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TULSA 02/06/2024 (Tue) 01:21:41 No. 26724
Let’s see the other Dayzie fuck vids
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There she is, what a hot slut. Post some of the other fuck vids hero
Bumpo for this bareback fuck slut
Bump for more Dayzie fuck vids. Shes such a slut they are out there
I think one of her exs is on here posting, or she posted wins somewhere else. Where? Or post all you have hero
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We need these vids
Bump for pic dump…
Bump for the other fuck vids :)
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Such a sexy whore, hangs at Arnies
Leave her alone… y’all couldn’t bang her even IF you had the money.
>>27537 I don't want your gross fucking step daughter
I heard at Arnies, it's only like 200 my guy
ugly pussy
It’s a delicious pussy
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Bump for more new vids or pics
tg @likeesaved
Does anyone have her sister Daphne? Ran around with her for a bit in Tulsa
Is she out fuckin dudes again? Did she break up with that guy?
Yah they broke up a while ago. He's the one dropping some of the videos I think
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Her sister Daphne has content out there. If anyone can find it, I'll post the other bj and fuck vid of Dayzie
Oh post the BJ and other fuck vid!
>>27885 Candyman
bump Daphne!
Holy shit did we just find the hotter sister?? Bump Daphne!
New Dayzie pick to bump Daphne since we don't have nudes yet
>>27904 is that a username? What app?
I wouldn't say Daphne is the hotter..
She may not be hotter, but its hot to have both sisters nudes in one forum. Bump this milf
Yah but if Daphne wins gets dropped the other Dayzie vids get dropped. I want to see Dayzie sucking ad fucking more
Dayz fucks for money I heard, post those other vids!
Bump for the vids
>>27938 How much?
Bump for Daphne pics
I dunno what feels worst seeing my pics on here or being called the uglier sister 🥲
>>27972 If it makes you feel better, I think you're the hotter sister and I'm still trying to find your pics. Mind helping us out? Kinda hot you're on here too lol
>>27972 Oh whatever girl you’re hot af obviously
>>27972 Start an 0nlyfans
I'm good on ya
Lose a couple pounds, shave the bush, grow out your hair, and you will look hotter than Dayzie
>>27972 i think u are the hotter sister
Bump Daphne with the weight and bush. She's a fuckin milf
Go ahead and drop those other Dayz fuck bj vids. I’ll be at Merc later
>>28024 No clue what that means bub
bump daphne
Bump for daphne
No one has more Daphne, if you have some Dayzie, post em up hero
Let the good times roll
Bumpity bump
Let’s not forget
Bump daphne
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Post full video to get full video
>>29518 Full video please!!
🙏🙏🙏 bump!
Waiting for her sisters wins to drop before I drop full videos
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>>29518 this one?
>>29547 That's not the full one...
Oh? Tell us more about what vids are out there
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M@ddison she talked to me and my homie awhile back
>>29738 Whats the last name
Looked it up it’s br@cken send back wins
Bump for new vids/pics dayzie
bump for more m@ddisen
Maddison has their own board. I'm trying to see dayzie sucking more dick
^^^^^ facts ^^^^^
Sara M¢3ver? Someone posted awhile ago
