/rmw/ - Rate my Wife

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Anon 12/22/2024 (Sun) 08:52:57 No. 24139
What do you think?
10/10 very sexy you got more?
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Who wants to cum on my slut wife?
>>24344 I would smash her into the mattress till she cums.
She loves being held down with a hand over her mouth
>>24349 In that case I would strip her first and slap the shit out of her ass, and then push her face into the pillow and cover her mouth with my hands, as I fuck the shit out of her pussy from behind. Show moreee
>>24344 is she in at being dominated and becoming rough even she is unwilling ?
latina shorter. me/chan1
She loves being dominated
Dumb fucks keep posting same shit and asking same stupid shit evidently ain't yours and 2 she's slap wore out post someone else or just don't post at all
You sound sad :( I’m sorry for whatever you’re going through
>>24437 I feel sad for the pathetic fuck who is posting these poor fuck don't know any better
If you left me alone with her I’d impregnate her
Bump, love to see more
Bump, face pics?
