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Gig harbor 05/09/2023 (Tue) 16:50:01 No. 11855
Anyone have any girls Gig Harbor?
>>11856 That chick w/ the glasses is fire. Anymore?
There’s gotta be some of Z0y@.
>>11859 B@i1ey J0hns0n. She is a slut. I think she’s into crazy anon conspiracies too.
>>11868 went to hs with her fuck yeah any nudes?
Here’s H3ll0K i ko. Used to live in GH.
B R I. Lives in Tac now but from Gh.
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GH local anyone have more?
>>12201 Initials?
>>12278 Rhymes with?
anyone have r 0$e y ar0n ? had an onlyfans and worked as a bikini barista
Anyone got Jenn P class of ‘10 used to love this wh0r3 growing up
Here 4shl3y B. Anyone have A1ex last nm H 4 Ck Man
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L31ght0n 8 posted this on insta awhile ago. Anyone have anything else from the 07-09 class? >>12355 Last name rhymes with?
>>12279 Last name rhymes with Ball Recognize?
>>12365 Ooh more if you have! Had a fat crush
M3lani3 F
>>12476 Married name F? Does she have butterfly tattoos on her arms?
Anyone have 01Ivi@ T@¥-0R?
Anyone have K@t1e Kr@ft
>>12929 have a bunch on another hard drive will post later looking for more from that year at PHS
any lela k?
Bump for k@t1e
Bump K@t1e
>>12929 lmk if u want more
>>13761 I think we all want to see more!
I wanna see more bitches from PHS 08, 09, 10 i'll post all the K T i got an also some R3b3cc@, Br33, etc in return
you guys have any c@ss 1 e m co 2019
Anyone have k@1l3y f@rr@r
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>>13862 Have anything to share?
>>13950 Here’s T0R1 W4r700th (forgot her actual last name lol) Went to Ghhs for a bit. Would have been class of ‘10
>>13981 Need more, where is this from?
>>13999 Used to have a of but these were on her x.
found @n@st@si@ g
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>>13799 >>13761 More wins of K T. She was posting nudes on her FB today. Didn't get them all.
>>16090 sheesh, wish I had her facebook
>>16091 It's not hard to find. Just search K@t1e Kr@ft on FB. She's got a lot of wins out there if you look for them.
>>16094 Don’t she’s nasty her and her boyfriend scam people out of money. Plus she’s got some stds
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>>11855 Can't remember this bitchs name but think she graduated 07
>>16116 Don't want to stick my dick in her just want some wins
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br33 b
>>16138 Fuck yeah my dude!
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C@r1y rhymes with B@rker Anyone got anymore K@y F?
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>>11855 This page is poppin off!
>>16139 Holy shit anymore? She was so hot!
>>16211 naw i fucked her once but she was stingy as hell with nudes or anything
please tell me someone has more wins
anyone from co 19?
>>16144 What else does it rhyme with? On ig?
>>16308 Lol are you dumb? Wtf else do you think it rhymes with?
>>16219 >>16139 shiiiit bump i know her! anyone got more?
On her facebook name rhymes with Fonna anyone got more wins?
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GHHS 17 - did OF anymore wins?
>>19874 Name?? OF name?
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>>20235 3maSc0tt OF
There is a MILF at the Starbucks in the Target named @my, who is realy flirty, and aparently used to model when she was younger. She just left her husbvand and seems hot to trot. Any current or past wins would be awesome.
re: Starbucks Ya gotta give us a pic to work with here.
Any wins of this big tittied hoe Courtney?
Any good OF in the harbor?
>>20831 You seem to know alot about her...
Bump for Gig Harbor There's got to be more
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>>21824 This M@ ddy?? Got any more?
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>>12201 anyone have more?
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K@ati3 B
^^That last photo snuck in there. Not her.^^
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@im33 j, all I have
Any newer gig harbor? T@yl0r mcgh33 or that class
>>22128 She's such a hot doped up slut. Do you have any more?
Here’s a couple of n1c0l3. I know she’s got more somewhere but this is all I got that’s any good.
>>22565 Got any more of her or any of her sisters? I used to know her years ago.
>>22572 That’s all I’ve ever seen from her. I fucked her a few times but I’ve never seen any other pics or vids. Apparently there’s some floating around of M4r14h. I had heard her ex took pics of her while she was sleeping, but I’ve never seen them.
>>22585 M4r14h was always the slutty one. Hopefully the pics were from before she blew up. I’d like to see those
>>22587 They aren’t. Idk if there are pics before she blew up but when I heard about those pics getting taken it was only like three years ago. She did used to have a nice body back in the day.
>>22604 Yall talking about this m4r14? OF .com/mis_ria
>>22620 Nope
>>22623 Ah gotcha. Well she's also from gig harbor
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>>22106 anyone got anymore? heard she sent out alot
>>22684 Name? Socials?
>>22694 recognize? ky133 first name
>>22703 Definitely recognize
