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Anonymous 01/27/2025 (Mon) 03:08:01 No. 23809
Any Aberdeen wins? I especially want this girl Violet. Slept with plenty of men, so I know there's nudes out there. Maybe more.
Fucked this girl Brooke/Brooklyn once and she was pretty easy but I wanna see her naked again does anyone have or know?
Anyone have Rach3l Dav!e from bod?
Don't have the nudes but got another pic of V10l3t from her ig that might be more recognisable and one from Br00k3's ig that I just find hot. You can tell she's a whore from the body.
I'm shit with shortened placenames, Bod? I know a Rachel but idk if it's the same one.
Yeah I fucked Br00k3 as well, no nudes but such a hot slut. Would love to hear other stories or see her named again. Great blowjob whore.
>>23877 post photo of her see if its the same one
This Rachel? I know she's a whore too. Mostly know uni sluts and clubbers myself though.
>>23890 Ahh no different person.
L0is S1mps0n? Heard she had an OF
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Goes by Aur0ra online
bump for v10l3t 😍
lmao pretty sure I fucked that brooklyn girl too was a hazy night tho great whore if it was her nice and tight
T4nya S
