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Anonymous 03/10/2025 (Mon) 23:35:14 No. 14329
cAZvNgqe5U4 3:17 100% on purpose, she's been doing more and more risky stuff
>>14329 def on purpose, some of the worst acting ive ever seen. any other good ones?
she's live again
>>14331 idiots r gonna start annoying her like others.
she just talked about it and she doesn't even care about deleting it. love this girl
Her friend has huge tits and sounds super excited talking about 'creepy' comments.
>>14339 Some of them secretly like it, but not all ofc. I've literally messaged some girls telling them I fap to their content & they still show off their bodies all the time lol
>>14339 make sure you sub to the friend, she's gonna go live too. she showed her acc at the end of one of the lives
>>14341 not the end, EYQFTTSJ3jo at 3:46 she shows it
>>14340 its human nature for most to like it. girls show off, guys want to mate with attractive girl. circle of life
How do i view this
How do I view this
>>14329 >>14359 Same. How tf do I open these
>>14362 Bro you are too damn stupid
>>14367 Well explain how if you're so smart
Just copy the code and put it in the search bar of yt
1xysERASqbk Anyone able to access tt to see if any wins?
>>14415 just use urlebird and check for yourself
>>14415 Can you not just view in an incognito window without signing in?
>>14522 I meant if anyone could access the lives on tiktok she referred to...couldnt see any.
>>14533 Good point. I need to remember urlebird for some gals I know.
>>14329 Nothing more? So cute. Seemed to be fun but stopped?
>>14668 bump
yt finally removed it before she did lol AoY5-sJplDk - NN this is just her account gf / d/ fyYdwh
>>14329 >>14750 >AoY5-sJplDk Seems to have stopped going live though. :(
>>14751 she got a copyright strike and can't go live for a while. she was on tt but her account is gone now. will update when i know more
>>14752 thanks man. any idea how long a strike lasts?
>>14753 a couple weeks unfortunately
>>14752 >>14754 rubbish :(
Are we saying her yt is suspended from streaming? Because her tt never passed the follower threshold to be allowed to stream.
>>14758 right her yt
while we're waiting for her to get un-suspended, what I really want is for her friend to stream. Yeah she was the shy one when they were together, but I think she was starting to like the attention even more in a way
