says the retard that uses cliche slang to express themselves instead of any facts or counters. Do you understand English, our reality, or the meaning of words? Or are you a retarded liberal/zoomer that thinks whoever screams the loudest and throws "shit" wins the argument? Arguments and beliefs are based on facts and evidence. So if you think it's fake, then say why or post the original. The pic is from Sept 2024.
Another tard spamming up the forum. If you think something, then say why, not random slang. Anonib used to be for win and discussion. But too many faggots, f3dz, and zoomers on their phones took over, dumbing down the site.
a YTer with big tits that likes to show off. More win exists but faggot m0dz delete because fagg0t simps reeeeeeeport because greedy je3333ws hijacked US law. Ok for boomers and j3333wz to sell teen nudity in the 80s, but if youre a teen with hormonal tits in 2025, your skin is somehow illegal.