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Any Franklin high 07’-11 Anonymous 09/06/2022 (Tue) 19:49:42 No. 3172
Gotta be some out there
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What happened to the other thread?? My Linh
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Ann s
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De@nn@ L
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3lena something
>>3374 Got Anymore?
Any more of el3na? Sh3vchenko
>>3562 Yes
(70.29 KB 674x639 IMG_20191019_071715.jpg)
Anyone know if M@ndi is on Twitter or OF?
>>3668 Xoethehoe, xoechampagne, CakezCloudy on Twitter. Last one was also name of OF.
>>3694 Yeah, those are all dead and I was hoping her current socials
Not allowedly long shot but looking for k33ly Gilb3rt
Any Mary Alice T? Tiffany p? Melody w33d? Savanna l1al?
>>3172 Bump
How about r3b3cca @nders0n? She was class of like 08?
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Her body 😩😩😩😩
>>4049 Who's this?
>>4049 >>4112 Oh, I see now. I actually have more
Bump more FHS 09’
Bumps sav L!@L
This could use a bump
Crly rubenstahr
>>3562 >>4049 >>4157 Any of her sister?
A bump
>>4047 Did she ever post getting fucked or anything with a dude?
(86.54 KB 640x1136 IMG_20191019_071706.jpg)
>>5294 There was a video of her being peed on somewhere...
Anymore girls from 06-07??
Anyone got any from '11-'15
>>7883 Seconding this
(267.05 KB 2208x1242 Photo Jun 09, 8 07 53 PM.jpg)
>>9169 Any current whereabouts on this one? Haven't seen her around in years
I'll have to try to find it later, but I have pix of Bi@nc@ L0p€z's huge tits. I should also have M@ri Dik@, K@t@r!n@ Y€€, and M!r!@m 0p@l V0. I will check once im back home
>>9449 That would be crazy
>>9598 Dang, who's booty is that?
(615.86 KB 1769x1348 20160101_061408.jpg)
>>9559 Got mor but heres B!@nc@ to start
Anyone have any or S!3rr@ w3@th3r3ll
>>9619 Dude! I’d love to talk to you on another platform if you wanted to. But I love it so far
>>9624 Anyone know of a better spot to meet and swap pics?
>>9449 Bump
Bump. Would post more if others shared too
>>9852 Mine keep getting taken down
There used to be an Oregon group but I think it died out.
Anyone have her
>>10133 I would love to see her too
No more class of 11, 12, 13, or 14? I used to fuck n!c0le y!p but don't have any pics anymore
>>10406 She was so hot. She's even hotter now
>>9449 Dying for you to post more
>>10551 Yea she's sexy as fuck. She gives really good head too
Any class of 04-06? I lost my collection
Any one have Hanna Jackson?
tried to share some class of 09 earlier and all my posts keep getting deleted, sorry gang, this site does not love its members.
>>9449 If you’re still on here it’d be awesome to find a way to contact each other
Anyone have her OF?
>>12155 You got other places you wanna talk?
>>14362 Name it if you got more
>>3247 fuck yeah! any more?
I know some of her exist out there. Need it!!
>>16595 You got somewhere to talk? I used to know her
BUMPPPP Anyone got her??
