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Bristol Notreallyhere 11/10/2022 (Thu) 21:12:02 No. 7576
Any Bristol girls? Looking specifically for girls around Paulton/Midsomer Norton
ha, small world yeh I have some, who you got?
Anyone have any J3mim4 B3nn3tt or K8ty Jo5lyn
Any Kingsw00d milfs?
Bumping for Gabby Byrne / Ella Vickery / Kara Dimery
>>7576 Anyone has an alt girl called 3mily? used to live in bristol, moved up north
(66.46 KB 720x540 1507571095946.jpg)
Bristol uni girl a few years ago, any more?
>>8974 did she used to go out to the fleece alot??
>>8995 no idea mate, very possibly. Just hoping there's more out there!
anyone Cara james?
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Any Natalie w from Peasedown ?
>>9608 She looks "familiar" didn't know she was from Bristol. name?
Definitely not from the uk she’s American 😂
She's one of the rg sets. Ot was called Tanya but I never seen her deets. Absolute classic. Not British
>>9608 I don’t think she’s British. The wall socket in the second pNot allowedsn’t a UK standard plug point.
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Bump for more of the above
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Anyone know this Bristol girl, someone here say she got a OF?
Sarah Taylor Bristol/Coventry
>>13050 She is perfect. Any more of her?
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More Sarah Taylor Coventry/Bristol
These nudes are that old? Any recent pics of her? What a nice slut. Shes looks fun in that video
...and they delete the video.
Bump for Sarah Taylor shes fit
The green k app to talk about this thread topic area Ukthrowaway1
Anyone know/got Scarlett Wood?
(315.50 KB 1170x1435 photo 30-08-2022, 8 36 09 pm.jpeg)
P0lly B anyone?
>>13050 Thats Sarah Leanne Taylor. Lives in Coventry now.
(131.14 KB 960x960 24176216.jpg)
>>13050 More of Sarah
Anyone have more? Or where I can find more?
>>14059 It’s down
>>14060 Which is that?
Any Erin calla.....gh.....an
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more on her?
any M4ddi L4n3? Massive slut
>>14054 More more more more
>>13050 Sarah is perfect. More of her?
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>>14054 I want to find more shit like this. Cute teen stuff.
>>13050 Don't be shy, link Sarahs socials
>>14452 Any more
Any more of kirsty
any m4ddie f?
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Megan O'L
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>>12784 Any of her friend?
MILF Was Keynsham now Bristol
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Any charlie?
>>15032 dear lord more good sir, what an ass
>>15030 Her friend does have a onlyfans, dont know her username?
>>15135 share the username?
>>15155 Jennital
>>15156 >>15030 Correct spelling? That user is neither of them.
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>>15030 Her friend is thicc 🍑
(1.13 MB 2400x2000 1693402694365.jpg)
>>15030 >>15030 Her friend is a slut
>>15183 That's hot. Any nudes?
>>15188 No do you got anything her other friend?
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>>15208 Bunch of whores
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>>15238 What an Incel comment!
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Any Keeley
>>15006 Bump
any Alice S? went to redcliffe
>>15243 Anymore of her
>>15030 >>15030 Anyone got nude of these two slut
Anyone got 4ndy l4ngley?
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Ellie B, does anyone have her nudes?
Elin-i ? went to bristol uni
Any Claudia? Tcc_claudia. Always posting that’s she’s selling but never seen anything
>>15162 I have nudes of C
>>16788 Post here or post a link then?
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>>16788 You really have nudes of C?
>>16797 Oh fuck! Amazing. Anymore?
>>16819 Yes I have more but waiting someone post >>16788 >>15162 >>15183 >>15208 >>15243
(561.52 KB 541x800 PSX_20231121_095733.png)
>>16805 Shares her nudes on tinder
>>16849 Why you just post nude then?
>>16843 Please mate
Kelly Smith? Bit of an emotional back in the day not sure if still
Please more of Ellie b. I’m obsessed with that body
>>16843 Please share more of ellie
>>16849 >>16849 Come on pleasure share of Claire
Kazz D?
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bump for ellie
>>16849 >>15208 Any more of Sarah T
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Olivia A
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Any 3va Reg4n?
>>16843 Please
(1.20 MB 3438x4336 1703430433087.jpg)
>>17535 She really is a cumdump. When we went on a date she was drunk after 2 drinks and was barely conscious. I just used her holes and left.
>>17287 Really, did you take any photo of her naked?
(1.00 MB 2703x4809 1704921021196.jpg)
Any K4l3y Dursl3y?
>>7576 Anyone got V1ck Sm1th? Lives in hartcliffe
Any z03 4llw4rd kingsw00d?
Any rebecca risdale?
Anyone got Danielle R
>>16797 More of Ellie before this thread dies? Please please please
(169.88 KB 828x868 IMG_9592.jpeg)
Ellie. Need more of her nudes.
(88.54 KB 750x1334 IMG_8715.jpeg)
>>17947 OP still keen
>>18440 More more more more more. PLEASE!!!
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Anyone L@uren H@wkins nudes? Sells on insta.
>>19150 Whats her ig?
>>19150 More Lauren!
(157.88 KB 960x956 FB_IMG_1711648790912.jpg)
Traze J
(115.97 KB 828x828 PicsArt_10-06-10.29.02.jpg)
>>19301 Traze and her sluts friends
(819.84 KB 2304x4096 Utool-20240330-130544608.jpg)
>>19150 Bump
>>16797 >>16797 Oh wow. Got more?
Natalie Wynne from Peasedown St John
Any CJ ( ch4rlie jo3) Bristol/w3ston
(1.36 MB 1006x1512 Screenshot_20240607-064452.png)
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Katie w
Do you fucking idiots know you're supposed to be posting naked women here?
any J3mim4 B3nn3tt
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>>20922 Anymore of Claire
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>>20256 Shut the fuck up. Also, K A, not from Bristol but says she is and lives there.
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anyone know her?
>>14054 Who is she?
(854.73 KB 1079x1436 Screenshot_20240904_144306_X.jpg)
Shan, Bristol goth slut
>>21710 Is there anymore of her?
Any H4nnaH Clark3?
>>21137 Bump she’s hot
any more UWE girls?
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(80.87 KB 1080x1920 11.2.jpg)
>>21911 Any nudes?
Used to be rumours about a woman called R4che1 Ch3cksfie1d having wins out there (used to be called coastergirl online, apparently) but never saw anything. Anyone know anything? She's from Thornbury.
Any1 got an Artsy chick in Bristol named chelsea or tara ?
Any Are$ Fr@nco, goes to Bristol uni
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>>16849 Please post Claire
Anymore l@uren h@wkins? Heard she used to sell
(75.94 KB 469x471 IMG0 (1).jpg)
>>22195 Any more of Claire
We need more Ellie
Any ff10n d4v135? Chippenham/Bristol?
Anyone have these three: Emily thom@s/lolly Spencer Evie templ@r M@isie Horton
anything more on h0lly m3@ch4m?
(113.64 KB 1024x1028 IMG0 1.jpg)
Here much better version of Claire
Anyone have katelyn Bryant or jasmine gill
She recently started an Allthingsworn account under the name Tigerlily97 Allthingsworn.com/profile/Tigerlily97
>>16797 Someone has more surely. Please share
>>22433 Katelyn from S0uthmead? Would luv too see.
>>22496 Yeah, would love to see more s0uthmead sluts
Needs me some wells whores
>>22497 Who you got from S/mead?
>>16797 >>16843 Bro you’ll be waiting forever lol. Please share what you have of Ellie
UWE? 4my Wh3ttingst33l?
Anybody got Kate Marr or Ruby price?
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Anybody got wins of teachers? Looking for Coth@m and m0nks p@rk/0rch@rd.
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Someone has €mm@'s tits?
(87.80 KB 750x1334 IMG_8715.jpeg)
>>21710 Does this girl have any nudes out there?
Any wins on these girls? Emi1y co1e Georgi@ Porter J@de B1iss 1@uren P1ummer
>>23102 Issy who?
>>13052 This Coventry bitch... Sarah Leanne Taylor. She went to uni in Bristol.
>>23148 M****y? Add k: SWSom
Any Sh3nna B frm Filt0n?
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Anyone got wins of 1ucy white or bèssy wilcoxs
Any Evie Curtis?
>>23432 Evie's ass is godly
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Anyone got any more of this milf Natalie B
>>22079 Need more of her, damn
(762.03 KB 1362x1908 image-1.jpg)
anny emm4 g? went to uwe
>>23443 We ever get any Evie? She’s so hot
Anyone got wins of k@tie Lutton or sinead Healey?
>>23447 See her on Tinder all the time, funny seeing her on here!
Anyone got wins of l@uren Hughes or h0lly Bailey?
Nadya jabbar she has a sex tape out there
>>12784 Any nude of Sarah T
Any sammy gilder?
Anyone got any 3llie d0wning? Loves abit of bbc
C@ra or D@isy wins? Twins from Bradley Stoke
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This girl had an of and reddit that was pretty lucrative. Anyone have any vids?
(390.49 KB 1539x2048 IMG_2195.jpeg)
OF deactivated years ago. Username Cherry-rose. Used to go thekla club in bristol
>>16797 Still desperate to see more of Ellie
Anyone got any Georgie, aka trixiemae7x trinitytempts trixiemaepixie
>>23862 holy shit she works at bristol nuffield gym, her name is bella dring
Anyone got any of @r@ W1ls0n
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>>23862 (B)londespice(e) on onlyfans, she’s not active tho. have some vids, will try find them. Anyone got anything else on her?
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>>24432 Nice! Would love to see videos if you have them, can only see pictures on Reddit. She’s stunning!
neeeed more of her please
>>16797 More please
