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salem 07/24/2024 (Wed) 01:27:54 No. 14474
Need a good thread for our capital babes, too many spread out in other threads
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Got a few of her, anyone else got anything new from McKay hs, around 2012-2018?
Does Courtney sell or have a fan page?
>>14520 Which one? F used to have OF but 'retired', and I think H sells, but she doesn't have any links posted
c0urtney h3ns13y Does she sell? Have of? Where can I find the links?
>>14524 No, but I have more, if you have anything to post
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Les1ie M@rshell
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Cristi when she sold on SC.
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K@yl33 v@nc3
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>>14512 More c0urtn3y H
>>14532 Any more of her? That 0F link is dead
>>14534 Moreee court H
>>14536 Quit beggin and post somethin
A couple of m!$ty w@ts0n, but they aren't the most flattering. She's a babe though, if anyone has any more
D3st1ny B@$h@m
>>14534 Any nudes of her sister M@K33n@?
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Any wins on this ginger
>>14546 Defiitely, n0tr3mym@rt!n is her fan page, still active
>>14545 Not that I've seen, I'd be very interested tho
>>14546 Some from her insta, same name as her OF. She's thicker than she used to be, but its her
>>14535 I wish. She still might be selling but not sure
>>14531 Anymore?
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Any More of F@!th
Bump for R0$y L
shes got plenty almost nudes on her tumblr, but anyone got some real wins?
>>14539 Huge slut there’s definitely more out there
>>14576 Another one that used to have a bunch in tumblr, but deleted them
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Wins before she left? Love to see her nude
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Kaylie please!
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Anyone buy her 0nlyFans when it was out? She deleted shortly, i wanna see those tits
Name? OF link
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P!meye to find wins ^
Bump more wins
Anyone have any M1$ty L3w1s(madden name B00n3) would love to see this milf
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katgrisham on insta and kattttgrisham on snap... I've been wanting to see her tits for years..
Bump! Any wins
>>14650 Bump
Any nudes of her? Stripper in Salem
>>14738 Bump this sexy milf
Bump Kittkatty22 dc0řđ for share
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Anyone ever get more of her? Jerk off to those tits for years
Who has Monique Wagner stripper name was Hannah
Any Kimber Collin’s wins she loves cock
Brianna Burrell bartend at freeloader she got huge tits I need to see
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Who’s got wins of this methhead and her friends E1ena Eastw00d
Bump, use to talk to here a while back. She has nice titts. Lost the pictures on my old phone
Bump for more salem wins
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>>15168 Bump any wins
>>15159 She had amazing tits I agree and the Batman tattoos on the back of her legs. She’d let me fuck her in the ass for a pill or two. Filled her ass full of cum. I had a video I need to find it
>>15168 More from her insta
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Gotta have wins
>>15181 Bump for nudes
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Please tell me theres nudes of her.
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Wins out there for all of them S@brina Tr1shia,K3ls,Tr1shia,Br1@nna,@shley
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Wins let’s go Salem
>>15195 She had some milkers when she was pregnant
>>15197 I've wanted to see Ashley naked for so damn long
Bump any more McKay wins? 15-18
Alright my Salem people let’s make someone’s day let’s all post a pic or video from a girl you think we might know! We all know that one girl who goes home with anyone
Ly$$@ J34N? Any wins, Beaverton
Bump any wins?
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got some of her from 0F, but I unsubbed shit was too expensive
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Anyone got her? Had some lewds on insta a while back
That's a god teir pussy ngl
>>15303 She's got more on 0F, but I'm not paying f50 for it da ddyy _ girl (no spaces)
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Who has M0e
>>15297 Bump
Anyone know the cute budtender at niceguy N!na. Shes so fuckin hot everytime I see her
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Ivy, had/might have OF pretty hot milf.
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Who’s got Sabr1na bartender All Stars Keizer and Johnny’s Salem she def has wins
>>15309 Bump
>>15452 Let’s expose this chick! She’s all about the dick cheated like crazy on my boy. I know for a fact she has wins out there. Do it for all of us who were cheated on!!!
only win I have of her, snagged it from her Tumblr before the purge. Anyone have more?
Mods deleted, repost 3m S!lby without her name all typed out and they should let it stay up
>>15464 What was the tumblr?
Bump these two anyone got nudes? Lŷnd$3y U R@v3n G
>>15480 ohmigodihateyou It's still up, but the pic is gone I'm pretty sure, along with the rest
>>15483 God I’d love to see L1nds3y
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Any wins on Hayley?
Anyone from West Salem have Emma Pettit? She fucked so many dudes someone has nudes i bet
>>15432 J@z F!$ch3r (formerly L@co$t3)
Anyone got Kylee Roch… from Salem
Bump for her. Any nudes?
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Anyone have d@idra @lman??
>>15452 Bump this hottie She’s u
Who wanna to exchange pics?
>>15603 You can find me on 📞gr@m I’m down
Anyone got Bay? Moved to Montana but lived in salem.
>>14474 C4rm3n M? big slut used to sell as l0v3lyluci4s
Is there a 📞gr@m for OR girls?
>>14509 We need more!!
Je$$ic@ M@rt1nez
>>14474 any dutch bros hoes?
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j@ylynn B Anyone got more?
Bump Salem Any nudes of this slut?
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Anybody have P3yton P3terson? Would LOVE to see her tits.
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K3lsi3 R434NN?
>>14509 Bump
>>15069 Bump for wins
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Bump any wins?
Anybody got anything?
Bump need more salem wins!
Bump for wins!
I posted on here M@rti N0rt0n and now the pictures are banned wtf. Any care to explain??
>>15864 full @? She is Filipina?
>>17022 as stated in other threads these guys have nudes of girls they don’t want shared. Pretty lame. They keep them for themselves or you have to buy that premium anon shit. Not sure if it works tho and may be completely wrong.
Anyone have any J@slin Fl3ming?
>>17024 Got the same shit when I posted asking about Er!k@ R0byn. Banned like 3 times in a row.
>>17023 filipina yah. @ j@ylynn3lis3 no special characters
>>17128 No special characters or numbers in the s
Bump @ry@nna dumb slut gotta have some nudes
Any wins of J@yde?
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Does anyone have ROs3 $uderm@n (Turn3r) Use to work at w3ndy$. A little ugly but I bet she has nice tits..
>>15069 Bump Any Hero’s got wins?
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I know there’s Wins of these 2
I have S@brin& if anyone has J0hnn@
Post S@Brian I’ll post J0hnna
>>17353 I have been dying to see those tits. I have J0hnn@s fat ass. And a video of a guy doing a line off it post San and I’ll drop it all and those tiny tits
>>17347 BUMP
>>17347 Where the Wins at guys? Or was you just acting like you had shit
>>17388 What is that
Damn I knew it was to good to be true for S@brin@ been trying to see that one for years.
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>>17347 BUMP
Found this, but it would let me open. Does anyone have Bri3113 W?
