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Br00ke M@rsd__ 07/30/2024 (Tue) 13:55:58 No. 7255
nipslip from the YT goddess Br00ke
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>>7255 yum
>>7384 full vid?
>>7387 repost what was posted. I might have it.
>>7390 The one from where the pics above come from
I've seen the pink top slip, but not the white one. Can you share it please?
It's a recent one. Plt holiday haul | very beige | hit and miss
here u go
I bet she's making stupid big money off being a little tease
Does anyone have the older ones? There are at least two more from 2023.
She needs to hit the gym and start doing some squats. Typical British chick with a pancake ass.
Unfortunately it seemed like she had a come-to-jesus talk with her parents and told her to drastically tone it done with the see-through and slips
>>8419 No, she was reported on her members video and received a strike. She risks her channel continuing to do more risky stuff cause some idiots thought reporting her would move her to OF or PT
I love that she stopped going to the gym... softer face, curvier body and gods willing, bigger boobs.
Does anyone have her 2021 swimwear vids? There were like 3-4 of them that were fine for yt but her mum made her delete them. Any wins?
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This bitch is almost worthless. No real bikini hauls until last year. No lingerie content until this year. She lets half a nip show every 3-4 months. At this rate, we'll have jet packs before she goes topless and I will be a pensioner before she does any real adult content Dx
>>9653 It's because crazy people like yourself freak out. Some of them reported her and she's not ready for the OF life. >>7437 >>7386 >>7255 There's her tits. Relax.
>>9655 She deleted content and slowrolled any PG material that could easily have been released before now. I've been waiting since 2021. She's gotten enough leniency. Time to show the goods!
anyone notic a weird coloured shape to her tit on her new vid SnSRw9zyPjQ at 4.55 too high for a nip sticker, not sure if shes hiding something else
FFS, does anyone have the deleted swimwear hauls from 2021. There were like 3-4 of them but only one is widely circulated. Some god-hero out there has to have them.
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>>9702 Anyone? ...please!
Slip in new vid HH_iMeIRHxk at 13:33 go frame by frame
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>>10757 >HH_iMeIRHxk That blue dress at 4:14 is Paizuri Dream Fuel. And they look absolutely HUMONGOUS here. I wonder if she's a DD cup by now.
you're a legend man
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>>10839 when were these? Damn
>>12565 Today in her member vid
>>12567 nice, TY! Does she have more from previous vids?
>>12567 today?? theyre from months ago
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>>13816 Which is this one from?
She is boring AF now just a heads up.
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>>13857 Huge titties are never boring. I do agree though that ppl are posting lame stuff. Wins only, please.
