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Badb1tchzozo Zoe Ducorsky Anonymous 10/04/2022 (Tue) 03:14:50 No. 31808 >>51991
So her Not allowedchat and insta have been Scamed and there should be some juicy material floating around
For the love of god someone please be a hero any deliver
Where did you obtain this information OP?
Holy fuck. Someone please tell me they acquired those videos. Will pay. organize it bros
Ya she posted on her ig that she was Scamed waiting for the seller to come out so I can buy em
(112.89 KB 960x1280 photo_2022-10-02_01-41-01.jpg)
Pleeeeeease post it. Can die happy after seeing those tits
Do you have these? Or u just found this pic somewhere?
>>31813 What makes you think that even if you pay you will get it? LOL
Be careful, as far as I know the guy with those previews and that has the nudes is a huge scammer and hoarder, he's never in a million years going to post them or give them to you. He clearly bought them off her, which means our only chance is for someone generous to go buy from her and post the wins. She literally has sc and venm/cashap in her bio, send $ first and let her add you, then buy.
We need her.
What makes you think she's selling content besides the Venmo link? I think its more probable she sent this to a dude that has been playing her
She's most likely just has that in their cause dumb fucks will send her money for nothing
Got her video chat and content . Serious buyers only @darealaggresor T3lle græm
You guys are never gonna see the set cause all you do is leak previews fkn idiots lol
>>31890 This is THE scammer I was talking about, stay away from him. He will scam you and will never send, even if he actually had wins.
Aaaaw looks like the scammer showed up. How much have you made so far you little rat?
If this derp would have an ounce of intelligence he would plaster these previews all over the internet with his [Private trading not allowed]grem handle over her tits so buyers would come to him instead of him having to panhandle forums
>>31814 >>31865 >>31899 So I don't get it. The "scammer" got Zoe to forward content and he didn't pay for it and is now trying to scam others? Or he legit bought from her directly and is now scamming others to which he continuing to buy directly from her with the scammed money?
The >>31898 You a salty bitch lol thank god I didn’t send shit to u I know ur hurt and All u bums aren’t gonna see shit get the content from her urself
>>31865 >>31898 >>31903 See ? That's what i'm talking about, this mf spends almost 16 hours a day trying to scam people into sending money to the thots he's buying from, literally a no lifer. Imagine reaching 80 years old, I bet it's not that far away, and then realizing he's spent 40 years of his life scamming people to get wins from tiktok chicks and that instead he could have used all that money to get some real pussy instead.
>>31906 Ur such a pussy lol why didn’t u tell me all this on NO PRIVATE - HERE u probably people like u are people I don’t sell to ur just born stupid
>>31907 I'm not the one who keeps running away mf. Actually Delusional
This t&l&gram dude is special needs
Doubt he bought direct from her. Probably leaked from someone else or from a Not allowed. She doesn’t sell privately. Or if she does, it’s only to a very, VERY, small group of clien[Private trading not allowed] and isn’t looking for any new buyers
if you're truly determined to find wins, then the best way to get them is to start DMing boys she's pictured with on social media/anyone you may think has fucked her and try to buy from them instead. if they don't have anything, offer them a finder's fee for referring you to anyone who does.
>>31913 Not related to this chick but do you think this is the best method for getting wins? Or would being upfront and straight up asking for nudes be better. Im trying to buy off a chick with a publNot allowedg page and tons of nudes on the internet (hasnt been doxxed yet) but I don’t know how to go about it.
I’ve had great success, but don’t be cheap. If it’s some random girl who doesn’t typically sell they won’t take $20. I get stuff from a Jewish girl on TikTok on a regular basis, but I probably send her anywhere from $100-300 a week if I’m buying. If you want special access you gotta pay special price. It is best to be upfront. “This is what I want and this is what I’ll pay. Are you interested?”. Works best on girls 18-19 in my experience And I hate to tell y’all this, but if you want it to continue it is best not to leak it. If you’re one of the few she’s sending too then it’ll be found out pretty quick you’re the one who leaked it. Good hunting!
idc if he's a scammer, the fact that she sells and there is stuff out there is big
>>31921 Best way by far if you’ve already asked the girl herself and she declines to sell
>>31913 hahaha you have to be socially retarded or something
>>31944 Believe what you want but you can’t argue with results.
Someone has to have some sort of something somewhere
She must know she caught the attention of the forums because her socials went quiet
Shit went quiet probably because 30 people myself included messaged her on like 3 different platforms offering to buy shit. We won't get any results until someone decides to leak that shit above.
Good job anons, the collective dick-brained, lust fueled hivemind scares away another
so she sucks on a bottle of lotion in her bra...that's the win that is being hoarded? lol
>>32122 Nahhh there's a good amt of pics/vids, I know fs
>>32136 I call bullshit. If there were they would’ve been leaked by now
There seems to be subreddits that got taken down that could’ve possibly had her shit
Bump cuz this bitch’s tits are fat af
Super bump!
Bump. Need to see her those fat tits.
Can we just all agree that no one ever came here looking for tiktok videos? What the fuck is wrong with you retarded losers?
Anyone know if that guy selling her shit on paper plane app is legit? Darealaggresor
>>33190 99.9% scammer
>>31900 I knew she was a fucking whore
whats not allowedchat?
@sam...128 dude's a scammer, barely has anything worthwhile
Edited last time by mod1 on 11/18/2022 (Fri) 21:14:43.
>>34376 anyone have the leak?
>>34376 Stop being a fag
>>34463 >>34464 You're a legend. I know am going to sound ungrateful but apparently there's way more ? Can someone care to post the whole thing ? Need to get a good and clear view XD
>>34463 Your a real king, got anything more?
>>34487 Kill yourself.
That's all I found on her reddit so far. Both things have since been deleted as well
>>34499 someone's sensitive
Don't send money to this Jew, he's a scammer
Bump for more
>>34501 Nice, thanks bro. Was it a subreddit for her or just a random seller posting?
Her tits are nice I thought they would be disappointing like when piaceus nudes were out.. But no, pretty nice hoping for more
Need more
Bump that folder please be a hero and not a zero anon
HMU on the tgram for more @LilExtroVert
>>35392 just post them. Goodness lol.
>>35392 >>35409 He won't because he doesn't have shit, he's a scammer. Pro-tip, anyone here who posts their info claiming to have wins and wanting to hit them up is 99.99999% a scammer and will lie their ass off in order to take what they can from you.
>>35415 Confirmed scammer. Watch out boys!
Scammers who either paid way too much or aren't even the original owners of the nudes that need to feel powerful by hoarding the maybe one or two they have like imaginary currency
bump someone must have wins
BUMP this girl is fine af where are the goods c'mon now this board used to be something
Cmon yall
One day..
Bump. Someone please post.
The guy that has it will take your money after proving he has it. It’s the only way he can keep making money off it. He’s had it a long time and still has never leaked. Save your time and money.
If anyone actually -s her, let her know. She should be getting that money lol
bump cmon this girl is unbelievably hot
Come on anon bump!
We need them god damn it
We need a hero for more!
How is she Not allowed anon?
Are we gonna have more or should i just kms?
>>39699 Literally only one person on the entire planet has her set and it’s the OC, who I was told by first hand he will never share and plans to take it with him to his grave. It’s best to forget about this one and move on.
>>39721 lol yeah man, she's totally only sent nudes to one guy
Damn i found that one vid elsewhere but was hoping i could find more. Think i found one other handbra pic but in the previews it looks like theres more damn someone got lucky and got a video call with her or something? Hoping someone somehow someway gets the rest and posts them here or somewhere else i can find. Retards are telling her on her tiktok and ig lives tho that shit has been leaked of her so thats unfortunate.
>>41792 That’s not even a picture of her.
>>41793 Check the necklace on the 3rd photo you blind fucking moron. It is her.
>>42427 Lol no it’s not you stupid inbred nigger. If you put even just the slightest bit effort at all in to reverse image searching you’ll find it’s just a pic of a random cam girl…but I guess that’s too much to expect someone like you to be capable of
>>42438 You're a delusional idiot
>>42483 what's that you were saying? fucking kill yourself. Took me all of 45 seconds to reconfirm this isn't here. It's Nicole Osak, you stupid fucking nigger.
>>42485 Yeah you're definitely a complete dumbass. Keep going schizo mode, nobody cares.
>>42511 you are retarded, he absolutely fucking ethered you. you are the schizo fantasizing this OBVIOUS and PROVEN other girl as zoey
probably the most important thread i have ever seen on this site
>>42710 Best to forget about her and move on. This will never be leaked. The one guy (OC) with this set has told me personally he plans to take it with him to the grave.
>>42725 cringe
Surely someone has them and will post
>>42742 I can guarantee you no one else does other than the OC.
Bump pls
>>42663 I absolutely fucking ethered your mother's anus with my fat dick, nobody gives a fuck still
This is -philia
>>47160 genuinely difficult to know bitches will get caught selling pics and then report that they're 16 to get them taken down; then they'll go back to selling shit bc they're of age not legal advice, but if doubt, roll out. strict liability; regardless of intent
You fucking faggot virgins are turning this once great place into a simps IG wish list. I genuinely hope you all die from preventable infections.
BUMP this is the hottest girl ive seen in this site since 2013
>>47160 retard moment
Calling me a retard because im right? This is literally cp you idiot. Youre the retard here that doesnt undertstand shit. Kys
pump for the l 3 a kk s
She has a boyfriend, she`s off the streets
>>47549 who is her bf?
Dumbest looking bitch I've seen in a while. Skip the to chase incels. Where does she LIVE? Sort of reminds me of those brown duckface idiot sisters from florida.
Push for the boobs
(96.06 KB 1080x2340 1.jpg)
>>48658 Got any vids?
Show me those gigantic jugs! I'm tired of fapping to her annoying cocktease T!kt0ks
please send what you have
>>48658 fuck yeah, where's this from?
>>48920 Share
>>48922 ur insta is private and I can’t message dumbass
>>48918 Trash
(80.22 KB 1080x1860 20230804_195257.jpg)
(88.41 KB 1080x2231 20230804_195310.jpg)
(75.44 KB 1070x1844 20230804_195333.jpg)
(82.41 KB 1080x2174 20230804_192356.jpg)
found these online
>>49072 Fuck! Need to find the uncensored shit
thank you but how and where online?
wow , been looking for her n u d e s for a long time
bump bump
>>49072 Nice, knew they'd leak eventually. Keep em coming
C'mon guys! There's gotta be better leaks than the short clip of her ginormous jiggly jubblies with her annoying and ugly friend, she made it super hard to fap with that retarded cackle of hers.
>>49072 some guy on red itt says he has a t. group
>>48658 >>48927 >>49072 >>49224 None of this shit is ever leaking. There's only 1 guy that has them and he's the biggest scammer scumbag you'll ever come across. Those pictures and clip above are just previews leaked by the people he scammed. he convinced them to send money using those pictures. But no one has them and they're never leaking. Anyone here claiming to have content is lying. Sad truth.
Never say Never , at the end most times the l33ks come out !
>>49253 not true. people have been sat on shit from girls back in the y0unow/liv3m3 days for years. only reason I have a feeling Zoe's stuff comes out is that she's really popular.
>>49072 Where did you find it tho
>>49249 bro's been swearing up and down the whole thread that it's never leaking when the dam just broke lol
>>49273 socialm3diag1rls thread got wiped though
>>49332 guy on red itt has same preview on t app
Fucking leak her shit. This girl is perfection and lives near me. I even ran into her once when she was doing some volunteer work.
>>31900 >>49340 What’s the t app link
>>49467 perfection? Huh? She’s ugly AF dipstick. You betas think anything with tits is perfect SMFH
>>49493 keep seething wannabe alpha faggot, you’re the one browsing this board so you must be a degen like the rest of us. Anyways go cry about the fact you pull zero bitches and have a 1 centimeter micropenis somewhere else faggot.
>>49496 not me again, unnecessary
there are way too many scammers out right now, I’d say don’t buy off anyone when it comes to this
giga pump
>>49587 Wanna giga pump my loads on her fat massive tits lol
(1.10 MB 1284x2778 IMG_3176.png)
From some Reddit scammer :p
>>49589 Damn if hoarders would just be kings and drop the wins.
>>49589 can't wait to see those titties
>>49645 oh she had a fullllll spread on here
>>49645 Sorry man but I doubt we'll ever get to see them
I'm 100% sure the had already been l33kd , in some " Dark place " but i'm just an Anon and have no idea what - where that is ...
>>49675 i don't know what you're getting at but if you know something post the 0nion
>>49675 For real man post the fucking 0ni0n
More Zoe
>>49686 >>49707 The fuck is 0n!0n??
you`re going to have to be more specific than that
Bros, I think it's time we accept that we'll never get to see these juicy jugs, hoarders are gonna hoard and scammers are gonna scam.
Need em
Why aren't there any wins on these massive milkers!?
>>49974 there are
Patiently waiting and praying.
(134.66 KB 631x1051 IMG_1790.jpg)
You’re Welcome
>>50083 Post more or gtfo
Pretty sure I speak for everyone when I say we don't want any stupid vids or pics of her with clothes on, WE WANT HER BARE ASS AND TITS NAKED! FUCKING NUDE!
>>50083 Ty for your contributions.
Someone be a legit boss and post the full vid She clearly strips from that black shirt and black shorts
>>50096 >>50132 THIS someone FUCKING DELIVER ALREADY. How is your dumb ass going to sit on this content
>>50186 where? links been deleted
>>50186 you guys are all fucking retarded. i don't know how many times I have to repeat myself, only ONE FUCKING PERSON has this set, and that's the guy who capped it, and he REFUSES to leak EVER leak it. He told me PERSONALLY he will take it with him TO THE GRAVE. So just give up and move on.
stfu white knighting f ag no one cares the wins always drop u must be knew to this
Get lost white knighting loser , many Anons have this set ! It was in D2rk De3p w3b last years, and usally it take 1 -2 years to come to the surface
But I wanna see her naked NOW! Fuck man!
>>50315 lmao it was never on the dweb u fucking moron because OC never leaked it
>>50083 Is this part of a video? If so, please let us seeeeeeee
If only he has the set there`s a chance it`ll never come out because her daddy is a rich jew and will sue him into oblivion and have him arrested. If more than one person has it it will 100% come out, just a matter of time
I talked to guy who has them. Its absolutely hopeless. He will never share them. He is a hardcore collector and never shares. Apparently he even had the breckie hill leaks a year earlier. Seems like he is very deep in the business. He has a lot of unknown girls. Its crazy.
If he's never gonna leak it why did he make the screen shots?
>>50584 probably the only way he gets attention
>>50552 On TG? Whats his @?
any news?
Now sh3 has a venm0 !
She’s had one for a while lol
she l1ves in the waste land - dangerous city of N Y C and so if not the 0ld leks then maybe will be new ones since she walks later at night ...
>>51091 What? Her dad is rich. She lives in fucking Beverly Hills…
So Califonya that's even worse than NYC ! Rap 3 is only a matter of time in those Blue cities ...
>>51164 Correct. Stay the fuck out of my state you inbred dipshit. It's dangerous and horrible, especially Beverly Hills.
Indeed BlueAnon Soy Boi , Beverly Hills people think the 90s but if watch how it's today ! Now All shops are have closed , just homeless and illegals are around like a zombie apocalypse
Someone just be a legend!
>>51194 Your state is a soft, pathetic, liberal cotton candy world where criminals are allowed to run rampant and are set free within the same day the police force "catches" them. We'll all glady stay away from that cesspit of mental retardation and soy consuming cuckolds, like you. Fruity faggot. We should start air dropping Syrian militants into your state, that'll clean up your attitude pretty nicely.
>>51354 So which is it? Soft or full of criminals? Fuckin moron
>>51371 It's like your mom, both soft and full of criminals
>>51371 What a dumbass reply. Fruity faggoty legal system and residents who allow criminal niggers and spics to run the streets without persecution, obviously.
>>51748 Yikes you need help in a psychiatric ward
why so much talking? share or gtfo
>>31808 Bump
>>51760 "Yikes"? Go back to reddit, queer
>>52524 Can't access it, makes me fill up wack ass surveys
>>52533 Don't. bother with scamming site.. it's clickbait..
>>47239 God, you're fucking stupid. The world would be a better place if all the bitches like you just died.
>>52576 You folks who fight about miniscule bullshit on a forum like this really make these forums entertaining. Thank you :')
recently ...
>>53016 tt livestream ? Also why was she crying ?
livestream YES , she was saying that her l 3 kks have gotten out and her B F saw them and dump her ! So the question is Wher3 is that ?
It’s interesting that her nude leaks are so rare BUT her bf was sent them. It’s obvious she’s being extorted she just needs to own up and start a onlyfans or something.. take back control of her body and money.. someone in touch should tell her that
Someone Posted the on1on months ago. Anyone who had Access to it?
>>53042 >>53046 >>53048 Question is, did he see new leaks ? or was it the same old censored leaks we've been seeing for ages, or did that piece of shit that has her nudes, dm him and try to mess up her life ? Did she say any details ? Also, what the hell is this on10n that people have been mentioning ?
>>53066 Doesn’t exist because the set was never leaked, and never will be leaked. OC told me himself he’ll never share it with anyone and he just likes bragging to others about having it and making people jealous.
>>53110 Yeah no shit, he's only scams people with it. That's the reason behind my comment above asking those 3 different questions as to which leaks did her bf see.

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