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South Eugene Anonymous 09/27/2022 (Tue) 21:38:38 No. 3486
anyone got any South girls? Especial 08-13
Hun73r st3rk3l I have more
Post them up! any raine elliot?
I’ll post if y’all post
More please
Bump for hunter
Got more of Jade s post more of hunter s
rachael w
More hunt3r Keep posting and you’ll get more
Drop a vid of hunter
More hunter and her friends I got Lu b
Sahale, graduated 2015, got a whole folder of pics and vids
>>3544 Have any of her B/G content?
Unfortunately not, I got a mega link a while ago, probably before she did that
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Marcelle M
Marcelle was a big deal when I went there, thank you for sharing that
>>3648 do you have anything from other girls from that time?
They also have Heather H from Eugene on their site, along with a few others.
I think their website is down, do you have anything saved?
Here are some screenshots of “Nicole” aka Marcelle
I found a link to more of “nicole,” just don’t know how to go about sharing it
>>3709 not sure how you can post links here
Here is Heather H (Goes by “Aubree” in shoot) from the same site. Not sure what HS she went to, but a notorious sloot in the Eugene area.
Anyone got anymore of Rachel W?
Would love to see more of Rachael
Can’t find old spam Rachael thread, but there was definitely more
bump for rachael, would love to see more
Any of autumn? Or Annie Holvey?
Bump for autum G
Any L1nds13 K0ngs0r3?
any 2013 kerry s or claire t?
Luna Adkinson? Big titty pale thot she broke up with her bf and there are nudes floating around
gonna need t4yl0r g1rard, 2011 ish
Bump for Luna and taylor
Bump for Taylor G. I have Lorelei P. If anyone has Maya B. or anything from 04-08
>>4767 pleeeeease post lorelei
bump for Luna A
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bump for luna
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anyone got 2011 wins?
Kayla H?
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Anyone have Brit
>>3486 Found a trove of m3cc@ rr aka m@i 3mer@ld for 09-13 that ill post in a bit Curious about vids of rachel whited and @nni h0lv
>>8670 anyone have rachael vids?
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>>9201 She’s hot. Got any vids?
>>9201 got any videos? She’s been selling again recently heard she has sextapes and toy videos
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>>9438 It’s not working for some reason
>>8670 Would love to see m3cca
Anybody have sirena or Guadalupe Gonzalez? Huge slut fucked a lot of white boys.
Any water polo hoes? I know Colleen used to fuck a black a guy
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does anyone know this dirty slut? she fucked over my homeboy. and she lives in stanfield/hermiston oregon
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Anyone have Y()()nj1n K1m? Class of 2006-2008ish. Asian slut, fucked around a LOT.
Luna adkisson! Works for Eugene recreation never wears a bra
>>12202 have any of her?
Bump this back up
>>10703 bump
Bump for more jade
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any Kels3y L!n
Bump for more britt!
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racha3l w
bump for any 2009-2013
Any waterpolo or swimming leaks? I know a couple thots like to get passed around
Lauren deets? Strips in Portland love money
Bump for Luna
🔥 Jade tt. vg/anonib
>>16995 Luna that graduated around 22? I fucked her
Do you have anything? >>17000
Lauren Deets does indeed sell anyone ?
looking for luna a
>>3513 Bump
