
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Elorrah - Trotwood Meth addicted human waste fat whore, will let you fuck for nothing Insta & twitter - notsweatin937
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Caylee Copley works at sportclips by the Fairfield mall. Gives blowjobs when done
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Any T@yl0r gr4ndm0nt? Xenia
any 2020-2023 Tecumseh?
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>>13822 Tipp City D3lan3y D3camp
>>40540 Any more?
Liz g00dm4n??
>>18451 Anyone have ?
Anyone have the soin slut kala b3nt0n ?
Does anyone have any Lauryn houseman (lillooboo)
>>41970 she's in the kettering thread
Any Klara S from Wright State? I swear she had some on here before
Any sh@yl@ w@lk3r
Still looking for T3$$ McC1ur3? I have one I can share.
What about tipp, and bethel people.. I got some. Let’s blow it up again!
Yes still looking for tess. Plz share
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anyone got bi@nc@ @d@ms ?
Any of Kristen morrow
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T3$$ McClur3. Not great, buts it’s what I got
Damn love to more of te$. She looks like she's got big nips.
Any TVS 2012?
@ly C0il3 Huber heights
Any k3lc3y
Wins of who?
We need more tipp sluts
Any K@ylin Burchett wins?
Monday morning 🔥🔥🤌🏻
Any Ashley W0lf?
Any of her pussy?
>>42988 What’s she look like? I have some by that name not sure if it’s the right one
Tall blonde big tits lol kinda vague but that’s what I know
Any more @utumn W? Pussy shots?
Any @z@ri@
Keep them comein
Any Bethany d1xon
I’ll keep sharing but I need others to share some
Post tipp city ’22 or ‘23
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Br(a)ndÿ Tyler
>>43077 🤢🤢🤢
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S@ra Duben Krisr@ S
>>43084 More sara
C@m1 Y0unt j0urdan b0wling, mir@nd@ h0bbs 3mily @ntonio or her sister Who’s got them
Who’s got Eric@ Gi11enw@t3r
Anyone got d@nie rou$h from Huber
>>43077 lol I fucked her sister
>>24893 Anyone still want her, i have some
>>34575 name some
>>43238 Drop some wins be a legend an help save the thread
>>42716 Holy shit that would be a dream come true.
>>42606 Shit anymore @ly c0il3? I wanna see her getting fucked
>>43329 This!
Bump for Cami Yount, I’d pay for those!
Anyone with wins from Olivi@ Fred(rick)
t@yl0r h0us3m@n, sydn13 f1nl3y, or l3xy sh3rm@n pls
>>43577 U have y&w?
>>43578 what’s that
>>43578 I do t3le gr@mm, gwenwantsit
Kamr¥n Gat3s Wins?
>>13829 I got her ass if any one has Arianna ho11er
Br00k3 W
Anyone got @zari@ r@mos?
