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Anonymous 12/20/2023 (Wed) 08:49:43 No. 25572
918 thread?
Brook dietz
Got one of brook with my cock in her mouth
>>25588 Post it
Lexie hicks or Britney
Any wins of K@rst€n Fl€@k? Went to Muskogee
Any of Mandi P exist?
You got anymore of brook in the act?
>>25703 Anyone got her socials?
Any Allison Mitchell from Owasso area? Used to have her own thread.
Bump for more brook
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>>25710 Does gangbangs on the reg
Any Jessi Robertson from Coweta or BA? She’s a gym rat with a killer bod
Brooks cheeks getting clapped in my back seat
>>25830 Is that br(00)k Diet(z)
>>25952 Yes it is
Bump with brook
>>25997 Brook use to be decent not the same story nowadays
Bump for Brook D.
>>26286 Other than*
Anything besides brooke ?
Any Kyra G or Emma L?
anyone got l0v3ly.c4ssss?
>>26314 is that Kyra gill?
>>26334 Yeah, got anything? She's fine as hell
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>>26350 best I got
M3ll1s4 S1mmons?
>>26369 we've taken the same screenshots lmao. Damn, hope somebody has wins. She used to have an OF and would sell on snap occasionally
>>26377 smh I wish I had gotten the OF before she deleted
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Anyone have Britney
Er1n Val3ntin0?
>>26424 er1n kr@ft
Give me some OF suggestions and I'll share the wins
Anyone have syd ph@m
>>26453 Brookelthomas from tahlequah then went to OSU
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Fuck yea, any more of Syd?
Any new Rach3l D3l3s wins? 918 BBW
Post the other Dayziee fuck vids
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I know theres some wins of her around she just looks the part
Bump for more Syd
Bump for B.Dietz
Bump for 918 wins
Bump for Tayl0r B0lay
Any videos of Syd out there?
Any more sierra b?
Any one have Brittani (guccione) from poteau area?
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Some fakes of brookelthomas
Brooks got way more of some hangers than that
Bump more Syd
I hear k@ylie st@nley has an OF now anyone have the link
I second that! What is her OF?
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Here's a good one
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Broo(k) Diet(z) wins?
Any videos out there of m@dis0n m0nr03, OF is Diamonddollxoxo
that is impressive , she looks like she can throw it back
Damn! Got any more of kaylie?
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Any body got this one handy???
Still hoping for more Syd, someone be a hero
Still hoping for more k@ylie someone be a hero
We need some T@ylor S3lls from BA
someone post these boys cocks, they post our pics... lets see some t-town dicks. this can go both ways.
Post your nudes 1st and we will follow
Anyone have m@ri@h cr@ft0n?
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Anyone got real wins of 0llie?
>>27002 What’s her IG?
>>27005 0lliem0e_ but with o’s not zeroes
Any one got lucifersthot?
Shit im still stuck on how massive k@ylie st@nlys ass is
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Anyone subscribed to trinitys OF? Post some wins if so
I think I got sum of k@aylie on my other account I recognize that tattoo anywere
I got an old one of her tits on my old laptop somewhere she aint have any tats but its clearly her
cunt fucking stop
>>26378 >>26934 >Diamonddollxoxo >>26934 >>26934
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Wins of r1ssa? Used to have an 0F
Any new ?
>>26852 Anyone get the name/link to her OF??
Any poteau girls?
Bump for poteau KIM D, Hannah M, Brooke M
>>27204 >>27200 Kaylie who?
I think they were talking about k@ylie st@nley or k@ylie g1ll
Are there any videos of Syd out there?
>>26995 T@ylor sells
>>26995 I got 1 more ass pic but I don't have any true wins unfortunately. Bitch doesnt open snaps hardly
>>26373 >>27270 What’s her snap now?
>>27298 Awkprincesss
Brook Dietz wins?
>>27305 Bump
Bump taylor sells
Gonna sue me with her money. After all I’ve done to make it up. Disgusting person never speak to me again.
Brook bump
K@yli3 st@nl3y bump
Not giving up on Syd, super hopeful there are more out there
Done, I have a phone
Any wins on Lindsay Watts in Tulsa?
Let’s watts out there with Lindsay
Brittany c@storin@
Bump Syd
Brook Dietz
>>27532 Bump for Brook. Wanna see that fat cunts tiddys again
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Any wins
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Why does this keep getting deleted am I on to something she’s 24
I know there’s at least one video of Syd out there
>>27713 any wins?
Bump for poteau area anyone got Celine C or Kasidy J
Any alys parr from durant?
Help me out guys. I’m looking for the last name of a woman named Lexi. Used to work at the Holiday Inn in Miami. Prob 30 right now if I had to guess. She had a bf that hauled grain if I remember correctly.
Most people on here are incels that cant talk to girls so doubt anyone has met her or would know
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more syd
Hell yea, love Syd’s stuff. Wish there was more of her out there
>>28043 all i grabbed of syd would kill for Br3nn4 H4ddn/4liss4 3b3rh4rd
Any Sydney Smith from around Sallisaw
What’s Syd’s OF?
>>28100 I don’t think she has one, but if you’re reading this syd you should totally start one 😂🙏
>>27713 Bump
Post jenna
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Any more vids of Syd?
Brook Dietz wins?
>>28224 Got any more $$$
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any of @lex@ w
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There’s gotta be something OF something
>>28373 Is that supposed to be brook?
brook?? No
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Anyone got C@ndy? I’m trying to see them thangs
>>28380 bump
Tahlequah milfs?
Where did that butt picture of k@yli3 st@nl3y go post that back up!
Bump britt! Used to hang around her forever ago!!
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>>28425 Anything her
>>28451 Bump
Looking for more Syd
>>28451 Need some of Sam I heard see got around there’s gotta be something
who's got jessic@? she does onlyfans now, but i'd like to see her personal nudes too
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>>28426 U talkin bout tis 1
>>28451 bump
>>28494 Post some of her OF wins
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Anyone got juli@? Server at McNellie’s I know shes had/has an OF
>>28537 Know her OF name?
>>28499 Yes!! Thank you! Got anymore by chance
>>28557 It used to be Plantm1lf
>>28556 nice share anymore if ya got em!
>>28559 What's her IG name?
>>28561 Not sure
>>28451 Bump Sam
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Any on brianna rain
Any chubby or thick girl wins from the 918 area ?
Bump more syd
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>>28644 Oldies but goodies
>>27711 She sales nude on insta
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Sales on insta
>>29037 Bump
lets see her mom...
Skys mom and my snap for more vids of her, her mom and her sister are on @n0nme.tv /ok
Brook Diet(z) poteau slut?
Still bumping for more vids of Syd P
Bump Syd
Chelsea turnipsee(D)
Amb3r Hobbs Amber Frazi3r?
Still bumping for more Syd P, I’m still hopeful there’s more out there lol
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Kiri p@ige
Any FTG/Tahlequah girls? 2015-17
Any Celler Dweller wins of the bartenders? There was a Milf there.
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Moved away years ago but K. Ph1llips.
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Ka1ty is still selling?
Wrap it she’s got something again I heard
S4r4 m?
Bump S¥D P
Bump Sara
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Anyone got d@kota or her sister @utumn?
Autumn has an OF
>>29908 Got any wins from it?
>>29908 Bump for autumn wins or her OF name?
Would do anything to see Amb3r tr34t
Someone posted s4r4 M a few months ago. Repost please.
Dan43 Cl34ry. Such a hot milf.
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Who’s got Bell@ ? she's had OF etc forever
Alcohol, fights, calling people fucking pedo's, slammed doors on time and jealousy.
Who's got Rai$a B@rry?
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More Raisa B?
I’ll post some Raisa B if you got some more
I’ll post my Raisa B wins if you post some more
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Bump for more R@isa B@rry
More Raisa B?
>>29622 Damn! Socials?
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Gen R. originally from oolagah
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Trish, I think her last name is Furr now. Sand Spings/ Mannford area
Raisa /kKpsu5JN
More gen r? She’s so sexy
>>30163 Would love to know how these were gotten and how her hubby feels. If she's fucking around on him I'd rail her out.
Any more oologah girls Paytoncly
Sarah Darcy from Sallisaw?
Bump Syd P. Gotta be more out there from when she sold
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Broo(k) Diet(z) ?
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More of Gen R.>>30460
Bump more Tulsa wins
Any of one |@ureN c00k?
Any of A$h|ey Nich0le? Former cam girl and stripper
I second c00k
Is there a pic of cook?
More Raisa B?
Any wins of K@ylie St@nley??
Do any other videos of Syd P exist?
I have Raisa. Leave your email
Anyone have l@uren c?
Share Raisa in d cord.
>>29622 Is her insta kirikitten? Seems like she’s gained a lot
>>31046 What's the dcord link
cV5y7HEC Raisa
Leave your dcord name for raisa
Bump l@uren c00k
More autumn please!
>>31166 AKS please
>>31166 They removed her pics idk what up
Brook Diet(z) ?
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>>29976 whats her of?
>>31184 Ain’t this the same one that had the train ran on her in the cowboy parking lot a few weeks ago?
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Anyone have nudes of marquis Pursifull saw a post about it the other day and can’t find it now
Anyone have any wins on a girl named cailey idk her last name last I heard she’s with a guy named Tyler Pickering but I know she’s a big hoe over in Cushing Oklahoma
Looking for more videos of Syd p. Anyone have anything?
Anyone have Alicia Sparks
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Rachel Bruce by any chance?
More Gen R please!!!
Any L@ni Y@hol@ from sand springs/owasso?
Anyone got more of T@ylor $ells
I’m paying for raisa, who has it
Hell id pay for t@ylor sells too
Need more Stillwater girls fr
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Any Stella H? OSU/Tulsa
I’m pretty sure she sells
Bump Syd p
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Al3x B. Tulsa area
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More of Al3x B>>31809
Need K@yla MçQuigg
Any wins of K@ylie St@nley?!? She’s been mentioned on here a few times but no wins yet. 🙏
>>31908 Just ask her exs im sure they have some or ask them to post them
Bump!! I’m dying to see K@ylie St@nley >>31908
Sara M¢3ver? Saw them awhile back
Bump more T@ylor s3lls
Megan Bell 2 hour long video cant post
>>25572 Any wins on j@ime c0dy g@ge???
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You mean Kaysie J? I’ve shit loads of pics and vids.
Bump for the vids of kasey J
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More Kaysie pics. Will post vids when someone posts H@¥ley ¢0llum wins.
>>32208 share!
Any one have J0? she had an OF but no more. name on OF was M00np0wer?
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Ashley M0nroe?
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Brook D.? Any wins?
Any V1r1ynn ?
$n0w sisters? M3g@n or J0rd@n
>>32455 bump
>>32334 Bump for Brook D.
Who’s got Taylor sells?
>>32466 bump
>>32478 Bump
>>32475 BUMP 4 Kyler
>>32663 love famuly giy i kill you! haha stewie hilarious
She used to give them out like crazy
What is her Username on onlyfans?
>>32855 It was spookykunt, but I think she deleted a while ago
Claire fugate?
