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Anonymous 06/06/2023 (Tue) 23:11:23 No. 21756
Looking for All Stark County OFs. Canton Perry Jackson Massillon Akron etc Pic Heidi F from Perry
I have ash W. From perry. Will post once thread starts
If you have either od the Dur13ux sisters pls post
Post usernames and I'll post what I can grab
Look for Rebecca P from perry, got her?
Any ‘14-‘15 grads?
Bellaababyx !sab3lla z3!gl3r. Best of luck
maryyybabyy and amberhooters. Good luck
>>21781 I hope, she was a huge slut back in hs
D Powell
Bump a b b e y j o n e s
Bump bellaababyx
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Br!@nn@ K. Anyone got L!bby H or K@!tlyn U from CS?
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Anybody have Kyl13 M1ll3r
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Anyone have Amber V4nf0ssen
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E Kryn!cky
>>23851 Post more!
Rebecca P from Perry does she have brown eyes and braces ?
Anyone have Lizzie W (opposite of east) from Massillon - there was at least 1 really nice pic posted a year or two ago. Pics related
Grace D from Perry?
Lisa diam0nd?
Camri cantwell mck
>>24230 yeah
Need more Heidi F
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Any tay hin3r? Brittany_bb
Any Clair z from perry?
Any j0rd@n or t@ylor sn3lick?? Not sure if they have of but any wins or close to wins
2014-2015 bump!
>>30887 Can I get a hint on this?
Bump for Ash W
Bre C(ampbell) leak from 2018ish?
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any one have anymore pics of @Ñtó¡ñeTTê
Karly w3bb ??
Judy p canton?
Bump for ash w and her sister Nikki
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Moni@ McElfresh??
K0rd plz??
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Olivia k tuslaw
Whats olivia k OF?
Any ash Reese
Any more olivia k or other tuslaw?
>>36710 U4wS2QAJ
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looking for Hanna R from Canal Fulton
Can we get a new l Ink for the k ord
>>38056 How about a permanent one
anyone bought off Jordan F4aith on Snap? sells and has tons of wins
>>39113 Would definitely like to see any of her
>>39113 I’ll do it lol how do I find her
Anything from Massillon from 2013-15?
Bump >>22754
Any Patti R? Has an OF
anybody have a new k0rd inv?
Bump for Patti r
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Bump for more patti r
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Any zoey?
Any university of mount union? PA chicks would be awesome
>>42026 What is her socials
>>42056 Zoeyxo444
Olivia k. Blueyebabe220
Malia gramb Ling
whos got the steph jones wins? used to be posted everywhere
bump for the steph wins, where they go?
BIG bump for Stephanie
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>>42873 holy fuck who is she and where is she from
bump for info!
who is this big tit goddess
>>42873 Ive been fapping to this girl for days now. I hope someone has more. 🥵
Also how could pics of her be banned across all boards 🤔🤔🤔
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Who’s the guy claiming to have met K@te Bu$h at backroads and giving her anal cream pies? Be a hero and share the story. And share the wins or it didn’t happen.
>>43096 Was she married at the time? That would be interesting If she was sneaking and getting her ass fucked and flooded with cum secretly while also having a husband. What a naughty little slut. Whoever you are, please share. You have to have stuff if you’re meeting up to fuck. That’s pretty legendary of you if you pulled that off. Salute 🫡
